Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
Coming out and telling me my thinking is hopelessly indoctrinated while knowing nothing about me or my thinking is actually projection dipshit... especially when you beleive heavily indoctrinated shit like religion and trumps bullshit ideologies rofl.

There is 0 indication whatsoever that any of what you write is true. Making it.... Another assumption based on nothing off of 1 sentence which is clearly trolling around... so quick to jump down my throat for it. Hmm will end connect the dots and realize hes projecting?? His brain is screaming the subconscious signals at him.. Either way a whole essay of projection now. I really hit a nerve I see in that denial brain.

I wonder what its like being so delusional and diluted lmao. Even as I write this! It will not go through your thick skull! Christ will grant the power of new and incoming information to penetrate the cinderblock between your brain and realty and thus teach you your own internal logic stream and why you use it oh Jeremiah and Jesus ohhh ohhhh oh I pray for it 1 day brethren! For God's enlightenment! His rule has granted me with his vast universal knowledge and oh Jesus I pray thee i will use it to enlighten the blind like End! Hallelujah!
Once more, projection. You're doing it. You are essentially the same as most any commie so that was basically written for everyone like you. I'm not wrong, the same could be said of me from your end. Something terrible would need to happen to me to get me to listen to your, in my mind, BS view that God doesn't exist. Only from my end that won't happen. Despair is a sin after all.

Also, Trump doesn't really have a concrete ideology or dogma. Which one do you assign to him? I am curious.