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Every 30 seconds in this country a baby is ripped limb to limb and sucked out of his womb in pieces. The abortionists piece together the body parts on a tray to make sure all the parts of the baby got sucked out. The baby's face is often in a SCREAM. You would scream, too, if your body parts were ripped off and sucked into a vacuum.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris support abortion up to the moment of birth, all at taxpayer expense, and they promise to nominate only pro-abortion judges.

You have a choice. The world is watching. God is watching. On November 3rd do you choose life? Or death?

Are you willing to accept the consequences of a death vote?

Do you think God doesn't care? Because He hasn't struck us dead, yet? How far do you think we should push Him?

This is a horrible world we live in. We have one chance to do a right thing as a country. If we fail, we will reap the natural consequences.