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Thread: 2020 Disunited States of America Election

  1. #161
    Jesus is the cruel sausage consentingadult's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Fight Club is easily one of the most perceptive and underappreciated films ever made.
    Nonsense. Fight Club is acclaimed by arts critics as well as academia (philosophy/cultural studies/social sciences) for its depiction of a social critique.
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    Nonsense. Fight Club is acclaimed by arts critics as well as academia (philosophy/cultural studies/social sciences) for its depiction of a social critique.
    What I should have said is that it can never be overrated.

  4. #164
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    This is the comment you are looking for

  5. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    He fought to get into a government room.

    He may soon find that the government has a room for him that he can't leave.

  6. #166
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    From AP News:

    The incoming chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee is calling the Capitol a “crime scene” with evidence that needs to be preserved.

    Sen. Mark Warner has written 11 telecommunication and social media companies asking them to immediately preserve content and associated meta-data connected to the insurrectionist attack on the Capitol on Wednesday. Those companies include mobile carriers AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon and from the social media world — Apple, Facebook, Gab, Google, Parler, Signal, Telegram and Twitter.

    Warner says the FBI and other law enforcement agencies investigating the events of that day are trying to piece together what happened when supporters of President Donald Trump rioted at the Capitol.

    The Virginia Democrat tells the companies that “messaging data to and from your subscribers that may have participated in, or assisted, those engaged in this insurrection — and associated subscriber information — are critical evidence in helping to bring these rioters to justice.”

    So the next time you want to overthrow the government of the United States by force and violence, leave your cell phones and credit cards and employee badges and vehicles at home. That friendly road map function that has bailed you out of jams so many times in the past knows exactly where you've been, and it isn't smart enough to be loyal to you.

  7. #167
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    This thread is called the "Disunited States", and I think that really describes the US. In truth, it has always described the US, but prior to recent years, most people were not aware that they were living next to people who had very different views from theirs regarding morality and rule of law.

    My personal belief is that all societies are divided between people who are liberal and people who are conservative. I think that this is a genetic feature of the human race, but that's just my opinion.

    In the meantime, there are people who are still seeing the split as being primarily political, rather than intrinsic, and it is interesting to read some of the things they say about how this will shake out.

    To me, this appears to be like a debate on whether or not to paint the virgins before they are thrown into the volcano to appease the volcano gods, but hey, there's gonna be a debate about that in any case, right? And it can be fun to follow.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    This thread is called the "Disunited States", and I think that really describes the US. In truth, it has always described the US, but prior to recent years, most people were not aware that they were living next to people who had very different views from theirs regarding morality and rule of law.

    My personal belief is that all societies are divided between people who are liberal and people who are conservative. I think that this is a genetic feature of the human race, but that's just my opinion.

    In the meantime, there are people who are still seeing the split as being primarily political, rather than intrinsic, and it is interesting to read some of the things they say about how this will shake out.

    To me, this appears to be like a debate on whether or not to paint the virgins before they are thrown into the volcano to appease the volcano gods, but hey, there's gonna be a debate about that in any case, right? And it can be fun to follow.
    You've been to other countries, Adam. You know red vs blue is not the only political paradigm on Earth, right?

  9. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    You've been to other countries, Adam. You know red vs blue is not the only political paradigm on Earth, right?

    I've been in China and Hong Kong and Taiwan, I've been in Argentina when people who were leftists were disappearing, I've been in South Africa during Apartheid where blacks had limited or no rights, and in Rhodesia where the whites were buying weapons to defend themselves from the armed guerillas from Mozambique, and I've been interrogated by the military in Brazil* and in Turkey. And I'm banned from traveling in that bastion of hypocrisy, Canada, where the customs agents work tirelessly keep out the Pakis but welcome the Chinese if they bring enough money. And yes, the basic divide between people is not just blue vs red.

    When I first started visiting other countries (for business), I was amazingly naive. I thought the divide was between Capitalist Democracies and Ant-like Communisms. My first exposure to other countries caused me to think that the divide is rather between places where men are above the law, and places where the law is above men. Argentina is a mafia, and Turkey is not far behind. If you have money or connections, you can kill people. South Africa, in contrast, actually has rule of law.

    I've since broadened my definition of the divide to be between Authoritarians who can never live comfortably in a liberal democracy, and those who are more open minded. I think this is the basic divide, and all others are built on it.

    I'm a really smart guy. I've been all over the world (the list of countries above is less than half of those I've seen) and I've been doing this for more years than you've been alive, and this is what I've come to believe.

    Your mileage may vary.


    There is nothing quite like having your papers and money taken and being interrogated at 2AM in a concrete cell by the military in the basement of a building in the middle of the jungle. When they don't speak English and you don't speak Portuguese. Fortunately, they were afraid of Americans who weren't afraid of them.
    I should add that I wasn't afraid of them because I'm brave, but rather because, at the time, I was stupid.
    Mafias respect personal strength, no matter where it comes from.

