Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
A vote for Biden Harris is you saying, ripping a baby a part in a woman's womb every 30 seconds here in America is not enough baby slaughter! We need to increase that rate!

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are EXTREME pro-abortionists. Harris even thinks a woman should be able to "choose" to kill her baby AFTER it is born. It is disgusting. What have we come to? How can anyone defend this? We are BEGGING God to intervene!

The world is watching. God is watching. This election REALLY matters. We are telling the world, and God, what we think is right.

If we vote to increase baby-killing in our country, then we should be prepared for the consequences.

Christians, we need all need to be praying now, harder than ever!
This bold part is an outright lie Eliza. As it would be a lie for me to say a vote for Trump shows your support of separating small children and infants from their mothers and locking them in cages where they cry all day and are treated like animals causing them lifetime trauma. You also want the police to kill black people if you vote for Trump and you care nothing for the babies alive now, only fetuses, is that fair to say of you?

Another pro-life lie you perpetuate are some of the images in the links you posted of babies in the womb. Do you realize that most of those images used by "pro-lifers" from that particular photographer are of decades old Swedish abortions and miscarriages that were photographed in an aquarium filled with formaldehyde, using filters and lighting, to make them look ethereal? I remember you took issue with images like this one of a nebula giving birth to stars yet you are on board with presenting dead ethereal looking babies as live fetuses.

NASA captures ‘space butterfly’ giving birth to new stars

Aren't these images not awe inspiring enough?


If you don't believe me about the images in your links just look up the photographer.

A Child Is Born…
Lennart Nilsson Fetus Photography

Each one of us human beings started out as a raceless, sexless shrimp-like creature – which, in my opinion, is a great argument against racism, sexism and religion and all other forms of uppity, self-important thinking. In 1965, Life Magazine published images from Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson‘s book A Child Is Born: The drama of life before birth in unprecedented photographs. A practical guide for the expectant mother. Four days later, the entire run of 8 million copies of A Child is Born had sold out. It’s not hard to see why – these now iconic images of human fetuses were some of the first of their kind, and Nilssen captured our evolution in utero in stunning detail and drama. However, these fetuses weren’t actually in utero, Lennart’s subjects were all procured from Swedish abortion clinics, which allowed late stage abortions. In the ultimate irony, his images have been used extensively by pro-life and religious organizations; case in point – one of the images I pulled for this post was up on a blog about Unborn Jesus, illustrating where Jesus was at in the third trimester – because yes, there are Christians who worship Fetus Jesus. But despite the fact that the development of a fetus is probably the most common thing to happen on this planet, ever, it is still striking to watch and think about…check out Lennart Nilsson’s images below, as well as some digitally animated versions of his photos made for Swedish TV.

Then you go and start a new thread about this judge to shift attention from a subject you clearly wanted to talk about but like the ethereal images you post she is not some saintly being. The threads should probably be merged just because you want to separate her from the rest of what you posted here.

PS. I hope we get 33 US Supreme Court justices in the end. 33 is the correct number for today's world.