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Thread: SI for ISTp - What it is for me

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    Default SI for ISTp - What it is for me

    I haven't found too many personal descriptions of what this function is like if it is first position

    Here are examples where I sense it working:

    I consider SI to be the RAM(Random access memory) of a computer - and this leads to:

    1.) Immaculate memory - I have memories as young as two years old - and many from childhood. I'm very good at things like Jeopardy, Scrabble, crosswords - although I find them boring and don't like watching or playing these things. I can remember facts that I learned years ago.

    2.) I get sensory "rushes" for things that greatly excite me. For instance, if I come across unique architecture in real life, I will get a surge of energy through my whole body, where I can sense the architecture through my eyes, ears etc.. Same things for books or other objects, or art. These sensory rushes can be negative. When I get them, time stops, and I become loss with no thought or feeling for a period of a few seconds to minutes.

    3.) Can immediately sense what type of mood someone is in and it can wear off on me.

    4.) Very health conscious - If I eat bad, or processed food - I can feel the negative effects on my body immediately. If you can sense what fast food, soda etc you stop eating that stuff easily.

    5.) Can reproduce different states in my body at will. Excitement, anger, passion, etc.

    4.) If I'm in a bad mood, I can bring everyone down with me. Don't need words - just the visage on my face does it. Same goes for good moods.

    5. People constantly complain that they can't tell if I'm listening or just ignoring someone. I frequently am in my head but still hear and notice everything. They are always surprised when I bring up something they said but they thought I wasn't listening.

    6. Can distinguish quality vs bad quality in anything

    7. Remember that typing doesn't speak to the QUALITY of the functions, just preference. Although I prefer, SI, my EN is very strong. Get it out of your head that people are either sensing or intuitive - we ALL use both.

  2. #2
    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    I have 4D Si demonstrative and theoretically may use Si more due to being harmonizing LSI. Lets see how that compares to SLI.

    1.) Immaculate memory <== my memory is not that gr8 tbh

    2.) I get sensory "rushes" for things that greatly excite me <== hmm I like to be half naked during thunderstorms in the garden screaming into the wind, rain and lighting.. but to get a rush from architecture is not my thing.

    3.) Can immediately sense what type of mood someone is in and it can wear off on me <== THIS TBH. I'm very good at reading other people's body language and emotional states face to face.

    4.) Very health conscious <== I just like looking good & strength, being healthy is the requirement for this so.

    5.) Can reproduce different states in my body at will <== NOPE

    4.) If I'm in a bad mood, I can bring everyone down with me. Don't need words <== NOPE

    5.) People constantly complain that they can't tell if I'm listening or just ignoring someone. I frequently am in my head but still hear and notice everything. They are always surprised when I bring up something they said but they thought I wasn't listening. <== NOPE

    6.) Can distinguish quality vs bad quality in anything <== kinda, yeah.

    7.) Remember that typing doesn't speak to the QUALITY of the functions, just preference. Although I prefer, SI, my EN is very strong. Get it out of your head that people are either sensing or intuitive - we ALL use both. <== There is such a thing as function strength.

  3. #3
    Alomoes's Avatar
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    Si demonstrative is what again? Oh, that's why ESI would probably end up in Delta Quadra as something else. Makes sense. They think they're better or more valuing than they are. 5) is the one that makes me believe this is the case here. That's an Fi/Fe thing more than not. SiTe would probably angerly fix whatever upsets them by moving or exclaiming to whomever is making them angry to shut up. I haven't gotten him to do the former, but I've incurred the later a lot. I've seen him kick the cat that scratches people in his rage.

    That being said, yeah some people are good at different stuff, however, preference of function is a strength/tiering in itself, and can be used as such, although I would check the roles of each function in stack. You should really like things that help you function, and not care as much about impressing other people.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

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    I have shit long term memory but short term seems better than most.