    I'll say one more thing about that trip. When my plane eventually landed in FLA, I wanted to kiss the ground. I didn't, but I wanted to.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 01-10-2021 at 02:40 AM.

  10. #170

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I've been in China and Hong Kong and Taiwan, I've been in Argentina when people who were leftists were disappearing, I've been in South Africa during Apartheid where blacks had limited or no rights, and in Rhodesia where the whites were buying weapons to defend themselves from the armed guerillas from Mozambique, and I've been interrogated by the military in Brazil* and in Turkey. And I'm banned from traveling in that bastion of hypocrisy, Canada, where the customs agents work tirelessly keep out the Pakis but welcome the Chinese if they bring enough money. And yes, the basic divide between people is not just blue vs red.

    When I first started visiting other countries (for business), I was amazingly naive. I thought the divide was between Capitalist Democracies and Ant-like Communisms. My first exposure to other countries caused me to think that the divide is rather between places where men are above the law, and places where the law is above men. Argentina is a mafia, and Turkey is not far behind. If you have money or connections, you can kill people. South Africa, in contrast, actually has rule of law.

    I've since broadened my definition of the divide to be between Authoritarians who can never live comfortably in a liberal democracy, and those who are more open minded. I think this is the basic divide, and all others are built on it.

    I'm a really smart guy. I've been all over the world (the list of countries above is less than half of those I've seen) and I've been doing this for more years than you've been alive, and this is what I've come to believe.

    Your mileage may vary.


    There is nothing quite like having your papers and money taken and being interrogated at 2AM in a concrete cell by the military in the basement of a building in the middle of the jungle. When they don't speak English and you don't speak Portuguese. Fortunately, they were afraid of Americans who weren't afraid of them.
    I should add that I wasn't afraid of them because I'm brave, but rather because, at the time, I was stupid.
    Mafias respect personal strength, no matter where it comes from.

    I'll say one more thing about that trip. When my plane eventually landed in FLA, I wanted to kiss the ground. I didn't, but I wanted to.
    I don't know if half of this is true, but sounds reasonably correct.

    I personally believe there is something deeper going on. Some pattern and plan.

    I'd add more, but I won't in this thread.

  11. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    And I'm banned from traveling in that bastion of hypocrisy, Canada
    ??? o.O

  12. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    I don't know if half of this is true, but sounds reasonably correct.

    I personally believe there is something deeper going on. Some pattern and plan.

    I'd add more, but I won't in this thread.
    FWIW, I never lie, because it's too much work. It's all true. I've talked about this in much greater detail before in chat, but that got pruned a long time ago, and now I don't care. Lol.

    If there is something deeper that explains the division, I don't know what it is. But there might be, certainly.

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    It certainly feels good to be victorious

    Let me remind you all of how I totally obliterated Trump:

  14. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    I don't appreciate vulgar insults being directed at me. If you want to argue like a gentleman instead of trade insults, I'll listen politely.
    Sorry, I got a little bit heated there and I apologize for comparing/lumping you in with the average leftie. You have, if nothing else, at least 3 standard deviations on them in the IQ department and I respect that. Still, I'm not as heated as our current ruling class and their sympathizers (i.e. those dumb lefties I lumped you in with in my emotional outburst). I'm looking at many a feed and the stuff those folks are saying, or hell, even doing (looking at you Jack Dorsey) are. Oh man, a mere "get fucked" fired anonymously from an actor with no intent or desire to harm you in any way save perhaps the intellectual/ego is almost a stealth compliment!

    You are right in that most uprisings/revolutions/etc. are quickly and easily crushed by the PTB and that America is no stranger to this fact of history. This kind of ties into my earlier point about that Mandate of Heaven business. Dissent happens. Violent dissent happens. Hell, Civil Wars happen! Roman history, for instance, is a smorgasbord of pretty much any political conflict you can imagine. Yet "Rome" as a civilization endured for around a thousand years. The Chinese can claim an unbroken line of a coherent Civilization that exceeds that because they got literal written records that go far back enough to put the west to shame.

    Point was, in all cases, that things kind of work out for rulers until they don't and that "don't" is easy to spot in hindsight and thus a pattern can be recognized no matter what angle your coming from. East, West, North, Coreward, Rimward, Spinward, it matters little. I'm recognizing the end of a dynasty right about now. That "mandate" is no longer in play. Every time that happened, well, that "revolution" that tends to end in failure ended in a resounding success. In the Chinese example, the emperor and their entire court down to pretty much the last man, woman, and child was relegated to the past tense. In the West, well, French Revolution. I'd wager money I don't got to wager we're gonna go through the exact inversion of that one if Biden becomes the officially sworn in president on the 20th.

    Well, not an exact inversion. Guillotines will still be employed and all, but you won't see temples to "reason" erected upon the ground of churches but the exact opposite. Y'know, Planned Parenthood buildings being converted into chapels to the Holy Mother and the like. It'll take more effort than I'm willing to expend for free for me to fully form my myriad visions of the future into coherent text but I hope you can get the jist of it from this little spiel.

