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  1. #1
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    Turns out letting Dementia Joe talk ends in the same result...dementia joe gets pummeled

    this time dementia joe mainly just pummeled himself....lied right to the American People that he was never against Fracking. What a lying piece of shit career scumbag. lied right to the public's faces...lied right to your faces and if you go out and vote for him that shows what a total idiot you are. he lied so bad, he lied right to the camera when he said he's never said he was against fracking, what a pile of shit, hope dementia joe was wearing his nursing home diapers because that was a real load of crap he took right there on the debate stage...

    dementia joe pummeled himsellf....said he would scrap subsidies to oil companeis...what a crazy socialist thing to say oil companies are a lifeblood industry of htis country and he's going to cut that just for hte sake of his insane whacky environmetnal green deal.

    dementia joe pummeled himself...admitted that he got nothing done because the republicans controlled the congress...dementia joe admitted that he got nothing done for all those years as VP and blames it on red/blue lines...some uniter. and he didn't have dementia back then imagine now he'll be for sure a do nothing...

    dementia joe pummeled himself...he was instrumental in the bill refering to blacks as super predators and put record numbers of blacks behind bars...him and that crazy kamala poop for brains harris whose even more of a commie than bernie put record numbers of blacks in california behind bars during her affirmative action-friendly job as prosecutor

    dementia joe pummeled himself...he's claiming that the emails and laptop evidencing what crooks him and his family are part of a Russian Hoax (and the media eats it up). dementia joe is a real low life...

    dementia joe got a lot of softballs tongiht....she asked him a lot of broad questions...."how will you make china pay" "what do you say to americans about the coronavirus" ....type questions that are intended for a mentally retarded candidtate...or this case a half-dead comatose corpse who wandered out of the nursing home and into a suit on a stage, meanwhile trump got all the specific questions that included half-baked statistics and statements which were intended to make the question tough (joe didn't get any of that and still managed to pummel himself)

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    Those questions are meant for the grade 8 comprehension level of the Average American. Same with any country really. Even the words both Trump and Joe choose are aimed at junior high school comprehension.

  3. #3
    Jesus is the cruel sausage consentingadult's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raTG13 View Post
    Those questions are meant for the grade 8 comprehension level of the Average American. Same with any country really. Even the words both Trump and Joe choose are aimed at junior high school comprehension.
    "A proposition must be plain to be adopted by the understanding of a people. A false notion which is clear and precise will always meet with a greater number of adherents in the world than a true principle which is obscure or involved."

    - Alexis de Tocqueville - Democracy in America
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

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    The moderator was a first-rate piece of garbage...this is how the entire line of questions would go

    Question to Donald Trump: Even your officials say (fill in with something that contradicts trump's positions), and you even called Anthony Fauci a disaster, what will you do...
    Question to Biden: What steps would you take to give confidence to people to take a vaccine?

    Question to Trump: You said that you have a great relatinship with north korean dictator Kim, that you write 'beautiful letters with North Korea", etc....
    QUESTION to BIDEN: What would you do to put an end to the threat of NOrth Korea?

    her questions for biden are questions for mentally retarded people and engineered to make Biden come out as the winner...she in no way attempted to put Biden in a position of having to answer for past mistakes and past controversial statements the way that she did to trump....

    Challenge Biden on all his swithcing positions from Fracking to Gun Control...
    Challenge Biden about all the mishaps from Benghazi to Afghanistan that resulted in deaths of soliders because Obama would not allow US to bomb in the daytime
    Challenge Biden on his segregationist policies that even Kamala called him out....

    She did none of that....she's a first class piece of shit. At one point she was arguing with Trump

    Why haven't you been able to improve it?
    Nancy Pelosi
    But you're the president!

    That's fine, be tough but be tough on both candidates, not tough on Trump and then treat Biden like a mentally retarded kid who she lobbed questoins up in the air like a volleyball for Biden to is so fckin obvious what that fake and phony piece of garbage was trying to do. only a moron would fall for that.

    the moderator is by far the biggest piece of shit to ever moderate a debate...what a complete and total and phony piece of shit.

  5. #5
    45th President of the USA Donald Trump's Avatar
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    While I do always pummel Dementia Joe with my words, I don't need to pummel anyone with my fists and I'm too rich for that. It's why I said I would send shots to Biden. I was talking about a visit from one of my most elite hitmen.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Donald Trump View Post
    While I do always pummel Dementia Joe with my words, I don't need to pummel anyone with my fists and I'm too rich for that. It's why I said I would send shots to Biden. I was talking about a visit from one of my most elite hitmen.
    ***Yawn*** Send all the shots you want, ur gonna need it.

    I'm going to take some shots as well; shots of liquor that is when I win

  7. #7
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    According to 538, it was Biden who did the better job according to polls. The debate won't do much to change the final outcome, though.

    The share who thought Trump’s performance was “somewhat good” or “very good” jumped from one-third in the last debate to a little over half in this debate. Biden got higher marks, too, up from 60 percent to 69 percent.
    Forty-four percent thought Trump’s policy answers were good, compared to 60 percent for Biden — although both of those ratings are a few percentage points higher than in the first debate.

