Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post

Humans simply are not living as good guardians of nature right now. This will not be helped if the human population reaches 9, 10, 11, 12 billion or more by 2100 as has been predicted while not significantly improving sustainability, the situation will only get worse. Large families themselves are not the primary issue - the primary issue is the unsustainable lifestyle of so-called developed countries in the current moment. I am hopeful that we will be able to live within our means some day however.

If you wish to "replenish" the Earth, why do you not care when it is being degraded?
I like my plumbing, electricity & wifi, but I do permaculture already. In case ppl don't know what that is: https://www.permaculturenews.org/what-is-permaculture/
The buck stops at not having offspring and bs like that. Y'all can do that if you wish, our family legacy will be spread,come hell or high water. I won;t let some filthy middle class westerner dictate wtf I on the other side of the planet can and can't do haha.