what the next administration needs to do is do a massive crackdown on all white nationalist and western supremacist terror groups like the proud boys, in a manner similar to erdogan's purges in turkey or merkel's purges in germany. lock em all up and send em all to jail, and rough up the protestors the same way trump roughed up the blm protestors, hate has no place in this country. although i must say merkel is kind of a nazi for her support for abuses of uighurs ( with concentration camps!!!!) in china. people say we need to listen to white nationalists, that they need to feel heard, nonsense, give him jail time, make him fear dropping the soap in front of their worst racial enemies, and make him starve after coming out, that oughta silence em. EDIT: although i must say some white nationalists did report leaving when approached with love, but that cant work on a mass scale. slaughter their movement.