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Thread: 2020 Disunited States of America Election

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  1. #11
    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    I don't hate Trump. He's done more good than bad as a president imo, something that cannot be said about Clinton, Bush, or Obama. He's not a bad person overall imo, and I think he truly does care about our country and wants to "Make it Great" . . . but he also wants to make sure he gets the credit for that. He mentions this every other sentence. He does far too much to feed his own ego in that regard. He has some good and some bad policies. He was a far better choice than the alternatives, which is why I voted for him this time around.

    But he is a fool too, and his ego gets in the way. He's not a leader, he's a cheerleader. He just isn't. He flip-flops based on whoever last had his ear, and you have to hope that someone with sense and decency is talking in it, or else he does really dumb things. People banded around him imo because they want someone who speaks for them and he was the closest thing they could get. Some of his policies are good for the people, far more so than our last few presidents. So, it's not unwarranted.
    I want to give you an A for effort but your statements on Trump are very vague and general, which is how 99% of people here + outside the forum have described him these past 4 years without giving specifics. I see the words "fool", "lies", "dumb things", etc but I don't see the backing behind those words.

    And when people do give specifics, it's out of context off some CNN website or it just falls apart like jenga blocks because they're simply parroting bumper sticker statements that sound cool @ your little hugbox. Your stance is also very lukewarm; its like you compliment him but then diss him because everyone else does. Lol

    Then you do some weird mental gymnastics here, but I'm pretty sure we're in agreement

    Finally, you're making this all about Trump, and it's not. He's the foothold to a much much bigger problem. His demonization was a means to demonize others. And it spreads. It goes far beyond him. Salami tactics is what it is. I'm hoping there are enough good people that stand up now and fight against this, because there's a whole lot more at stake than Trump's reputation. Everything that has been pushed for the past 4 years starts to make more sense when you realize that's the tactic. Framing him as a fascist and a racist isn't revenge on him, it's to frame everyone associated with him as the same. Paint everyone who supports him as some kind of white supremacist and then you have an excuse to go after them too. Guilt by association.
    This impeachment IS about revenge on Trump + the conservatism he represents (as I've already mentioned). We live in a very liberal/PC society, Trump is a threat to that, that's it. It's not about the fat bald dude with the nose ring.

    But on TOP of that,

    Pelosi and the rest of the cocksuckers are impeaching Trump based off NOTHING he did wrong. He has a week left and they're trying to do some last minute super move like a boss in a video game. But they are grasping for straws, the same one-trick pony they've been doing for the past 4 years, starting with the Russian collusion when they (illegally) spied on his campaign.

    A waste of time. It's not gonna go through because it's baseless.

    It's kinda pathetic how people are trying to frame DT as violent. Like Wtf lol.

    People here are literally trying to pull anything out of their asses last minute. Im taking note of it. Disgusting

    The worst is when people link videos of hillbillies LARPING with Red MAGA hats raising their pitchforks as evidence for white supremacy (do people actually fall for this???)

    There are currently people losing their jobs and being investigated just for being present during that rally, when they never even got near the building itself. People talk about how parler is being shut down - well, it happened years ago to Gab, and the founder of that site not only was denied hosting services and had to build his own servers, but all payment was refused to him. He couldn't accept any money through his site by any credit card or payment service, and could only use bitcoin, wire transfers and checks. His app was kicked off all the app stores. And even his personal credit cards and those of his family members were revoked, so they can't even have a credit card for personal use. Trump isn't unique or the first. And he has more resources than most to fall back on, so don't make it about Trump.
    Here you're just confused and veering further away from the topic. Lol

    Anything that involves free speech + conservatism will be negatively impacted, yes.

    I understand though,

    It's hard to associate with Trump because of the stigma it gets, like it doesn't improve your social status in any way.

    I've been "cancel-cultured" from my friends, not a very pleasant experience (very scary at times) but it is what it is

    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    My bad. I didn’t see that he mentioned anything about going over to the capitol. Still he wasn’t calling for violence and asked them to be peaceful.

    Yes, I’m saying it’s more concerning that Twitter and big tech have decided to censor a sitting President than whatever Trump may have said.
    I know you don't like everything about Trump, but I'm glad someone here is actually intellectually honest

    4 years of societal conditioning will influence most people



    Last edited by Computer Loser; 01-14-2021 at 08:06 AM.

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