    I again repeat, stock up on food, become armed with weapons of war, and do not get in the way of the fresh out of mercy Americans who will do what they feel needs to be done against a ruling class and their cronies who hate them for no gosh darn good reason save that, upon reviewing the evidence, they were right about the existence of demons and how sin dims the intellect. From that angle it all makes total sense now. Pity it took such an overt demonstration but hey, God is nothing if not merciful and if you need it to be spelled out for you if that means you'll attain salvation...
    Last edited by End; 01-10-2021 at 05:32 AM.

  15. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by sunburst View Post
    One of the few and only times I've heard someone say "I'm a really smart guy" with it being 100 percent true Love it
    Now I’m embarrassed and ashamed of myself. I said “smart”, not wise or prudent.

    Still, flattery will get you anywhere, sweetheart.

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    what the next administration needs to do is do a massive crackdown on all white nationalist and western supremacist terror groups like the proud boys, in a manner similar to erdogan's purges in turkey or merkel's purges in germany. lock em all up and send em all to jail, and rough up the protestors the same way trump roughed up the blm protestors, hate has no place in this country. although i must say merkel is kind of a nazi for her support for abuses of uighurs ( with concentration camps!!!!) in china. people say we need to listen to white nationalists, that they need to feel heard, nonsense, give him jail time, make him fear dropping the soap in front of their worst racial enemies, and make him starve after coming out, that oughta silence em. EDIT: although i must say some white nationalists did report leaving when approached with love, but that cant work on a mass scale. slaughter their movement.

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    i'd probably rather the govt had control of this than social media giants, the banks, etc. the govt's weakness is inversely related to the strength of these private entities imo.

  18. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Sorry, I got a little bit heated there
    That's OK.

    Sorry, I got a little bit heated there and I apologize for comparing/lumping you in with the average leftie. You have, if nothing else, at least 3 standard deviations on them in the IQ department and I respect that. Still, I'm not as heated as our current ruling class and their sympathizers (i.e. those dumb lefties I lumped you in with in my emotional outburst). I'm looking at many a feed and the stuff those folks are saying, or hell, even doing (looking at you Jack Dorsey) are. Oh man, a mere "get fucked" fired anonymously from an actor with no intent or desire to harm you in any way save perhaps the intellectual/ego is almost a stealth compliment!

    You are right in that most uprisings/revolutions/etc. are quickly and easily crushed by the PTB and that America is no stranger to this fact of history. This kind of ties into my earlier point about that Mandate of Heaven business. Dissent happens. Violent dissent happens. Hell, Civil Wars happen! Roman history, for instance, is a smorgasbord of pretty much any political conflict you can imagine. Yet "Rome" as a civilization endured for around a thousand years. The Chinese can claim an unbroken line of a coherent Civilization that exceeds that because they got literal written records that go far back enough to put the west to shame.

    Point was, in all cases, that things kind of work out for rulers until they don't and that "don't" is easy to spot in hindsight and thus a pattern can be recognized no matter what angle your coming from. East, West, North, Coreward, Rimward, Spinward, it matters little. I'm recognizing the end of a dynasty right about now. That "mandate" is no longer in play. Every time that happened, well, that "revolution" that tends to end in failure ended in a resounding success. In the Chinese example, the emperor and their entire court down to pretty much the last man, woman, and child was relegated to the past tense. In the West, well, French Revolution. I'd wager money I don't got to wager we're gonna go through the exact inversion of that one if Biden becomes the officially sworn in president on the 20th.

    Well, not an exact inversion. Guillotines will still be employed and all, but you won't see temples to "reason" erected upon the ground of churches but the exact opposite. Y'know, Planned Parenthood buildings being converted into chapels to the Holy Mother and the like. It'll take more effort than I'm willing to expend for free for me to fully form my myriad visions of the future into coherent text but I hope you can get the jist of it from this little spiel.

    I again repeat, stock up on food, become armed with weapons of war, and do not get in the way of the fresh out of mercy Americans who will do what they feel needs to be done against a ruling class and their cronies who hate them for no gosh darn good reason save that, upon reviewing the evidence, they were right about the existence of demons and how sin dims the intellect. From that angle it all makes total sense now. Pity it took such an overt demonstration but hey, God is nothing if not merciful and if you need it to be spelled out for you if that means you'll attain salvation...
    Well, OK. I don't think you're going to get very far in your quest to topple Silicon Valley or abortionist Satanism, but good luck mang.
    Last edited by xerx; 01-11-2021 at 03:01 AM.

  19. #179
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    I hope the rioters stole some hard drives.

  20. #180
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    I wanted to respond more to this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Running a business isn't easy, but you can make it if you have good customers. The second most important factor in success is to have good people working with you, because they are the ones doing most of the work.
    I'd need to look into it when I have the time, but I recall reading that the software company Valve is supervisor-less. People apparently form teams spontaneously to work on whatever they want. Hiring and firing decisions are also done spontaneously by anyone who wants to participate.

