Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
Science involves the observation of nature to establish knowledge.
Agreed! That is excellent science.

Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
....If you can disprove General Relativity, please do so.
Apparently, in order to do so, you must outdo Einstein's "magnificent mathematical garb!" Alas, maths is not my thing...,.

However, I actually know someone who took it on. Apparently, as Tesla would say, it does take a real mathematician. My next door neighbor in TX (where I lived as a newlywed, working at the university to put my then-husband through college) was a retired mathematician and university math professor, who published his own science journal from a printing press in his garage, where he also did experiments. He came over very excitedly one evening to exclaim to us that he had disproved Einstein's theory of relativity! He showed us (it involved the flicker of a light is all I can tell you), and told us, but I had no comprehension... Dr.M. was a great neighbor, unique and interesting and I really enjoyed him. He was homeschooled back when that was rare (they called it tutoring; he was an only child with his parents as his teachers). So much energy at his age, and so much life in him. He had many interests, he was a good neighbor and humorously cranky, and he was dear to my heart. Someone made a nice Wikipedia entry of him.

Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
... If you don't base your opinion on observation, then what you say has literally no substance whatsoever.
This is real science, but you don't get real science everywhere you hear "science", that's for sure.

Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
Religious people on the whole value faith over observation, sadly.
I don't think you know very many religious people.