The captain agrees with you and assigns two watchers while he proceeds to give first aid to the injured rowers.

You tie down the captive before doing some looting.
The first significant thing you find is that every one of the attackers had a tattoo of a chain on their body.
As for actual loot, you find: armor: 3 three sets of leather armor and 1 chain armor.
3 bows, 8 large knives, 3 spears, a woodsman's axe and a huge scimitar.
1 kris knife that looks special, it's been inscribed with red glowing runes.
About 100 arrows.
Plenty of food, heavy cloaks and some camping gear.

What seems somewhat interesting is that there's plenty of scars of lashings on most of the attackers but nothing that looks like it was originally caused by combat. The bows they used seem to be hunting bows and quite worn.

As you approach the lizardman prisoner, he breaks relatively easily.
-I'm Miqu. That's my name. I'm a poacher. The Chain is a group of bandits that have kept my village as prisoners for years. They come in every few months and take what they want. Sometimes they grab people.

What do you do?