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Thread: Ni egos vs Se in close relationship

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    Default Ni egos vs Se in close relationship

    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    As for somebody being assertive and enforcing their will upon me it kinda depends. Are they really taking *me* along with their journey or am I supposed to be this complete sycophant to their narcissism? Despite being passive and shy- I also am quite willful myself and won't really put up with somebody treating me this way. I know I have a big heart and can be a good listener and morph myself into a faux-EII or faux-SEI when need be - but I also refused to be "used" because of this. Being a one-way emotional tampon sucks lol. Either we're both the tampons or we're both something else but I am not going to put up with something like that.

    ((not saying that you yourself are doing that but that is one of the situations where I'd act that way.))
    This is unrelated but how do you feel about Se-like places and activities like Vegas and skydiving? I have friends who are IEIs and they like the idea of doing “adventurous” things but when we go on some rollercoaster, they literally piss their pants. If I suggest we go on a road trip to some weird, remote place; they’ve also liked the idea but then talk about spirits (they know I don’t believe in spirits and supernatural stuff) to avoid going there. I’ve taken them on some impromptu trips but then they have panic attacks in the middle of the night and slam doors. I’m much closer to Si friends but they freak out if we don’t have a “plan” and my “plan” is basically we do stuff once we land at the destination. At this point, I’m looking for new traveling partners. Quarantine has been extremely boring and I want to do more traveling but all my friends have gotten on my last damn nerve. I don’t know of any ILIs irl... so I wonder if they get out much?

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    This is unrelated but how do you feel about Se-like places and activities like Vegas and skydiving? I have friends who are IEIs and they like the idea of doing “adventurous” things but when we go on some rollercoaster, they literally piss their pants. If I suggest we go on a road trip to some weird, remote place; they’ve also liked the idea but then talk about spirits (they know I don’t believe in spirits and supernatural stuff) to avoid going there. I’ve taken them on some impromptu trips but then they have panic attacks in the middle of the night and slam doors. I’m much closer to Si friends but they freak out if we don’t have a “plan” and my “plan” is basically we do stuff once we land at the destination. At this point, I’m looking for new traveling partners. Quarantine has been extremely boring and I want to do more traveling but all my friends have gotten on my last damn nerve. I don’t know of any ILIs irl... so I wonder if they get out much?

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    Beta quadra: to strengthen its ideals, is highly indicative of the Spartan lifestyle, which presupposes asceticism, constant training, both physical and spiritual, as well as forced collectivism.

    asceticism - severe self-discipline and avoiding of all forms of indulgence (not valuing Si-Ne)
    collectivism - refers to a culture that privileges family and community over individuals (not valuing Fi-Te)


    Examples in my life: I don't smoke, drink, do other drugs. I live within my means, I save, I invest and I mainly spend on the needs of my family. I slept for years on the floor, because I didn't think a bed was necessary tbh. I do like good food, but if necessary I can subsist on whatever as long as I logically meet nutritional goals. For a good cause/goal I can endure some pain and suffering, no problem. Hot water is nice, but its not a problem if its cold and I have no way to heat it.. and so on.

    Biggest concern of mine usually is finding meaning, a worthy hill to die on, a cause to fight for that makes sense. I'm not good at providing this, maybe beta NFs are. Not having this for me = Ni-Ti loops, nihilistic depression and stagnation. I'm practically the walking dead without a hill to die on. I don't save and invest because I like money, money is a tool to be used for goals. I prefer to live a simpler life myself.

    Vegas and enjoying myself is not appealing tbh.. however I would take doing something physical and interesting like white water rafting over something boring like sunbathing at the beach any time.

    Sensory type — the type having S or F among his two strongest functions (ego functions). The sensation is a function of a precise perception of the world through the organs of senses. Socionics identifies two types of sensation: force sensing (F), meaning power pressure, the ability to subordinate others to your will, to make others do something,and comfort sensing (S), catching comfort, taste and body sensations,health.

    Intuitive type — the type having T or I among his two strongest functions (ego functions). Intuition is abstract perception of the world through holistic images and fantasy pictures. In the School of Humanitarian Socionics, there are two types of general intuitive function:the opportunity intuition (I) — guesses, discoveries, abilities — and the temporal intuition (T) — variability, inconsistency, mystical fantasies.

    Temporal Intuition (T) — introverted intuition; function of the psyche observed in patient and cautious behavior.

    Opportunity Intuition (I) — extraverted intuition; function of thepsyche reflected in high-risk and non-standard behavior.

    Force Sensation (F) — extraverted sensing; function of the psyche responsible for excitability and release of the accumulated aggression.

    Comfort Sensation (S) — introverted sensing; function of the psyche responsible for the care of the substantive requirements of the body: suchas eating, sleeping, clothing, accommodation and so on.

