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Thread: What the Democratic Party wants for the rest of the nation, too

  1. #41
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    The democratic party are not alinged with BLM and leftist. Biden is your run of the mill spoiled shit stain rich boy politician who despises the poor. Just listen to how he talks about communist countries, or the key role he played in the middle east wars. Democrat/Liberal politicians merely recognize the pragmatic value of placating leftist with lip service and petty reforms unlike radical far-rightist like Trump. The conflict between democrats and republicans is similar to the conflicts between Trotsky and Stalin, where both share the same ultimate end goal but end up fighting because one sees the other as too idealistic and radical while the other one sees the other as betraying the cause, only this time the goal they share in common goal is imperialism instead of communism.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    The bible says we are created in God's image. One of the Ten Commandments is "Thou shalt not kill", but the biggest killer in the bible is God. That not only makes it a hypocrite, but a great sinner.

    Jesus in the New Testament made it clear that "we" did not kill him - he committed suicide: "I lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again." - John 10:17-18

    "Sin" and "Evil" are purely in the eye of the beholder. I do not recognise such concepts in my worldview.

    Rather than teaching that we are inherently flawed, we should learn how to make ourselves better and not feel guilty about negative aspects of of ourselves we cannot change.

    The death of an innocent man is not good, and certainly not justice. If anything, it would be unjust. I also do not recognise the legality of punishing an innocent individual for the crimes of another. I consider such a practice immoral.

    I ask you to produce the body of Jesus, living or dead. Catholics believe that the wine and bread of the Eucharist is turned into the blood and flesh of Jesus, so if you tested that, it would be a step in the right direction. But how would you prove it was Jesus?

    Even if you could prove the existence of Jesus Christ, I still would not follow him. I consider myself better than he, based on Christian and Jewish dogma. I don't say that as a mark of vanity - it's very easy to be better than Christ. If he abides by the The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, I might consider what he has to say.
    I regret to say that you, like so many others I had higher hopes for, have failed my test. Tests I designed with the intent of proving myself wrong by the way. If you were a being with my own perspective, you'd get how I so dearly wish people would, for once, fail to live down to my most pessimistic of expectations. I am not a certified Theologian but I'd bet you've never confronted a real example of one. Ply your BS with the likes of Cardinal Sarah or the sadly departed Sheen. They converted rabid commies and other ardent Christ-hating heathens to the truth of the Gospel. Could you convert them to your blasphemy if you assumed the spirit of absolute humility and respect for the unbeliever they did? How'd you go about convincing those folks who may have damn good arguments for their beliefs without recourse to "authority" or violence? I do eagerly await an answer that doesn't involve said violence or some form of brainwashing.

    As I've said before, I tried in earnest to deny the existence of a divinity. I failed. Thus, I tried to ascertain the nature of this divinity. The only one that stood up to the rigor of a man who sought to deny divinity was the Christian/Catholic conception. Thus, I'm a practicing Catholic. If you can tell me an argument I've failed to hear before that, in your eyes, makes me look like a misguided fool I'll give ya a cookie as I dismantle it .
    Last edited by End; 11-11-2020 at 05:20 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I regret to say that you, like so many others I had higher hopes for, have failed my test. Tests I designed with the intent of proving myself wrong by the way. If you were a being with my own perspective, you'd get how I so dearly wish people would, for once, fail to live down to my most pessimistic of expectations.
    End, you're coming off as being rude and unkind and a fearmonger rather than as insightful and good-intentioned.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I regret to say that you, like so many others I had higher hopes for, have failed my test. Tests I designed with the intent of proving myself wrong by the way. If you were a being with my own perspective, you'd get how I so dearly wish people would, for once, fail to live down to my most pessimistic of expectations. I am not a certified Theologian but I'd bet you've never confronted a real example of one. Ply your BS with the likes of Cardinal Sarah or the sadly departed Sheen. They converted rabid commies and other ardent Christ-hating heathens to the truth of the Gospel. Could you convert them to your blasphemy if you assumed the spirit of absolute humility and respect for the unbeliever they did? How'd you go about convincing those folks who may have damn good arguments for their beliefs without recourse to "authority" or violence? I do eagerly await an answer that doesn't involve said violence or some form of brainwashing.

