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Thread: 2020 Disunited States of America Election

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  1. #11
    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I don't know how long this video will remain up given how purge happy big tech is right now but this guy friggin' gets it:

    The left/PTB are playing a very dangerous game. Like I've said, the people they're fucking with are the people they rely on. Said people also have guns and ammo for days and also comprise the grand majority of non-coms and junior officers (i.e. Captain rank and below). That is to say, the people who actually see combat and actually do the "dirty" work of war.

    Fuck with them at thine own peril. Civil war is coming ceterus paribus. Lefties/Trump haters don't seem to be able to do the math on this one. Hence, once again, I'm not at all fearful or worried. I wanted to spare my enemies, it ain't my fault if they insist that they'd rather try to kill me over accepting my olive branch...
    The USA meets every statistical graph and pattern for civil war tbh, this isn't fortune telling or spooky prediction, the data just overlaps with previous patterns right be4 civil war broke out in other places including 1861. All the signs are present.. This sucks tho as the existence of the US as a global superpower is important, if it falls it will change a lot of things.

    I'm telling you man, the Delta winter is upon the western world.. there will be secession attempts all across the west, the UK leaving the EU was just the beginning, we will decentralize and break apart. This is how nations die and new nations are born.

    ... best prepare accordingly.
    Last edited by SGF; 01-22-2021 at 04:25 AM.

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