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    On policy, Trump doesn’t want to do anything about COVID-19.
    He doesn’t want to do anything about health care except repeal Obamacare.
    He doesn’t want to do anything about immigration.
    He doesn’t want to do anything about civil rights.
    And he doesn’t want to do anything about climate change. At least, he never mentioned anything.

    All he did was attack the stuff Biden wants to do. I suppose he thinks that after four years of Trump there’s nothing left to do.

    -Kevin Drum

    Trump did promise to "build a wall", and this is how his "drain the swamp" people are doing it:

  9. #9
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    Dementia Joe The Creepy Molester is getting pummeled on the very items i said he had pummeled himself on moments after the debate...what a lying piece of shit career politician he is on Fracking...his crazy whacky dementia joe si-vegged out promise to cut federal subsidies to oil companies and the weasel crook Hunter Biden is. so many democrats now from swing states have come out and said they do not hsare Biden's plan to tranisiotn out of oil....only a loser snowflake yellow-belly AOC supporting pinhead would be in favor of transitioning out of oil...EVERY ITEM I SAID HE HAD PUMMELED HIMSELF HE IS NOW BEING PUMMELED ON....just like i correclty typed thesocionics and enneagram types of numerous members on the board, go look at my type lists, they are a 100 percent accurate and have never been revised... I didn't get all the members typings on this forum right and discover the only valid breakdown for every type wing and stack and crack the only valid VI templates for every socionics type and subtype for nothing.

    I was the only one four years ago that predicted Trump's victory. Everybody said no no no no way no chance and look how my prediction came to fruition...I was the only one that predicted Biden would win the nomination and he was way behind in every poll, lost two states and everybody said no no no way no chance and look how my prediction came to fruition. I not only predicted that they would win I predicted the how and the way....because i"m the most insightful on this board...all the things I laid out on the dummy trump thread are now the central pieces of Biden's campaign. I'm the most insightful on this board when it comes not just to typology but to politics. Nobody here has the RAW ABILITY and RAW KNOWLEDGE that I do when it comes to understanding politics. Now this race is literally Trump, his family, Guiliani and some commentators on Fox news versus Everybody...the media is not providing accurate poll numbers and nobody ahs been tough on Joe. Trump will win again if its a fair election, like I predicted here years ago not long after he won. Dementia Joe has gotten a pass from the media like nobody in is outrageous what they are doing....all those emails on Hunter Biden's laptop show what criminals Joe and Hunter are...and what does the piece of shit media stories that claim the laptop was planted as part of a Russian plot. The gay snowflake twitter medium would not run the NY Post stories....they don't want it to get out that this cokehead loser disgrace Hunter Biden was being set in a high level and high-paying important international relations position throuhg his father's pull as VP. Dementia Joe is an arrogant piece of garbage...if he gets elected its going going to back to politics as usual...corrupt politics as usual just like with the dirty clintons...more establishment politics...dementia joe hasn't defined himself in this election he has run entirely on one issue and as simply a reaction to trump. Trump pummeled Dementia Joe in the first debate and dementia joe pummeled himself in the second debate...dementia joe delievered canned lines and scripted but in the last half hour of the debate when she raised topics he was not prepared well on started to dribble food all over his bib...the piece of shit moderator didn't even touch law and order...dementia joe wants cops to shoot criminals in the leg. dementia joe wants to pussify the police...crime has skyrocketed in democratic-run cities because the police force has been castrated....Police brutality is essential for solving homicides, burglaries, armed robberies...a lot of times there's no DNA or ballistics or camera video so police could typically rely on hard interrogations to get information...beat it out of somebody... homicides and burglaries and armed robberies can't be solved by playing nice with suspects....police need the freedom to use aggressive methods to get people to open up...make the crackhead who saw everything go down spill the beans DEMENTIA JOE IS A FCKIN' PUSSY. THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY HAS GONE TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS OVER THE CLIFF. Anybody who votes for the democratic party is out of their fuckin mind....the democratic party has now gone over the edge...trillions of dollars over the edge. Trump totally killed Biden in both debates...Biden even killed himself in the second debate....that piece of shit moderator like the piece of shit media covered for Biden's two biggest vulnerabilities LAW AND ORDER and HUNTER"S LAPTOP....we heard nothing about either one from the moderator. ESSENTIALLY TRUMP HAD TO TWO JOBS AT THE DEBATe....he had to answer questions but he also had to be the second moderator and ask JOe tough questions and bring up shit Biden said in the past that contradicted what he's saying now....Trump literally had to do that because the piece of shit moderator wasn't....the piece of shit moderator was only doing it to Trump. Nothing about the huge benghazi fuckup, nothing about the superpredators bill, nothing about the busing policies, nothing about all the fuckups of the Obama administration, nothing about his past comments on fracking, gun control, nothing....literally Trump had to be the one to press Biden on all that. the moderator is a total piece of shit.
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 10-25-2020 at 02:02 PM.

  10. #10
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    All hail k4m the political prophet. I heard he once predicted the sun would rise the next morning. Amazing!