    As I've said before, I tried in earnest to deny the existence of a divinity. I failed. Thus, I tried to ascertain the nature of this divinity. The only one that stood up to the rigor of a man who sought to deny divinity was the Christian/Catholic conception. Thus, I'm a practicing Catholic. If you can tell me an argument I've failed to hear before that, in your eyes, makes me look like a misguided fool I'll give ya a cookie as I dismantle it .
    Theologians are experts in Nothing.

    Three members of my immediate family did degrees in theology, and two were preachers. However, I learnt nothing from them.

    You are accusing me of blasphemy simply for beliefs I honestly hold. If an ideology damns people for thought crimes, then it must be a very sorry ideology indeed. And you don't even say what I said that qualifies as blasphemy.

    Does Jesus have a Y chromosome? If yes, what hablogroup is it? This could easily be tested and matched with the flesh and blood of the Eucharist.

    If you make a claim, shouldn't you be the one to make an argument for it, rather than me making an argument against it? I don't need to debunk a claim there is no evidence for.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Theologians are experts in Nothing.

    Three members of my immediate family did degrees in theology, and two were preachers. However, I learnt nothing from them.

    You are accusing me of blasphemy simply for beliefs I honestly hold. If an ideology damns people for thought crimes, then it must be a very sorry ideology indeed. And you don't even say what I said that qualifies as blasphemy.

    Does Jesus have a Y chromosome? If yes, what hablogroup is it? This could easily be tested and matched with the flesh and blood of the Eucharist.

    If you make a claim, shouldn't you be the one to make an argument for it, rather than me making an argument against it? I don't need to debunk a claim there is no evidence for.
    All human institutions carry the weight of our fall. You say you have three theologians in your family. Any of them Catholic? If they are Catholic, do they categorically endorse Humanae Vitae, pretty much any encyclical like it, and all the other points I can go on about for ages if you were curious as to how to determine if anyone's a serious/true Catholic. I may not like the current Pope and while I suspect him of being a crypto-commie, he's still the pope and I must and do accept that as a Catholic.

    If they're not/do not than they're literal heretics and it's no wonder you learned not a single thing from them. Also, while it damns for so called "thought crimes" as you'd apparently define them, it also offers absolution for any and all sins (a thing SJW's don't BTW). We all sin, save for Jesus, Mary, and the all the saints (though with the caveat that they did most egregiously right up until they stopped and sinned no more. My patron Augustine practically wrote the books and even recited a prayer that made that fact patently obvious).

    As for the Eucharist, there is a documented miracle where the host was put to scientific scrutiny and it did return the result you're asking for. That is, it registered as human flesh and blood. Francis himself was there to witness it I recall (hence why I find his apparent lack of fervor troubling). Explain that away will you?

    Of course, you will find a way no matter how outlandish it will sound to any truly neutral observer. Sad fact is, most people can only really be "converted" once their former faith has been shattered. That's quite hard to do if an aspect of that faith is a foundational part of one's own concept of Identity. I suspect your Atheism is on that level. Thus, I'd have to literally walk on water whilst wearing but a few rags to preserve my decency to get you to even open up to the possibility I'm right.

    I'm on the same plane from your perspective. You'd have to do something on that level to get me to consider that maybe there really is no God at all. We are sadly at an impasse. An unstoppable force vs. an immovable object. Words will never suffice to convince us of the other's validity. Only things we experience with own lying senses will serve to open us up to the possibility of being persuaded by the other. Sad, but such is human nature.

    This is, sadly, a dynamic I'm seeing replicated on things that are far less important. Politics for instance. At least those who war for their "god" war with the hope/knowledge that they get a happy ending no matter what. Political partisans? Well, if their side loses they're fucked. Better to focus on things more worthy of that level of energy and commitment.
    Last edited by End; 11-12-2020 at 03:50 AM.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    All human institutions carry the weight of our fall. You say you have three theologians in your family. Any of them Catholic? If they are Catholic, do they categorically endorse Humanae Vitae, pretty much any encyclical like it, and all the other points I can go on about for ages if you were curious as to how to determine if anyone's a serious/true Catholic. I may not like the current Pope and while I suspect him of being a crypto-commie, he's still the pope and I must and do accept that as a Catholic.
    They were/are not Catholics.

