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Thread: 2020 Disunited States of America Election

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  1. #11
    Moderator xerx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Sorry, I got a little bit heated there
    That's OK.

    Sorry, I got a little bit heated there and I apologize for comparing/lumping you in with the average leftie. You have, if nothing else, at least 3 standard deviations on them in the IQ department and I respect that. Still, I'm not as heated as our current ruling class and their sympathizers (i.e. those dumb lefties I lumped you in with in my emotional outburst). I'm looking at many a feed and the stuff those folks are saying, or hell, even doing (looking at you Jack Dorsey) are. Oh man, a mere "get fucked" fired anonymously from an actor with no intent or desire to harm you in any way save perhaps the intellectual/ego is almost a stealth compliment!

    You are right in that most uprisings/revolutions/etc. are quickly and easily crushed by the PTB and that America is no stranger to this fact of history. This kind of ties into my earlier point about that Mandate of Heaven business. Dissent happens. Violent dissent happens. Hell, Civil Wars happen! Roman history, for instance, is a smorgasbord of pretty much any political conflict you can imagine. Yet "Rome" as a civilization endured for around a thousand years. The Chinese can claim an unbroken line of a coherent Civilization that exceeds that because they got literal written records that go far back enough to put the west to shame.

    Point was, in all cases, that things kind of work out for rulers until they don't and that "don't" is easy to spot in hindsight and thus a pattern can be recognized no matter what angle your coming from. East, West, North, Coreward, Rimward, Spinward, it matters little. I'm recognizing the end of a dynasty right about now. That "mandate" is no longer in play. Every time that happened, well, that "revolution" that tends to end in failure ended in a resounding success. In the Chinese example, the emperor and their entire court down to pretty much the last man, woman, and child was relegated to the past tense. In the West, well, French Revolution. I'd wager money I don't got to wager we're gonna go through the exact inversion of that one if Biden becomes the officially sworn in president on the 20th.

    Well, not an exact inversion. Guillotines will still be employed and all, but you won't see temples to "reason" erected upon the ground of churches but the exact opposite. Y'know, Planned Parenthood buildings being converted into chapels to the Holy Mother and the like. It'll take more effort than I'm willing to expend for free for me to fully form my myriad visions of the future into coherent text but I hope you can get the jist of it from this little spiel.

    I again repeat, stock up on food, become armed with weapons of war, and do not get in the way of the fresh out of mercy Americans who will do what they feel needs to be done against a ruling class and their cronies who hate them for no gosh darn good reason save that, upon reviewing the evidence, they were right about the existence of demons and how sin dims the intellect. From that angle it all makes total sense now. Pity it took such an overt demonstration but hey, God is nothing if not merciful and if you need it to be spelled out for you if that means you'll attain salvation...
    Well, OK. I don't think you're going to get very far in your quest to topple Silicon Valley or abortionist Satanism, but good luck mang.
    Last edited by xerx; 01-11-2021 at 03:01 AM.

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