Quote Originally Posted by eiemo View Post
Part of the reason why I have so much trouble with typing myself is because I don’t have a strong sense of self.

Te lead? Not factual enough.

Te creative? Too emotionally expressive, energetic, and task-oriented.

Fi lead? Lacks a sense of relationships. I don’t pay much attention to relationships at all, and I have always struggled with making friends.

Fi creative: I cannot see myself as Ne leading with Fi creative. I cannot see myself who uses possibilities to help relationships. I am bad at brainstorming; I prefer to settle on a conclusion or decision. SEE is more probable, but people said that I need to focus more on using relationships to achieve my goals (without seeming like I am using them). I tend to use the general chain of command, working a lot, and having high-quality of work. I do see and utilize the value of networking, though.

Si leading: No, and just no. I don’t care much about appearance (unless I have to), aesthetics, and comfort. I am a massive hypochondriac. IP temperament is also NO, as is Te or Fe PoLR.

Fe leading: EIE, a Fe-leading type, is my tentative self-typing. ExxJ temperament fits with my attitude towards tasks and leadership. I always want to achieve tasks and goals; I also like having control. I am emotionally expressive and passionate. However, I do not intentionally use emotions for any purpose, nor do I particularly care about the emotional atmosphere that much. I am not manipulative, overly dramatic, or good at reading people.

Ni leading: I daydream a lot and I lack a sense of self, but a) I don’t think that I have Fe/Te PoLR, and b) I don’t think that I have 1D Se. I have a strong sense of willpower and I seek to lead others. I have also been successful in leading others. I also do not have the best sense of time.

Se leading: I think that both Se leading types are probable. My issue with Se leading is that I see problems with Ti/Fi creative. Fe demonstrative and Te demonstrative are present to an extent. I am very task-oriented, I care quite a bit about efficiency, and I care about facts to an extent. I am not always logically consistent, but I take into account rules and “the chain of command.” I like things to be clearly defined and decided.
based on what you wrote here alone i'd say that EIE definitely makes sense for you. The things that you wrote against EIE, I don't think is enough to discount that being your type. I don't think an EIE necessarily has to be dramatic or manipulative or use emotions. I also think it's possible you could be doing these things and not noticing being that Fe is your base function, just like we don't notice we're breathing yet doing it constantly.

also your enneagram and MBTI type lines up with EIE very well. I always think of EIE's as being 147 or 478 in enneagram, whereas IEEs are more like 479 or 279.