Well, for one, I'm not as obviously logical or rational as a LII should be, I think. Most of the time, I enjoy daydreaming about possibilities and romance. I'm not all that attracted to scientific fields. I prefer the unknown to what's already established, which is why I enjoy speculative media, even if I know most of it can be nonsensical. Fantasy stories are also my jam. People still complain that I analyze things to death and pick apart every word a person ever said, though.

I've been known to focus on being efficient, which is more Te-focused, though usually only when other people are involved. I think it's my inferior Fe playing up, trying not to disappoint others when I'm given a task.

Lastly, I am actually pretty good at sports and a lot stronger than I seem, at least from what others tell me. In high school, the other kids wanted me on their soccer team because they saw me as their best defender, though I hated participating. I have zero spatial awareness, so it was more blind luck that I could intercept the other players. I can also be incredibly persistent. Not forceful, per se, but I have been known to hound someone if they did something wrong and I expect an apology. I once blocked an LSI in a doorway for a whole hour because he refused to return something he promised to give back.