    The papacy is a Catholic invention, I understand that in the New Testament, Jesus said "Call no man on the earth your father, for one is your Father, he who is in heaven", and also, he built the church on himself, not on Peter or anybody else.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    AIf they're not/do not than they're literal heretics and it's no wonder you learned not a single thing from them. Also, while it damns for so called "thought crimes" as you'd apparently define them, it also offers absolution for any and all sins (a thing SJW's don't BTW). We all sin, save for Jesus, Mary, and the all the saints (though with the caveat that they did most egregiously right up until they stopped and sinned no more. My patron Augustine practically wrote the books and even recited a prayer that made that fact patently obvious).
    The New Testament says that no one is perfect, except God alone. Also, it says all those who are "saved" are saints, even those who continue to "sin".

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    As for the Eucharist, there is a documented miracle where the host was put to scientific scrutiny and it did return the result you're asking for. That is, it registered as human flesh and blood. Francis himself was there to witness it I recall (hence why I find his apparent lack of fervor troubling). Explain that away will you?
    Can you give a citation to its printing in a scientific journal? I'd liked to read about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Of course, you will find a way no matter how outlandish it will sound to any truly neutral observer. Sad fact is, most people can only really be "converted" once their former faith has been shattered. That's quite hard to do if an aspect of that faith is a foundational part of one's own concept of Identity. I suspect your Atheism is on that level. Thus, I'd have to literally walk on water whilst wearing but a few rags to preserve my decency to get you to even open up to the possibility I'm right.

    I'm on the same plane from your perspective. You'd have to do something on that level to get me to consider that maybe there really is no God at all. We are sadly at an impasse. An unstoppable force vs. an immovable object. Words will never suffice to convince us of the other's validity. Only things we experience with own lying senses will serve to open us up to the possibility of being persuaded by the other. Sad, but such is human nature.

    This is, sadly, a dynamic I'm seeing replicated on things that are far less important. Politics for instance. At least those who war for their "god" war with the hope/knowledge that they get a happy ending no matter what. Political partisans? Well, if their side loses they're fucked. Better to focus on things more worthy of that level of energy and commitment.
    Anyone can walk on water.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    As I've said before, I tried in earnest to deny the existence of a divinity. I failed. Thus, I tried to ascertain the nature of this divinity. The only one that stood up to the rigor of a man who sought to deny divinity was the Christian/Catholic conception. Thus, I'm a practicing Catholic. If you can tell me an argument I've failed to hear before that, in your eyes, makes me look like a misguided fool I'll give ya a cookie as I dismantle it .
    This is a blatant lie. If your top priority were denying the existence of a divinity, you would have done it until the day you died and possibly beyond. What would you say your first priority is? It can't be truth or you wouldn't say "please lie for me" every time someone who's read too many books you don't like creeped you out. My first priority is truth, and although grand metaphysical claims and "the sky is blue" might not be of equal importance, they are equally truths, and all truths will lead to all other truths by logical necessity. To abandon one truth is to abandon all things. The Catholic Church already showed itself to be full of nonsense by putting Galileo under house arrest.

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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    Truth is overrated
    Truth is overrated, the consequences are not.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
    End, you're coming off as being rude and unkind and a fearmonger rather than as insightful and good-intentioned.
    Why are you concerned with how the message is delivered instead of the content of the message?

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I regret to say that you, like so many others I had higher hopes for, have failed my test.
    Other people dont exist to pass or fail your tests, dont be megalomaniacal. I can understand the profligate behavior of some people having an effect on your environment, but to presume a universal standard is the opposite extreme. If people wish to engage in unhealthy behaviors, let them do so as long as they and they alone suffer the consequences of those behaviors, (Which i agree often doesn't tend to be the case, because they seek to diffuse the consequences among their own societies).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daemon40 View Post
    Truth is overrated, the consequences are not.
    I may hate her guts, but damned if she didn't have some good quotes: "We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality"-Ayn Rand

    One may hold the Truth to be overrated, but the consequences of denying or ignoring said truth are hard to overstate and all of them are bad for said denier/ignorer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daemon40 View Post
    Other people dont exist to pass or fail your tests, dont be megalomaniacal. I can understand the profligate behavior of some people having an effect on your environment, but to presume a universal standard is the opposite extreme. If people wish to engage in unhealthy behaviors, let them do so as long as they and they alone suffer the consequences of those behaviors, (Which i agree often doesn't tend to be the case, because they seek to diffuse the consequences among their own societies).
    At least you get that last point. Though I'd argue that "universal standards" amounts to plain and simple morality. "Relative" morality is a sham. If it's OK to, say, rape a child in one circumstance and not in another than you're arguing over BS distinctions with the likely intent of getting the opponent of child rape to change their tune and become an avid advocate of the practice!

