Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
Solomon - LxI?
For the record, my pastor suggested LII for Solomon, and I argued for the Ni-valuing equivalent, which he then accepted.
Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
Afaik he is usually typed ILI on Russian sites.
...and I apparently agreed with them. Okay, Solomon was his dad's favorite son because they were duals.

Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
I think Nehemiah might be ENTJ. I related to him a lot with the systems work
My pastor figured SLE was a sure fit for Nehemiah. I can see why LIE would be considered, but agree that SLE works better.

Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
My pastor initially suggested EIE, and I joked about typing all the bad-guys EIE. After discussing some of the functions, I started to suggest IEI, then realized that was John's type, and John was Judas's biggest critic. But my pastor pointed out that some people have issues with those in whom they can see too many of their own traits, and maybe that was the case with John and Judas.