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Thread: 2020 Disunited States of America Election

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  1. #1
    End's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
    Oohh we’ve been preparing for a while.
    My SO has a gun addiction buying habit and we have have quite a bit of ammo last I knew. But I need to find more Coke Zero. That’s what I’m really worried about. Screw toilet paper. People can wipe their ass with about anything, I don’t get the toilet paper thing.
    I think I saw some at my local Costco. Sam's Club and Costco I'm pretty sure will let you "browse" about, but you need to be a member before you can buy the stuff they're selling. Hit those up. Hell, many already have. I know I'm right about a lot of this shit as I can see the shelves in both Costco and the regular gorcery stores slowly becoming barer and barer.

    People are in varying states of denial right now about how bad shit's about to get. I'm at "pretty fucking bad" as I know about shit like the Dynastic Cycle and how that tended to play out. As we get closer and closer to the 20th a realization that "shit's about to hit the fan" will dawn upon more and more of the population. I'd do a search, join if they got that item, and buy as much as ya can. You likely won't get a second chance.

    Also, that TP obsession... Most people don't wanna have to resort to the "the rock" or "the thumb" if ya catch my meaning. It's a modern comfort most are quite unwilling to part with.

    Quote Originally Posted by leckysupport View Post
    As insurrections go this was pretty tame in reality.
    Main triggering point about that. Compare how that's getting covered by the MSM to how they covered the BLM riots (yes, they were riots). DC was literally on fire a few months ago and that was a "mostly peaceful" protest according to the talking heads. Yet this fireless break-in is an act of "domestic terrorism" and "insurrection".

    Hell, an unarmed female vet got shot for no good reason and there are no riots. Suddenly, "kill all them racist cops!" became "Way to go Cops, waste that bitch gangsta style!"

    And people wonder why I predict that shit's going to end badly for everyone no matter which side they're on...

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    I will also throw something out here as it perfectly describes what's going on right now: Attachment 16603

    That's our reality right now. Again, that doesn't end in any way but bad. I regret that I can't find a way to make that image show up without clicking that text but give it a gander. The man's not wrong. At this point, it all boils down to who you see as friend and who you see as enemy. At this point, it's all about helping friends kill enemies. I wish this was not the case, but, well, my "enemies" have made their intent crystal clear.

    I must die for their utopia to be realized. The fact I see Earthly Utopias as literally impossible to realize but that we may be able to get close if we but only try to actually try to understand each other and treat each other as the beloved creations of an ultimately benevolent deity is "whiteness" (i.e. an original sin) in the worldview of our current elite. Like I said, our dogmas are diametrically opposed.

    To use another example that builds onto my next point, we both worship different gods that mandate we destroy the other worshipper. Say a Christian and a Molochian were forced to live under the same roof. The Molochian fervently believes they must sacrifice babies to their god as that proves their faith and thus rewards them with benefactions for doing so. The Christian sees this as a most absolute evil and must try to save the babies from the Molochian as if they do not they are complicit in a mortal sin (i.e. the murder of innocents) and will thus be damned to hell eternal if they "tolerate" their roommate.

    The Molochian, in contrast, sees this insane Christian as an absolute idiot for no true god would fail to demand such a complete and undeniable show of loyalty! That god is the god of pussies and cowards and is not worthy of your worship! Better to drag you into a "real" religion's gatherings you heathen than suffer your ill conceived and flat out wrong notions of mercy dragging you into a world of disappointment and unnecessary hardship!
    Last edited by End; 01-12-2021 at 05:48 AM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I think I saw some at my local Costco. Sam's Club and Costco I'm pretty sure will let you "browse" about, but you need to be a member before you can buy the stuff they're selling. Hit those up. Hell, many already have. I know I'm right about a lot of this shit as I can see the shelves in both Costco and the regular gorcery stores slowly becoming barer and barer.

    People are in varying states of denial right now about how bad shit's about to get. I'm at "pretty fucking bad" as I know about shit like the Dynastic Cycle and how that tended to play out. As we get closer and closer to the 20th a realization that "shit's about to hit the fan" will dawn upon more and more of the population. I'd do a search, join if they got that item, and buy as much as ya can. You likely won't get a second chance.

    Also, that TP obsession... Most people don't wanna have to resort to the "the rock" or "the thumb" if ya catch my meaning. It's a modern comfort most are quite unwilling to part with.

    Main triggering point about that. Compare how that's getting covered by the MSM to how they covered the BLM riots (yes, they were riots). DC was literally on fire a few months ago and that was a "mostly peaceful" protest according to the talking heads. Yet this fireless break-in is an act of "domestic terrorism" and "insurrection".

    Hell, an unarmed female vet got shot for no good reason and there are no riots. Suddenly, "kill all them racist cops!" became "Way to go Cops, waste that bitch gangsta style!"

    And people wonder why I predict that shit's going to end badly for everyone no matter which side they're on...
    Lmao. thanks! I found some last night, but I went to a different town! Thank god! Whew! Geezus, people use their thumbs? Hope they at least wash their hands good. I’ve told a few random strangers in stores that the toilet paper thing is weird, that they can use anything, and they look at me like I’m an alien. Well they prob think I’m crude, too, but Geezus people!
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    I unironically think Vermin Supreme would've been a good choice of candidate. Whatever he might be credited for, it's clear with Trump that the American system doesn't take itself seriously anymore, which I reckon is a big part of what makes him appeal to his supporters. So what we need is a guy who's savvy to that, and goes a step further in flouting convention without being arguably as much of a douche.

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