    Beta Quadra — an ecosystem of four sociotypes (Mentor, Marshall,Inspector and Lyrist) united by romantic and strength values, performing a dominant role in the socion. They are characterized by collectivism,centralization and ideological solidarity against a common enemy, which makes them highly competitive. Also they are characterized by authoritarianism and suppression of various individual freedoms.These values are present in the second phase in the life-cycle of any communicative system — a state of rapid growth and seizure of new territories and resources. The most organized and ideologically convinced, Beta implements and organizes the provision of new projects.

    Source: Gulenko's book.

    Last edited by SGF; 10-22-2020 at 04:56 AM.

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    I don't play, I slay. Lolita's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Beta quadra: to strengthen its ideals, is highly indicative of the Spartan lifestyle...
    It’s not about Quadra values because it’s specifically Se cognition. Se seeks out intense external experiences, what I simply call “thrills.” Se strives for intensity and consciousness is directed outward to objects and activities that arouses intensity. Keep in mind that’s just general characteristics of the Quadra values, but it doesn’t mean that the types of those Quadras adhere to it exactly or even much of it. And to clarify, Beta doesn’t seek deprivation of the senses, but suspend the comfort/passive senses (Si) due to preference of outward concrete experiences, like blood sports, for example. Places like Vegas where you can do whatever you want like drive around the Strip in an electric cart in your underwear while high and drinking a gallon of frozen margarita publicly is a very Se thing. That’s fun. I did it and Idgaf who I offended or what “collective values” I went against. No matter what, I’m still Se lead.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    It’s not about Quadra values because it’s specifically Se cognition. Se seeks out intense external experiences, what I simply call “thrills.” Se strives for intensity and consciousness is directed outward to objects and activities that arouses intensity. Keep in mind that’s just general characteristics of the Quadra values, but it doesn’t mean that the types of those Quadras adhere to it exactly or even much of it. And to clarify, Beta doesn’t seek deprivation of the senses, but suspend the comfort/passive senses (Si) due to preference of outward concrete experiences, like blood sports, for example. Places like Vegas where you can do whatever you want like drive around the Strip in an electric cart in your underwear while high and drinking a gallon of frozen margarita publicly is a very Se thing. That’s fun. I did it and Idgaf who I offended or what “collective values” I went against. No matter what, I’m still Se lead.
    I think you are SLE, no doubt about that imo.

    In my case as far as Gulenko's beta quadra descriptions go, I'm a very stereotypical example of one :/.. I found it weird that he thought I was beta, because I skipped mentioning these things, as it is not something that is valued even here. Most societies today have Gamma values, the US especially and ppl reflect that despite having different set of cognitive functions imo. It always made me miserable tbh..

    Recently I have been interacting with an EIE and oddly despite how different our approaches to life are, it surprised me to see just how similar our conclusions and outlook on life is.. Since the interaction started I have discovered several things about myself and its snowballing into some kind of strange growth phase in my life. Very odd.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    I think you are SLE, no doubt about that imo.

    In my case as far as Gulenko's beta quadra descriptions go, I'm a very stereotypical example of one :/.. I found it weird that he thought I was beta, because I skipped mentioning these things, as it is not something that is valued even here. Most societies today have Gamma values, the US especially and ppl reflect that despite having different set of cognitive functions imo. It always made me miserable tbh..

    Recently I have been interacting with an EIE and oddly despite how different our approaches to life are, it surprised me to see just how similar our conclusions and outlook on life is.. Since the interaction started I have discovered several things about myself and its snowballing into some kind of strange growth phase in my life. Very odd.
    LOL you’re LSI. Ti lead is Spartan in lifestyle because of the nature of Ti- abstract, ideological, philosophical. Think of LSI Stalin. He wanted to eradicate capitalism (ideology) and excesses that went along with capitalism and he had SLE Zhukov who wasn’t ideological but the most powerful physical enforcer to dominate the battlefield all in the name of communism. Zhukov, being Se lead, was busted for keeping some luxury trinkets during war looting and Stalin lectured him about that. Se lead is Spartan in spirit but very physical and materialist. I can handle roughing it if there’s no other way, but if I can choose, I like very nice, expensive things. I’m disciplined internally, but externally, I’ll do what I want.

    EIE is very community/collective based- like involvement in Church and so forth. I think LSI likes the idea of community but not so much when they’re immersed it. People like the idea, or rather their limited idea of the suggestive function. But to be immersed in that suggestive function, the reality hardly is appealing as they’ve imagined it would be.

    In terms of Quadras, SLE is closer to Gamma. SLE has 4D Te- which is very Gamma capitalistic. Fight for the team, but we always fight for ourselves first and foremost.

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