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Thread: 2020 Disunited States of America Election

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Gamma business is severing ties with the Trump organization.

    Trump's business is about to be in a world of hurt.

    Still, by claiming that he needs money to "fight the steal", Trump has collected about $250M in a slush fund that he can use for whatever purposes he wants. This alone is motivation to keep up the pretense that he won the election.

    Keep those cards and letters coming in, folks.
    Trump is being Canceled. Here we go
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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
    I like how they are stoking a civil war with the 25th amendment, impeachment, and banning trump shit. That Nancy Pelosi is one nasty piece of work.
    While I agree that impeaching Trump at this point is beating a dead horse, I think the man needs to be held accountable for his own actions. He is impeachable, and should probably be held accountable for his actions one way or another.

    Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
    Trump is being Canceled. Here we go
    He deserves it. Again, accountability, folks, everyone seems to take the blame for stuff except Trump in Trump's view.

    Why do you feel you should defend him, Aster?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    While I agree that impeaching Trump at this point is beating a dead horse, I think the man needs to be held accountable for his own actions. He is impeachable, and should probably be held accountable for his actions one way or another.

    He deserves it. Again, accountability, folks, everyone seems to take the blame for stuff except Trump in Trump's view.

    Why do you feel you should defend him, Aster?
    Not a big fan of cancel culture. Don’t care whose side people are on. Did you see what they tried doing to Chris Pratt?? They tried ruining his career for being private about his political opinion. To me, that’s just insane.

    anyway ‘holding people accountable’ isn’t really my forte, personally. I just got chewed out by my 11 year old last night for not disciplining my 8 year old.
    ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈 ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈
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  4. #4
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
    Not a big fan of cancel culture. Don’t care whose side people are on. Did you see what they tried doing to Chris Pratt?? They tried ruining his career for being private about his political opinion. To me, that’s just insane.

    anyway ‘holding people accountable’ isn’t really my forte, personally. I just got chewed out by my 11 year old last night for not disciplining my 8 year old.
    I don't like cancel culture either, though I wouldn't associate holding Trump responsible for his actions with it.

    I didn't see the Chris Pratt thing, but there are alot of such stories. I agree it goes too far. Otoh I still feel Trump should be held accountable for inciting the riot against the capitol.
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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    There are currently people losing their jobs and being investigated just for being present during that rally, when they never even got near the building itself. People talk about how parler is being shut down - well, it happened years ago to Gab, and the founder of that site not only was denied hosting services and had to build his own servers, but all payment was refused to him. He couldn't accept any money through his site by any credit card or payment service, and could only use bitcoin, wire transfers and checks. His app was kicked off all the app stores. And even his personal credit cards and those of his family members were revoked, so they can't even have a credit card for personal use. Trump isn't unique or the first. And he has more resources than most to fall back on, so don't make it about Trump. Those that actually are blinded by hate for the man will only laugh the more bad that befalls him and never make the connection that this is only the beginning if we don't stop it. That he is the president and so high-profile will hopefully bring attention to what is happening, but it's been happening unnoticed to others for a long time already.
    Indeed, it is only the beginning. Sadly, thanks to the PTB having control of the school system for several generations, well, most are dumb enough to be led by the nose by what amounts to their literal slave masters and be happy about it. The slaves in the antebellum south had a profound and fervent hate for the House... Well, I can't say that word in polite company but there's an awful lot of them around and about nowadays and yeah, we know who they are and this will not end well for them collectively. Another word for them: Useful idiots. Bezmenov had a thing or two to say about their ultimate fate.

    Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
    Lmao. thanks! I found some last night, but I went to a different town! Thank god! Whew! Geezus, people use their thumbs? Hope they at least wash their hands good. I’ve told a few random strangers in stores that the toilet paper thing is weird, that they can use anything, and they look at me like I’m an alien. Well they prob think I’m crude, too, but Geezus people!
    That may be true, but it is, again, a modern comfort that they're rather unwilling to part with.