    Oh yes, we can formulate a rather outlandish instance where it may be true, but that instance is unlikely to ever happen. And even if it somehow did, could we really fault the person for refusing to do that deed on basic principle? I mean "rape this kid, damn yourself to hell, yet save 100 trillion innocent lives" isn't a consideration any serious ethical philosopher thinks about because it's utterly absurd. How the hell could one even construct the occurrence of that circumstance? You'd need a mind more vile and perverse than Marquis de Sade himself to have a chance at successfully doing so!

    Point is, there are things that are categorically and objectively right and/or wrong. To deny that denies morality itself. To say "The ends justify the means" is to say that the concept morality itself is bullshit. People need morals, they crave a system of morality. Only sociopaths can operate without one. Even then, they still have one. "Whatever is good for me is moral and whatever is not is immoral" is their system. If that formulation of some people's moral code doesn't scare, horrify, or disgust you in some way well...

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    At least you get that last point. Though I'd argue that "universal standards" amounts to plain and simple morality. "Relative" morality is a sham. If it's OK to, say, rape a child in one circumstance and not in another than you're arguing over BS distinctions with the likely intent of getting the opponent of child rape to change their tune and become an avid advocate of the practice!
    Many problems like pedophilic behavior can be sorted out without state intervention, the consequence being the family or community of such a child seeking their own retribution for the action. Having the state handle it can seem like a convenient solution but even solutions have consequences that produce other problems, like the modern culture of deferring to the police to solve all problems instead of growing a spine and standing up for yourself, even if your life is at risk.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Oh yes, we can formulate a rather outlandish instance where it may be true, but that instance is unlikely to ever happen. And even if it somehow did, could we really fault the person for refusing to do that deed on basic principle? I mean "rape this kid, damn yourself to hell, yet save 100 trillion innocent lives" isn't a consideration any serious ethical philosopher thinks about because it's utterly absurd. How the hell could one even construct the occurrence of that circumstance? You'd need a mind more vile and perverse than Marquis de Sade himself to have a chance at successfully doing so!
    Id say the death penalty at the hands of family/community is a far better deterrent for pedophilic behavior than imprisonment.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Point is, there are things that are categorically and objectively right and/or wrong. To deny that denies morality itself. To say "The ends justify the means" is to say that the concept morality itself is bullshit. People need morals, they crave a system of morality. Only sociopaths can operate without one. Even then, they still have one. "Whatever is good for me is moral and whatever is not is immoral" is their system. If that formulation of some people's moral code doesn't scare, horrify, or disgust you in some way well...
    They are objectively right as far as you are willing to fight and die to enforce them, which is the problem with abstracting responsibilities to police, because eventually you abstract the most petty and absurd rules, rules nobody would be willing to enforce with their lives. You build a "Karen" culture where everyone shouts at eachother while hiding behind policemen and lawyers and nobody actually fights and bleeds for anything meaningful.

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    Its not completely fruitless xenu, you have a better chance finding a good life partner online in places like these, than you do in most other places today. I used to be of that mindset, went out, got a degree, got a car, became a Military Officer, got a house, and yet with all those things i have only met mostly shitty people in person.

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    Quote Originally Posted by returnofxenu View Post
    Hmmm.... could this be because there were not gangs of white supremacists roaming the cities and looting / burning things, leading to over a dozen deaths and 2 billion in property damage...? Man, I don't think I have the braincells to answer that.

    Now that the election is over, the police shootings seem to have ended. Well what a giant surprise! Who could have predicted it? Well me, actually - I predicted that about 7 months ago, right when they began. I must be a clairvoyant or something.

    They actually kind of ended a month prior, right after a poll came out showing Americans were becoming aware of / disapproving of BLM due to the general mayhem they were causing. That was right after Trump started promoting himself heavily as the law and order candidate and remedy to the mayhem. It was losing the democrat party votes so we kind of stopped hearing about it.

    Just like in 2016, when these mass shootings of blacks started right prior to the election... lasted the duration of the election, then we stopped hearing about them shortly afterwards and they didn't arise again until the next election. Man, you people are really gullible, aren't you? Really fucking dumb, too.