    What I'd like is full profit sharing and full worker decision-making, to the maximum extent that's possible. I say that with some hesitation, because I've never owned a business, never coordinated a large body of people holding potentially conflicting interests, and don't know whether this would be a more successful model than the standard hierarchical firm. One of the dumbest things you can do is to count your eggs before they hatch, so I'll leave it at that.

    I'd also like to avoid bullshit jobs. I don't need to surround myself with a crew of flunkies.

  21. #181
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    End is also a nativist IIRC, so it's a little more complicated.

    I can assure you that I am not unaware or unmoved by the anti-establishmentarian draw of the Trump movement. But it's a truism at this point that Trump is just another creature of the crony-capitalist swamp. I really don't see this person leading the change to some glorious workers' utopia.
    Trump is just a narcissistic fool. He's not leading anything. He however has been useful to shine the light on just how deep the problem is. It's pretty interesting really - you can watch him give a speech and it is immediately twisted into bizarre forms by the media, a lot of times they just outright lie and tell you he said something different from what you heard with your own ears. Crazy stuff. And look at the reaction by all the tech companies - outright preventing service to millions of people based on political beliefs alone. Credit card companies refusing payment based on political stances. It's bad. Really bad.

    And that's only part of it. I was also talking about them supporting literal slavery. Apple, Nike, Coca-cola and others have all been lobbying against a literal anti-slavery bill. This one: Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act

    There are people who actually do want control, want to prevent a massive number of people from exercising their rights, want to put small businesses and regular folks out of work, and consolidate power even more, while supporting slavery, extortion, and completely eliminating the voices of any competition or opposition. That's the slavery side. A lot of petty tyrants in governments are on that side and being paid handsomely to stay on that side as well. The lockdowns are a symptom of that side. The nonsensical restrictions of various sorts are on that side.

    Anyone who's against all that and wants rights and freedoms for all people is on the anti-slavery side whether they're a Bernie bro or a Trumpster or someone in a tent in the desert or whatever.

    This "attack" on Congress was planned and predicted and I watched gov plants instigate and try to encourage it. I thought it was going to be worse. It is a speck of nothing compared to all the antifa and BLM riots and burnings that have been going on for months, and continue to go on. It's what was needed though to give an excuse for the coordinated and pre-planned simultaneous shutdown of political opposition.

    Edit: Removed my dramatic edit. Some thoughts I'll just keep in my head heh.
    Last edited by squark; 01-11-2021 at 03:52 AM.

  22. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Well, OK. I don't think you're going to get very far in your quest to topple Silicon Valley or abortionist Satanism, but good luck mang.
    Best hope I do because if I don't we get a rather nightmarish scenario. A Cyberpunk Dystopia without any of the cool shit we were promised by many an author/that entire genre! Imagine, a cyberpunk dystopia without Hovercars, Cybernetic augmentations, Shadowruns set up by the myriad megacorps (for there was still the hope that all the corps would actually compete amongst each other through "other means" if ya catch my drift), etc. So mundane, so boring for anyone with even a hint of appreciation for anything that is true, good, and beautiful...

    Exactly as the prince of lies would have it sadly. Thankfully, I know for a fact he'll fail to realize his dark designs. Say what you will about Christianity, it has one absolute advantage. True believers are literally incapable of despair .

    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    I hope the rioters stole some hard drives.
    They did. I can't wait for those leaks to start any day now. Nancy Pelosi herself got hers nabbed according to my reports. Rumor is Seth "I committed suicide by shooting myself twice in the back of the head" Rich's drives content is on it. That's a bit much for me to believe until I see it as having dirt on the Clintons is a very severe and absolutely "Terminal" condition but a man can always hope...

    Something major is about to happen because of that. I'm giddy with excitement on this front. Can't wait for that dirty laundry to get aired out in real time !

  23. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    Trump is just a narcissistic fool. He's not leading anything. He however has been useful to shine the light on just how deep the problem is. It's pretty interesting really - you can watch him give a speech and it is immediately twisted into bizarre forms by the media, a lot of times they just outright lie and tell you he said something different from what you heard with your own ears. Crazy stuff. And look at the reaction by all the tech companies - outright preventing service to millions of people based on political beliefs alone. Credit card companies refusing payment based on political stances. It's bad. Really bad.

    And that's only part of it. I was also talking about them supporting literal slavery. Apple, Nike, Coca-cola and others have all been lobbying against a literal anti-slavery bill. This one: Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act

    There are people who actually do want control, want to prevent a massive number of people from exercising their rights, want to put small businesses and regular folks out of work, and consolidate power even more, while supporting slavery, extortion, and completely eliminating the voices of any competition or opposition. That's the slavery side. A lot of petty tyrants in governments are on that side and being paid handsomely to stay on that side as well. The lockdowns are a symptom of that side. The nonsensical restrictions of various sorts are on that side.

