Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
lol that’s very interesting. But I do think there is a lot of hypocrisy going down. How are you suppose to expose it in an ‘honest way’, without fallacy? But I do read the news daily. Several times daily. I stayed up very late last night watching the house vote for the 25th amendment. I’m not ignorant to what is going down. I’ve been trying to keep up with it as best as I can because this all seems like a pretty big deal to me.
Yeah, I agree there are alot of double standards going on. I'm not denying that, and it needs to be said.

I just meant that maybe then wasn't the right time to point it out regarding the BLM riots? Even if the violence caused by antifa and such at these riots are not excusable, and democrats have been too silent about it, it doesn't take away from Trump being responsible nonetheless for what happened on capitol hill.

But like I said, I have done the same thing before, lol, so I know it comes from a desire to point out hypocrisy, I'm just saying things have to be kept on-subject lol.