    In a country of 350 million people, where the police have body cameras and car cameras, there will always be a supply of newsworthy police shootings of blacks. There are about 400 police shootings of blacks a year, in a span of 2-3 months you will have about 100 video incidents or so, you will be able to find 1 that is controversial enough to be newsworthy. Reacting to these videos as if this alone is proof of some giant system wide problem is simply irrational and moronic. Responding by destroying things / harming innocent others is equally moronic. Shielding those who do such things with deflections and obfuscation just makes you a corrupt little fucktard. The statistics do not suggest there is more of a problem than you'd expected given the crime rates. Anecdotes are not evidence of system wide problems. All this is, and has ever been, is an effort to turn out blacks to vote. Blacks are a very important voting demographic. They vote about 90% democrat... every black you rile up to vote is a vote that sways the election. It's an important demographic. The story is political propaganda, it isn't complicated, it is fucking obvious. The people that told you the story were fully aware that it was bullshit, they are actually amazed at how gullible you are. Now... I know very well this isn't going to penetrate your skull, because nothing ever does, but I figured for the sake of all those reading I'd point it out.

    Hey look, it's word for word exactly what the news kept saying. You didn't actually think at all when you wrote this, did you?

    I've debated with imbeciles such as yourself too many times to hope that real thought might penetrate your skull, just thought I'd point out how little original thought you actually have.
    I'm just saying it's odd to complain about mostly peaceful protests while not complaining about systematic racism including deaths caused not just by police officers but civilians too. I wasn't aware that all American cops had body cameras.

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    Quote Originally Posted by returnofxenu View Post
    In a country of 350 million people, where the police have body cameras and car cameras, there will always be a supply of newsworthy police shootings of blacks. There are about 400 police shootings of blacks a year, in a span of 2-3 months you will have about 100 video incidents or so, you will be able to find 1 that is controversial enough to be newsworthy. Reacting to these videos as if this alone is proof of some giant system wide problem is simply irrational and moronic. Responding by destroying things / harming innocent others is equally moronic. Shielding those who do such things with deflections and obfuscation just makes you a corrupt little fucktard. The statistics do not suggest there is more of a problem than you'd expected given the crime rates. Anecdotes are not evidence of system wide problems. All this is, and has ever been, is an effort to turn out blacks to vote. Blacks are a very important voting demographic. They vote about 90% democrat... every black you rile up to vote is a vote that sways the election. It's an important demographic. The story is political propaganda, it isn't complicated, it is fucking obvious. The people that told you the story were fully aware that it was bullshit, they are actually amazed at how gullible you are. Now... I know very well this isn't going to penetrate your skull, because nothing ever does, but I figured for the sake of all those reading I'd point it out.
    The US population is 4.87 times greater than the UK population, but the number of deaths caused by law enforcement there for 2020 is 80.8 times greater.

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    Quote Originally Posted by returnofxenu View Post
    Hmmm.... could this be because there were not gangs of white supremacists roaming the cities and looting / burning things, leading to over a dozen deaths and 2 billion in property damage...? Man, I don't think I have the braincells to answer that.
    I can't find any evidence that Black Lives Matter have caused any deaths. I can find many instances of white supremacists causing deaths, even recently.

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    Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years

    Donald Trump has made warnings about the threat of antifa and “far-left fascism” a central part of his re-election campaign. But in reality leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing extremists, new research indicates, and antifa activists have not been linked to a single murder in decades.

    A new database of nearly 900 politically motivated attacks and plots in the United States since 1994 includes just one attack staged by an anti-fascist that led to fatalities. In that case, the single person killed was the perpetrator.

    Over the same time period, American white supremacists and other rightwing extremists have carried out attacks that left at least 329 victims dead, according to the database.

    More broadly, the database lists 21 victims killed in leftwing attacks since 2010 , and 117 victims of rightwing attacks in that same period – nearly six times as much. Attacks inspired by the Islamic State and similar jihadist groups, in contrast, killed 95 people since 2010, slightly fewer than rightwing extremists, according to the data set. More than half of these victims died in a a single attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, in 2016.

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    'It is serious and intense': white supremacist domestic terror threat looms large in US

    As the FBI director, Christopher Wray, told Congress in February, “racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists” have become the “primary source of ideologically motivated lethal incidents” in the US. The danger overshadowed the jihadist threat that has dominated the security debate since 9/11.