    Anyone who's against all that and wants rights and freedoms for all people is on the anti-slavery side whether they're a Bernie bro or a Trumpster or someone in a tent in the desert or whatever.

    This "attack" on Congress was planned and predicted and I watched gov plants instigate and try to encourage it. I thought it was going to be worse. It is a speck of nothing compared to all the antifa and BLM riots and burnings that have been going on for months, and continue to go on. It's what was needed though to give an excuse for the coordinated and pre-planned simultaneous shutdown of political opposition.
    I agree that the system is pretty rotten. Opposition to the anti-slavery bill is something that could have been foreseen from a mile away. The Covid-19 lockdowns, justified or not, have also created a transfer of wealth from small businesses to Amazon, and many of these businesses probably won't recover.

    The social media thing is going to keep getting worse too. Companies have been mining user information on social media for a while. Insurance companies are using that information to determine rates. Airbnb has used it to deny service to people. For all the talk about China's surveillance-dystopia, we've created our own 'social credit system' that will compel people to conform and self-moderate.

    I think that we're on the same page when it comes to all of that. What I'd object to is this: that any populist fighting the government is doing it from a sense of aggrievement against existing economic conditions. A lot of it really is cultural. I could be misreading the political climate (I'm not American and I get all my information indirectly, through media), but there's a reason that Trump's populism appealed to these people more than Bernie Sanders'.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Best hope I do because if I don't we get a rather nightmarish scenario. A Cyberpunk Dystopia without any of the cool shit we were promised by many an author/that entire genre! Imagine, a cyberpunk dystopia without Hovercars, Cybernetic augmentations, Shadowruns set up by the myriad megacorps (for there was still the hope that all the corps would actually compete amongst each other through "other means" if ya catch my drift), etc. So mundane, so boring for anyone with even a hint of appreciation for anything that is true, good, and beautiful...

    We're already there.

  25. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    The social media thing is going to keep getting worse too. Companies have been mining user information on social media for a while. Insurance companies are using that information to determine rates. Airbnb has used it to deny service to people. For all the talk about China's surveillance-dystopia, we've created our own 'social credit system' that will compel people to conform and self-moderate.
    If anyone's interested in learning more:

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    I hope the rioters stole some hard drives.
    A woodworker stole a podium. A gun nut stole an envelope. These are not long range or deep thinkers here.

  27. #187
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    This is the comment you are looking for

  28. #188
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    I have a bad feeling about Inauguration Day. Was reading the news and it really hit me. I’ve never felt this amount of chaos and conflict stirring in our country in my life.

    As for what’s going on behind the scenes, I feel like it’d be arrogant for me to assume. We get most of our info from main stream media and corrupt politicians. I agree a lot of people run with what the news tells them, which is often biased and twisted, and I see people just parroting this crap, too like @squark said.

    There has been a rumor going around that I haven’t found much info about, and i don’t know if it’s true, but people have been talking about it for some time. According to these people, the shit has started to hit the fan. I went to the grocery store yesterday evening and they were sold out of a bunch of things I haven’t seen sold out since the beginning of the pandemic. I think a lot of people are worried, and believe in the conspiracies, more people than one may realize, because people often don’t talk about it, for the same reasons people didn’t say they were voting for trump.

    And sorry but I don’t like the fact that twitter & Facebook & whoever else banned Trump. Just don’t like it at all. I don’t think it’s cute or funny. More worrisome than anything. I think so many people are blinded by their hatred for trump that they are failing to look around at what’s going down.
    Last edited by Aster; 01-11-2021 at 12:06 PM.
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  29. #189
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    lol they killed Parler has now been booted by Amazon, Apple and Google:

    The Cyberpunk dystopia has arrived.. get in samurai.. we have problems. It seem to me that every small to medium business online and offline is in deep shit one way or another.

    Last edited by SGF; 01-11-2021 at 12:29 PM.

  30. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    A woodworker stole a podium. A gun nut stole an envelope. These are not long range or deep thinkers here.
    Some hope is healthy.

  31. #191
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    This is the comment you are looking for

  32. #192
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    I agree that the system is pretty rotten. Opposition to the anti-slavery bill is something that could have been foreseen from a mile away. The Covid-19 lockdowns, justified or not, have also created a transfer of wealth from small businesses to Amazon, and many of these businesses probably won't recover.

    The social media thing is going to keep getting worse too. Companies have been mining user information on social media for a while. Insurance companies are using that information to determine rates. Airbnb has used it to deny service to people. For all the talk about China's surveillance-dystopia, we've created our own 'social credit system' that will compel people to conform and self-moderate.