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Assuming it is a fair election here are some other things that will fck biden in the ass (aside from the obvious ) the fckin exit polls i guarantee you one or more of the below (aside from what I put in my OP) account for Biden's losing (assuming the election is fair):

    Dementia Joe's total failure to confront and explain or take responsibility for difficult issues (especially the Hunter Biden scandal)
    Dementia Joe's total failure to really define himself and complete lack of any vision...he's not a leader....biden is a number 2 guy whose campaign has been completely dominated by teleprompters and talking points...he's not outside the box, he's not off the cuff, he's not off script, he's not spontaneous....he's stiff and wooden...there's no such thign as "let Biden be Biden"...there's no reports that his personality can't be reined in point Dementia Joe couldn't even answer a simple question about whether he was in favor of packing the supreme court. he refused to answer it and then in the last debate said 'he'll get a commission together. that's such a nit thing to say...he's gotta have a commision to advise him on how to see issues the fckin pussy. that's like asking are you in favor of abortion...and him saying "well I can't answeer htat unilt I have a team of scientists get together and give me their findings." Get the fuck out of here the total fckin nit thing to say...unless there is a clear mandate from his party on an issue he's shifty and unwilling to define a first rate spineless yellow-belly pussy

    Dementia Joe's VP choice Kamala Poop for Brains Harris Queen of the Bag Ladies...she's even kookier and more socialist than him...the last person you want leading the country if he were to keel over nobody needs to be president at eighty years old. she's a complete moron and pandering phony...embodies all the over the edge kookiness of the identity politic cesspool aka democratic party

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    I didn't read the instructions on the poll. I just voted for who I think I will win. I don't vote in elections. I always have something better to do. But I do have a million dollar prediction: Jeb Bush wins New Hampshire and eventually the presidency.
    What is your prediction now?
    Quote Originally Posted by replica View Post
    There's no way they'd reopen the investigation unless they had good reason to... I think Hills is toast guys
    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    All he has to do is flip one "blue" state while the other "red" states stay red. That's all he has to do, and everything he's been doing plus the new stuff coming in like the FBI reopening their investigation is going to pull it off. Here's one parallel, Bernie got Michigan by, among other things, reaching out to the Muslim community there. Trump just reached out to the Hindu community by wishing them a happy Diwali and holding a rally targeting them specifically. Different demographic to be sure but you get the point, flip this seemingly insignificant minority to your side while running the ticket with your "base" and you win quite bigly. The minority is small yes, but they also know people who know people. Studies show that if you can get two friends of a person to say X is OK, then they will also think X is OK. If you know a Hindu who likes Trump, and your mutual Sikh friend has a Trump sign on his front lawn... Well, Trump just went from some Reality TV Show Host to legit contender for President that you're not too much against voting for.

    This is why he's going to win. He gets that most of the minorities only care about the gibs, they're the majority of the Free Shit Army after all. Meh, just peel off the 20 percent that thinks pretty much exactly like Blue Collar Whitey does insofar as they'd sooner die than literally live off of welfare programs and you win so bigly that no amount of voter fraud could possibly cover it up without sparking The French Revolution v.2.0. Final Caveat, Blue Collar Whitey=Rednecks and we all know which demographic in the U.S. has always had the biggest urge to tell the PTB to go fuck itself. They're also the reason the 2nd Amendment is a thing. They comprised around 40 percent of the revolutionary army, let that sink in good and hard .

  13. #13
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    As far as I am concerned, Trump won this election but now is getting cheated out of the result. Definitely not a fair election (total screwjob) the way it is playing out but if the voting stopped when it was supposed to stop Trump was ahead and won, like i fuckin predicted. I told everybody Trump would win four years ago. He was way down in the polls. He won. I told everybody Biden would win the primary. He was way down in the polls. He won. I told everybody Amy Coney Barret would get confirmed to the Supreme Court. The crazy demoturds were trying to kill her anyway they could. She got confirmed. I said Trump would win if it was a fair election. He was the clear winner just at the point that fairness ended and the cheating process began...and even if he were have lose at that point I'm still more accurate than every major pollster in the Country who had Trump getting wiped out....

  14. #14
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    it looks like Biden won and the demographic that abandoned Trump was "white male".
    To be fair, outside of posting to trigger the libs, the conservatives or both.. if I were American white male, I wouldn't have voted at all. So I get it. Most of my acquaintances in the US didn't bother to go vote, they say (and I agree) that both sides suck dick and the third option libertarians are the worst of the lot.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SojournInLimbo View Post
    Not quite shotgunfingers. They prematurely called Arizona. Trump still has a chance of winning... We won't know until a few hours.

    So it's technically 253-214 right now. It's too close to call right now.

    Nevada has the option: none of these candidates. Lol
    :"> RIP OP

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    Let's see I want to see something weird. It seems like Bidet might lose after all. Just by looking at numbers. Make CoVID great again.
    Winning is for losers


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    they are just making time so everyone could get a gun.

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    Live footage of kill4me just hours before his forum post

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ebony View Post
    Pretty much. People are pretty angry, these days. I don't see the harm in preparing for the worst.

    "All nations will place their hope in him."
    (Mt 12:21)

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    At least one Republican looks happy at the outcome of the election.

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