Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
He didn't incite jack shit and you'd know it if you didn't think CNN and the like actually provide information without an agenda. Nothing he said or did was an outright incitement from the perspective of any objective observer. Provide to me the exact quote, action, order, etc. that acted as an incitement to violence upon the capital building in your eyes. You either will not or you will provide me with some BS example that won't last 5 seconds of intense scrutiny from yours truly. You got Trump Derangement Syndrome I'm afraid. Fix that problem. For your own sake if nothing else.

You can find part of the speech here. What's really insidious with Trump, in addition to all the lies he spews, which have been fact-checked again and again, is that he never outright says what he incites or suggests. Like the birther campaign thing, you probably think that was not racist, because didn't Trump didn't openly say anything racist. That's really naive, if you believe that. Just like it's naive if you believe Trump telling the truth when it comes to this election (why is he the only one spewing this bs I wonder?) and that it's naive if you believe Trump can't be held accountable for the protest, same with Guiliani, Mo Brooks, Don Jr, etc. "Trial by combat" - Giuliani is a lawyer and he knows what he can and can't say to avoid getting in trouble - all the while inciting a mob. If such words in your opinion aeren't meant to stoke the flames of an already angry crowd, maybe you can fix your naivete, if only for your own sake.