    I think that we're on the same page when it comes to all of that. What I'd object to is this: that any populist fighting the government is doing it from a sense of aggrievement against existing economic conditions. A lot of it really is cultural. I could be misreading the political climate (I'm not American and I get all my information indirectly, through media), but there's a reason that Trump's populism appealed to these people more than Bernie Sanders'.
    You are correct that there is a cultural aspect to all this. It's a "both" scenario. Yeah, we're pissed that our jobs got sent overseas or otherwise outsourced to foreigners who will work for half the pay while also (in many cases) possessing half the IQ we do (and you can bet your ass that's already starting to have significant consequences). But, to make matters even worse, our "overlords" hate us for, well, being us and not much else. Conservative, White, Christian, anti-woke, of common origin (don't forget that "rich/upper class" white people don't much like those "below" them very much and that's a commonality across all races) and all that entails. As I've said many a time, everyone has a religion and our overlords have one too and it is founded upon everything we are not. A diametrically opposed dogma to our own. I wish I was being hyperbolic here but anyone who has done the research will fail to conclude that I am.

    The people that hate us hate Trump just as much if not more fervently. Been quite a long time since any so called "conservative" got the kind of hate he got and he's not even Conservative. Hell, he's essentially a Business Democrat from the 90's time warped to the current era! That fact convinced people he was genuine whether he was or not and thus he garners the support he has and will if certain rumors about his next course of action turn out to be true. Don't expect a lot of complaints from half the country if he declares martial law for example...

    Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
    I have a bad feeling about Inauguration Day. Was reading the news and it really hit me. I’ve never felt this amount of chaos and conflict stirring in our country in my life.

    As for what’s going on behind the scenes, I feel like it’d be arrogant for me to assume. We get most of our info from main stream media and corrupt politicians. I agree a lot of people run with what the news tells them, which is often biased and twisted, and I see people just parroting this crap, too like @squark said.

    There has been a rumor going around that I haven’t found much info about, and i don’t know if it’s true, but people have been talking about it for some time. According to these people, the shit has started to hit the fan. I went to the grocery store yesterday evening and they were sold out of a bunch of things I haven’t seen sold out since the beginning of the pandemic. I think a lot of people are worried, and believe in the conspiracies, more people than one may realize, because people often don’t talk about it, for the same reasons people didn’t say they were voting for trump.

    And sorry but I don’t like the fact that twitter & Facebook & whoever else banned Trump. Just don’t like it at all. I don’t think it’s cute or funny. More worrisome than anything. I think so many people are blinded by their hatred for trump that they are failing to look around at what’s going down.
    I've said it above. Stock up now because riots and civil unrest are guaranteed at this point. Fully half the country will not accept whatever administration gets sworn in on the 20th as legitimate. "The Mandate of Heaven" has been lost. The successful revolution that will replace this system is already underway. Who will win and what the system that replaces this one will look like I do not know. All I know is that the Lord has already won and thus there is no reason to despair.

    Still, get armed, and get a well stocked larder going. You don't want to brave the grocery when people who are packing heat and a considerable amount of wrath are desperate for food and essential supplies.
    Last edited by End; 01-11-2021 at 02:57 PM.

  33. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Still, get armed, and get a well stocked larder going. You don't want to brave the grocery when people who are packing heat and a considerable amount of wrath are desperate for food and essential supplies.
    Oohh we’ve been preparing for a while.
    My SO has a gun addiction buying habit and we have have quite a bit of ammo last I knew. But I need to find more Coke Zero. That’s what I’m really worried about. Screw toilet paper. People can wipe their ass with about anything, I don’t get the toilet paper thing.
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  34. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    A woodworker stole a podium. A gun nut stole an envelope. These are not long range or deep thinkers here.
    As insurrections go this was pretty tame in reality.

  35. #195
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    4 years ago :

    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee View Post
    Its only been a month and people are acting like it's the end of the world. Because come on, people just hate Trump and want to find *any* little reason to set him up for impeachment.
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 01-11-2021 at 05:03 PM.

  36. #196
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    I usually don't post politics anymore since it's retarded, but for those that can't see past mainstream media:

    1. The belief that the people that stormed the capital are representative of Trump supporters. This is false lol. They are a tiny fringe of Trump supporters who deserve to go to jail. There were maybe around (a max) of 250 people that stormed the capital. On Wednesday there was a total of around 500,000ish people. This is 250 out of 500,000 people to put in perspective. Of course, the liberal left + news media uses this to smear and attack Trump supporters and go after him specifically to spread the false belief that Trump incited the violence.

    2. Trump did not schedule this rally. This wasn't a Trump rally. This was a stop-the-steal rally. Organizers put this together, not Trump. When it was growing, Trump decided to show respect and speak to the people that decided to come out. It was an hour long speech. Now the intention of the organizers was to 1. have a big gathering 2. march over to the capital NOT to break in, but to be around capital grounds so people inside the building can know a lot of Americans don't appreciate what's going on. There was no plan to engage in violence and 99.9% did not do any of that.