    Also, soap is a thing most people buy yet have no idea how to produce themselves. In its most primitive form of production, you'll need hardwood ash and some form of biological fat/oil. Like olive oil or animal tallow (e.g rendered bacon fat). Hardwood ash can be boiled in water to create lye. Combine the lye with the heated/liquid fat to start the process. I think I did this in middle school as a lab experiment, only we just got provided some premade lye and fat/oil instead of creating it ourselves from hardwood ash and cooked meat/pressed seeds or whatnot. Worked fine. Ya mixed it all in until was almost dough-like in consistency and then just let it cure for a few days. Boom. Unscented soap.

    Fun fact I just remembered, do not use aluminum utensils during any step of this process. Lye kind of eats aluminum for breakfast. Not sure I'd wanna wash down with a bar of soap made after, if in some step in the process, it burned a hole through an aluminum pan...

    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    I don't like cancel culture either, though I wouldn't associate holding Trump responsible for his actions with it.

    I didn't see the Chris Pratt thing, but there are alot of such stories. I agree it goes too far. Otoh I still feel Trump should be held accountable for inciting the riot against the capitol.
    He didn't incite jack shit and you'd know it if you didn't think CNN and the like actually provide information without an agenda. Nothing he said or did was an outright incitement from the perspective of any objective observer. Provide to me the exact quote, action, order, etc. that acted as an incitement to violence upon the capital building in your eyes. You either will not or you will provide me with some BS example that won't last 5 seconds of intense scrutiny from yours truly. You got Trump Derangement Syndrome I'm afraid. Fix that problem. For your own sake if nothing else.
    Last edited by End; 01-14-2021 at 06:20 AM.

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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    He didn't incite jack shit and you'd know it if you didn't think CNN and the like actually provide information without an agenda. Nothing he said or did was an outright incitement from the perspective of any objective observer. Provide to me the exact quote, action, order, etc. that acted as an incitement to violence upon the capital building in your eyes. You either will not or you will provide me with some BS example that won't last 5 seconds of intense scrutiny from yours truly. You got Trump Derangement Syndrome I'm afraid. Fix that problem. For your own sake if nothing else.

    You can find part of the speech here. What's really insidious with Trump, in addition to all the lies he spews, which have been fact-checked again and again, is that he never outright says what he incites or suggests. Like the birther campaign thing, you probably think that was not racist, because didn't Trump didn't openly say anything racist. That's really naive, if you believe that. Just like it's naive if you believe Trump telling the truth when it comes to this election (why is he the only one spewing this bs I wonder?) and that it's naive if you believe Trump can't be held accountable for the protest, same with Guiliani, Mo Brooks, Don Jr, etc. "Trial by combat" - Giuliani is a lawyer and he knows what he can and can't say to avoid getting in trouble - all the while inciting a mob. If such words in your opinion aeren't meant to stoke the flames of an already angry crowd, maybe you can fix your naivete, if only for your own sake.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post

    You can find part of the speech here. What's really insidious with Trump, in addition to all the lies he spews, which have been fact-checked again and again, is that he never outright says what he incites or suggests. Like the birther campaign thing, you probably think that was not racist, because didn't Trump didn't openly say anything racist. That's really naive, if you believe that. Just like it's naive if you believe Trump telling the truth when it comes to this election (why is he the only one spewing this bs I wonder?) and that it's naive if you believe Trump can't be held accountable for the protest, same with Guiliani, Mo Brooks, Don Jr, etc. "Trial by combat" - Giuliani is a lawyer and he knows what he can and can't say to avoid getting in trouble - all the while inciting a mob. If such words in your opinion aeren't meant to stoke the flames of an already angry crowd, maybe you can fix your naivete, if only for your own sake.
    LOL quoting a VICE video or article. e_e they are some sleazy propaganda machine dude like Fox, CNN, Buzzfeed or the BBC... JESUS CHRIST. To find ppl this day and age who still believe anything MSM says LOL

    I also find it weird that religious conservatives defend Trump, who is a sleazy 90s democrat, who doesn't really have their best interests at heart... this guy is by no means even close to being like Pat Buchanan for example.

