Quote Originally Posted by MrInternet42069 View Post
All politics is fake and every politician no matter who is a deepfake pedophile anyways
Politics, in the sociological sense, is just another word for 'power', thus, not fake at all. At the risk of being called a Beta: Power a.k.a. Politics is what makes the world go round. Everything else is idealistic illusions and a negation of how reality really works.

Justice, and worse, Social Justice, are simply human constructs. Only Power is real. Even better: Social Justice is just another rationalization in the quest for Power; a quest for Power disguised as something that claims to oppose Power. The sooner you get to terms with that fact, the greater the chances that you can create a pleasurable life for yourself and your loved ones. Even if you are EII and make yourself believe I'm talking sheer nonsense.

All's fair in love and war...