    3. Trump did not incite any violence. It was an hour long speech. I'm sure most people didn't even watch the speech. Watch it. Read the transcript. Read every word. There is nothing there. Most of what Trump did was reinforce election fraud. He laid out some evidence in Pennyslvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, etc. When it came to marching over to the capital, he told the crowd to "PEACEFULLY and patriotically march next to the capital, to CHEER ON those brave senators that are standing up for us." This was (of course) twisted into something he didn't say; just like what happened with the Ukraine blackmail, just like what happened with the Russia collusion. Trump's main point was for people to go out their and let their voices be heard.

    Of course, when news is filtered by CNN, twitter, facebook, etc this information is gonna be filtered into things that fit the liberal mantra.

  37. #197
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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    Trump is just a narcissistic fool. He's not leading anything
    Sup @squark long time no see, I thought your post was pretty good except your opening line, which is retarded.

    Lets be honest its your attitude + everyone else that has made it very difficult for Trump these past 4 years. Now that he is in the process of being impeached, lets admit this has MUCH more to do than what happened at the capital.

    This is about revenge, to be the only president in US history to be impeached twice and go into the history books. This is about smearing and destroying his personal, family, and business life. Because everyone in America, even in private and business, see Trump as damaged goods. Everyone wants to shame, bully, and intimidate people into NOT doing business/being involved socially with Trump.


    --Revenge for daring to beat Hilary Clinton
    --Revenge for not being a fucking puppet to Washington
    --Revenge for forcing through the conservative agenda that he did
    --Revenge for actually getting taxes lowered in America for Americans + corporations
    --Revenge for reducing regulations on corporations
    --Revenge for all the pro-life policies
    --Revenge for putting 280+ judges on federal benches all across the country that are conservative + christian + prolife
    --Revenge for appointing 3 conservative supreme court judges
    --Revenge for fighting for evangelical christians and protecting religious freedoms
    --I can list many more, you get the point

    Everyone is so furious and hate him with such a passion, and for Trump daring not to be intimidated and take on the media pisses everyone off. Anything and everything that comes out of his mouth automatically becomes a scandal; racism, evil, xenophobic. And I have to log into this forum and read everyone's dumbass cry-babying comments on him for 4 years

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    I felt like responding to this, in part bc it's a nice numbered list.

    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee View Post
    I usually don't post politics anymore since it's retarded, but for those that can't see past mainstream media:

    1. The belief that the people that stormed the capital are representative of Trump supporters. This is false lol. They are a tiny fringe of Trump supporters who deserve to go to jail. There were maybe around (a max) of 250 people that stormed the capital. On Wednesday there was a total of around 500,000ish people. This is 250 out of 500,000 people to put in perspective. Of course, the liberal left + news media uses this to smear and attack Trump supporters and go after him specifically to spread the false belief that Trump incited the violence.
    I actually agree they are not representative of most Trump supporters (nay, they are the ultimate dupes). I tend to see them as Trump's most devoted and crazy, and honestly rather stupid. They read between the lines, and that messaging Trump knew some people were getting. It seems that what they did hasn't accomplished much good for their cause, or really for any of our causes. I rather like civil unrest in the sense that I think the "common person" which is most of us is being controlled by wealth and power, and although maybe we can't change that, I would like the powers that be to be less cruel. But it is too much to hope they will fear from such events as this, as they can always spin these events back to their advantage. The primate hierarchy is firm and unyielding as much as I don't want it to be.

    2. Trump did not schedule this rally. This wasn't a Trump rally. This was a stop-the-steal rally. Organizers put this together, not Trump. When it was growing, Trump decided to show respect and speak to the people that decided to come out. It was an hour long speech. Now the intention of the organizers was to 1. have a big gathering 2. march over to the capital NOT to break in, but to be around capital grounds so people inside the building can know a lot of Americans don't appreciate what's going on. There was no plan to engage in violence and 99.9% did not do any of that.
    IMO Trump has always invited chaos of this sort. He speaks with two tongues, one that says "no, I want peace and law and order and don't condone hate" and another that whispers "doooooo it" between the lines. He is deliberately not clear when he should be. I did try to give him the benefit of the doubt for a while, and I tried to entertain his perspective, but all I could see in the end was the pattern of a narcissist. He betrays even his own supporters because the only one who matters is him (and yes, maybe the few people he cares about).

    3. Trump did not incite any violence. It was an hour long speech. I'm sure most people didn't even watch the speech. Watch it. Read the transcript. Read every word. There is nothing there. Most of what Trump did was reinforce election fraud. He laid out some evidence in Pennyslvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, etc. When it came to marching over to the capital, he told the crowd to "PEACEFULLY and patriotically march next to the capital, to CHEER ON those brave senators that are standing up for us." This was (of course) twisted into something he didn't say; just like what happened with the Ukraine blackmail, just like what happened with the Russia collusion. Trump's main point was for people to go out their and let their voices be heard.
    See above. When Trump is unclear in his messages about what he is for or against, it is on purpose. Two tongues.

    Of course, when news is filtered by CNN, twitter, facebook, etc this information is gonna be filtered into things that fit the liberal mantra.
    and they are still evil, but that doesn't mean Trump is good (to put it in black and white).