    The overton window has shifted HARD when conservatards are defending a democrat.
    Last edited by SGF; 01-14-2021 at 09:08 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post

    You can find part of the speech here. What's really insidious with Trump, in addition to all the lies he spews, which have been fact-checked again and again, is that he never outright says what he incites or suggests. Like the birther campaign thing, you probably think that was not racist, because didn't Trump didn't openly say anything racist. That's really naive, if you believe that. Just like it's naive if you believe Trump telling the truth when it comes to this election (why is he the only one spewing this bs I wonder?) and that it's naive if you believe Trump can't be held accountable for the protest, same with Guiliani, Mo Brooks, Don Jr, etc. "Trial by combat" - Giuliani is a lawyer and he knows what he can and can't say to avoid getting in trouble - all the while inciting a mob. If such words in your opinion aeren't meant to stoke the flames of an already angry crowd, maybe you can fix your naivete, if only for your own sake.
    You will forgive me for doubting this given the facts that have been undeniably verified. The "storming" of the Capital happened during Trump's speech. Incitement is a thing that by definition happens shortly or immediately after or during a rather heated moment where the incited mob is directly adjacent to the "site" of the incitement. None of these were the case in regards to Trump's rally. The "stormers" were breaking in well before it ended and his rally was well the far fucking away from it.

    Plus if you're paying any attention to anything that's happened since your post you'd be forced to agree that the whole affair glows fiercely enough in the dark that even a Chinese outright made to be defective Geiger Counter wouldn't fail to start clicking something fierce at a most inconvenient time from the perspective of the PTB.
    Last edited by End; 01-16-2021 at 04:44 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
    anyway ‘holding people accountable’ isn’t really my forte, personally. I just got chewed out by my 11 year old last night for not disciplining my 8 year old.
    :3 cute hehehe

    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    While I agree that impeaching Trump at this point is beating a dead horse, I think the man needs to be held accountable for his own actions. He is impeachable, and should probably be held accountable for his actions one way or another.

    He deserves it. Again, accountability, folks, everyone seems to take the blame for stuff except Trump in Trump's view.

    Why do you feel you should defend him, Aster?
    the man is basically a 90s democrat, a gamma SEE business mogul who lied to get elected, kept only those promises which were convenient and instead of firing the swamp, he surrounded himself with it. His family has some real shady ties and such to shady ass ppl e_e I doubt most ppl will miss or like the guy, fuckem.

    Plus we got bigger fish to fry, such as silicon valley ponzy scheme monopolies and liberals on both the right and the left who are in their pockets.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    the man is basically a 90s democrat, a gamma SEE business mogul who lied to get elected, kept only those promises which were convenient and instead of firing the swamp, he surrounded himself with it. His family has some real shady ties and such to shady ass ppl e_e I doubt most ppl will miss or like the guy, fuckem.

    Yep, I agree, which is why I think the impeachment is a bit moot and wasteful resource-wise. See my response to asd above.

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Plus we got bigger fish to fry, such as silicon valley ponzy scheme monopolies and liberals on both the right and the left who are in their pockets.
    Yep, agreed again, in the end alot of things we talk about in the media are smokescreens...
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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    apparently, if this time impeachment is successful, it would mean he cannot run for president again sometime in the future. Or that is what I’ve been told, at least.
    That's what I heard too, though I also think he's done for in politics, really. I doubt he'll make a comeback in four years, so to me it feels one hand like wasting time and resources on something just for partisan reasons, and I do see where Aster is coming from if that's what she means. On the other hand, he needs to be held accountable one way or another for what happened, though I am not sure a second impeachment is the way to go.

    I'm not well-versed in law so I can't contribute a huge amount to this issue.
    Last edited by Ave; 01-13-2021 at 03:37 PM. Reason: fixed typo
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