    Yes I do get that

    I absolutely can never accurately tell what mood someone is in unless they're very visibly happy or pissed off

    I'm not very health conscious. I take excessive vitamins, multivitamins, omega 3, niacin and ashwagandha, also creatine and whey protein but otherwise I drink excessive caffeine at over 600mg a day and run on 4 hours of sleep everyday due to constantly overworking myself.

    I cannot control my internal emotional state well at all.


    People always seem to get that I'm listening even when I'm not.

    Same. Easiest with food and beverages.

    We use one more than the other. You can't equally use Si and Ni to the same degree.

  5. #5
    Rebelondeck's Avatar
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    By SI, are you referring to Si? You seem to be mixing animalistic in with cognitive behaviours. Si is an indication of data preference (filtering) and processing structure. SLIs focus firstly on quantitative information unlike IEIs whose initial tendency is toward qualitative information but this doesn't mean that the other perspective can't be seen although it's often ignored. SLIs and IEIs share a common processing structure where all input is compared to an information base before it's rationalized - in a sense, a data pre-acceptance process. I wrote the following ISTp description which is very different from my IEI one:

    a.k.a. I/O

  6. #6
    Exodus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pydex View Post
    I haven't found too many personal descriptions of what this function is like if it is first position

    Here are examples where I sense it working:

    I consider SI to be the RAM(Random access memory) of a computer - and this leads to:

    1.) Immaculate memory - I have memories as young as two years old - and many from childhood. I'm very good at things like Jeopardy, Scrabble, crosswords - although I find them boring and don't like watching or playing these things. I can remember facts that I learned years ago.

    2.) I get sensory "rushes" for things that greatly excite me. For instance, if I come across unique architecture in real life, I will get a surge of energy through my whole body, where I can sense the architecture through my eyes, ears etc.. Same things for books or other objects, or art. These sensory rushes can be negative. When I get them, time stops, and I become loss with no thought or feeling for a period of a few seconds to minutes.

    3.) Can immediately sense what type of mood someone is in and it can wear off on me.

    4a.) Very health conscious - If I eat bad, or processed food - I can feel the negative effects on my body immediately. If you can sense what fast food, soda etc you stop eating that stuff easily.

    5a.) Can reproduce different states in my body at will. Excitement, anger, passion, etc.

    4b.) If I'm in a bad mood, I can bring everyone down with me. Don't need words - just the visage on my face does it. Same goes for good moods.

    5b. People constantly complain that they can't tell if I'm listening or just ignoring someone. I frequently am in my head but still hear and notice everything. They are always surprised when I bring up something they said but they thought I wasn't listening.

    6. Can distinguish quality vs bad quality in anything

    7. Remember that typing doesn't speak to the QUALITY of the functions, just preference. Although I prefer, SI, my EN is very strong. Get it out of your head that people are either sensing or intuitive - we ALL use both.
    Only 4a and 6 here are about Si.

    2 is Se, 3, 5a, and 4b are Fe, 5b is Ni or something, and 1 is MBTI Si.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Only 4a and 6 here are about Si.
    "6. Can distinguish quality vs bad quality in anything"

    It's wrong as not in anything. To Si relates only subjective sensory evaluations as a taste, esthetic harmony, etc.

    > 1 is MBTI Si

    There is Jung's functions - by core sense and partly doubtful expanded their interpretations. There are no special "MBTI texts" functions - they tried to dumbly copy Jung texts and do not use that seriously to notice bs there.

    > 1.) Immaculate memory - I have memories as young as two years old - and many from childhood. I'm very good at things like Jeopardy, Scrabble, crosswords - although I find them boring and don't like watching or playing these things. I can remember facts that I learned years ago.

    It's not function's specific by core Jung functions definitions. An abbility to remember and to get from the memory relates to info of any function corresponding of its strenght. To S relate sensory info only.
    Jung had some mess in a thinking about own typology, what is seen in a lot of water in his typology book and his mistake in own type as LII, instead of correct ILI. His interpretations of his own core typology difinitions are secondary and may be rejected where have no clear links to core difinitions.

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