    He pretends to be a friend, but he is as much an enemy as any of the wealthy elites who toy with the people as if they are gods.

    PS: one could mention how I voted for Biden as though I think Biden is what Trump is not, but I don't. But I don't attach to Biden like he is some divine gift to the presidency. I know he's bad. I just had to vote for what I thought was less bad (and my vote didn't matter anyway because as much as ppl complain about election fraud our entire system is BS because the electoral college makes it so).

  39. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    Nice of you to finally post your pic

  40. #200
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee View Post
    Sup @squark long time no see, I thought your post was pretty good except your opening line, which is retarded.

    Lets be honest its your attitude + everyone else that has made it very difficult for Trump these past 4 years. Now that he is in the process of being impeached, lets admit this has MUCH more to do than what happened at the capital.

    This is about revenge, to be the only president in US history to be impeached twice and go into the history books. This is about smearing and destroying his personal, family, and business life. Because everyone in America, even in private and business, see Trump as damaged goods. Everyone wants to shame, bully, and intimidate people into NOT doing business/being involved socially with Trump.


    --Revenge for daring to beat Hilary Clinton
    --Revenge for not being a fucking puppet to Washington
    --Revenge for forcing through the conservative agenda that he did
    --Revenge for actually getting taxes lowered in America for Americans + corporations
    --Revenge for reducing regulations on corporations
    --Revenge for all the pro-life policies
    --Revenge for putting 280+ judges on federal benches all across the country that are conservative + christian + prolife
    --Revenge for appointing 3 conservative supreme court judges
    --Revenge for fighting for evangelical christians and protecting religious freedoms
    --I can list many more, you get the point

    Everyone is so furious and hate him with such a passion, and for Trump daring not to be intimidated and take on the media pisses everyone off. Anything and everything that comes out of his mouth automatically becomes a scandal; racism, evil, xenophobic. And I have to log into this forum and read everyone's dumbass cry-babying comments on him for 4 years
    I don't hate Trump. He's done more good than bad as a president imo, something that cannot be said about Clinton, Bush, or Obama. He's not a bad person overall imo, and I think he truly does care about our country and wants to "Make it Great" . . . but he also wants to make sure he gets the credit for that. He mentions this every other sentence. He does far too much to feed his own ego in that regard. He has some good and some bad policies. He was a far better choice than the alternatives, which is why I voted for him this time around.

    But he is a fool too, and his ego gets in the way. He's not a leader, he's a cheerleader. He just isn't. He flip-flops based on whoever last had his ear, and you have to hope that someone with sense and decency is talking in it, or else he does really dumb things. People banded around him imo because they want someone who speaks for them and he was the closest thing they could get. Some of his policies are good for the people, far more so than our last few presidents. So, it's not unwarranted.

    Then there's the whole Q group of idol-worship, which is a whole nother story. They are imo looking for a savior. They really wanted to believe Trump was that guy and convinced themselves that he was. But he isn't and never has been that guy. The establishment does hate him, and absolutely have been trying to take him down because he is an obstacle. He's revealed them, but he whines constantly, and caves too often. He's done some very positive things and put some stumbling blocks in their way which I'm grateful for. It's given some people tools to work with to do more. That's good, because one person is never going to be able to do enough, even if they manage to become president.

    Being honest about his faults doesn't hurt him. Lying about him does - and that's what the media does constantly. They do it on purpose imo. His supporters do it out of hope? I'm not sure. But failing to see that he isn't some kind of hero messiah just makes a person delusional.

    Finally, you're making this all about Trump, and it's not. He's the foothold to a much much bigger problem. His demonization was a means to demonize others. And it spreads. It goes far beyond him. Salami tactics is what it is. I'm hoping there are enough good people that stand up now and fight against this, because there's a whole lot more at stake than Trump's reputation. Everything that has been pushed for the past 4 years starts to make more sense when you realize that's the tactic. Framing him as a fascist and a racist isn't revenge on him, it's to frame everyone associated with him as the same. Paint everyone who supports him as some kind of white supremacist and then you have an excuse to go after them too. Guilt by association.

    There are currently people losing their jobs and being investigated just for being present during that rally, when they never even got near the building itself. People talk about how parler is being shut down - well, it happened years ago to Gab, and the founder of that site not only was denied hosting services and had to build his own servers, but all payment was refused to him. He couldn't accept any money through his site by any credit card or payment service, and could only use bitcoin, wire transfers and checks. His app was kicked off all the app stores. And even his personal credit cards and those of his family members were revoked, so they can't even have a credit card for personal use. Trump isn't unique or the first. And he has more resources than most to fall back on, so don't make it about Trump. Those that actually are blinded by hate for the man will only laugh the more bad that befalls him and never make the connection that this is only the beginning if we don't stop it. That he is the president and so high-profile will hopefully bring attention to what is happening, but it's been happening unnoticed to others for a long time already.

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