Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
It's not a first rate democracy. The UK is a constitutional monarchy still and they have better democracy than we do. Except for that Brexit thing. A simple majority for that big of a change was a bad idea.
I'm sorry for implying it was. I know in the Democracy Index it is not regarded top tier - it's in the "Flawed democracy" category.

America is very strong when it comes to democratic involvement at all levels of society, including things like class president and small town mayor. Although the electoral college and disproportionate senate weightings to states does screw things up. (The UK does in effect have an electoral college when it comes to deciding its leader, except British people don't actually vote for their leader. The second biggest party in terms of the popular vote could gain power, but that's not as absurd as having a specific vote on your leader in a two-horse race where the person who comes second becomes President).

The US suffers very badly with petty attempts at disenfranchising citizens from the vote.