    Last year was the deadliest on record for domestic extremist violence since the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995. White supremacists were responsible for most of that bloodshed in 2019 – 39 out of 48 deaths, including 23 people who died at the hands of an anti-Hispanic racist in El Paso, Texas, and a Jewish worshipper murdered at Poway Synagogue in California.
    White Supremacists Killed More Americans Than Muslim Extremists in Recent Years, Terrorism Report Shows

    In the U.S., 64 victims were killed in 34 terrorist attacks by white supremacists and white nationalists between 2015 and 2019, the report showed. The only groups with more deaths attributed to their attacks were jihadi-inspired extremists, though the GTD said anti-government extremists matched the white supremacists' fatality numbers. In comparison, the report showed seven people were killed in the U.S. during the same time period as a result of Muslim extremist terrorist attacks.

    Newsweek reached out to the Department of State's Bureau of Counterterrorism for comment but did not receive a response in time for publication.

    Though white supremacy has been a point of concern in the U.S. for years, attention on racially motivated attacks by white supremacists has increased since President Donald Trump took office in 2016. Some of that attention has been attributed to Trump's hesitation to condemn white nationalists during his first year in office after a rally held to protest a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, Virginia turned deadly.

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    I used to hang around white nationalists and I can tell you, nobody that is truly one has committed any murder that I can I remember. What those statistics likely are doing are taking murderers and associating them with white nationalism despite them likely being a civic nationalist or having some insignificant association in the past.

    Why don't you talk about the black guy who shot a 5 year old in the face for stepping on his lawn, I have yet to see a white person ever do such a thing to a non white kid.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daemon40 View Post
    I used to hang around white nationalists and I can tell you, nobody that is truly one has committed any murder that I can I remember. What those statistics likely are doing are taking murderers and associating them with white nationalism despite them likely being a civic nationalist or having some insignificant association in the past.

    Why don't you talk about the black guy who shot a 5 year old in the face for stepping on his lawn, I have yet to see a white person ever do such a thing to a non white kid.
    The thread as I understand it is about the Black Lives Matter movement.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    The thread as I understand it is about the Black Lives Matter movement.
    Ah so the media blackout about a 5 year old white child getting shot in the head during the black lives matter rioting and obsession is not relevant.

    Every single case BLM complained about can be said to not be a black and white situation regarding the death. Floyd being high on drugs and his death likely being a result of drugs rather than a knee on his neck, Breanna Taylor being in the same house that was shooting back at the police and was trafficking drugs, but of course I'm sure the police could have done a better job for the people who love to sit on the sidelines and criticise law enforcement without actually doing it themselves or living in a place where it is relevant.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daemon40 View Post
    Ah so the media blackout about a 5 year old white child getting shot in the head during the black lives matter rioting and obsession is not relevant.

    Every single case BLM complained about can be said to not be a black and white situation regarding the death. Floyd being high on drugs and his death likely being a result of drugs rather than a knee on his neck, Breanna Taylor being in the same house that was shooting back at the police and was trafficking drugs, but of course I'm sure the police could have done a better job for the people who love to sit on the sidelines and criticise law enforcement without actually doing it themselves or living in a place where it is relevant.
    If you have evidence that Black Lives Matter shot a child, please present it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daemon40 View Post
    You build a "Karen" culture where everyone shouts at eachother while hiding behind policemen and lawyers and nobody actually fights and bleeds for anything meaningful.
    You sound like me in my younger days, a bright eyed and enthusiastic Anarcho-Capitalist. I still see it as the ideal set up for any society, but now with many a caveat. For instance, I now know it assumes a great deal that will likely never be the case in our modern or even historic world. The most fundamental assumption being that everyone within that society agrees upon what is moral vs. immoral. To put it bluntly, they must all worship the same God and, more than likely, be of the same sect (i.e. Even though Catholics and Protestants can earnestly claim to worship the same divinity, those differences in theology are going to rear their ugly head really fast). This is a thing Hans Hermann-Hoppe actually acknowledges and accepts when he laid out his concept of "covenant communities". Either you agree to the covenant and demonstrate that by living by it, or you get physically removed from the premises (posthumously, if you're particularly insistent on not being so). Binary outcome, you don't get to negotiate any "compromise" BS.

    I quote your last bit because it is most illustrative as well. A "Karen" culture is a uniquely Western thing. In a multi-ethnic, multi-religious/moral society, there is only one question everyone's asking: "Who's in charge?" If that answer isn't made (or rather, not allowed to be made) painfully obvious by force of arms or strength of conviction it devolves into the SJW BS we're currently dealing with. The other sad factor you're probably missing is that people like me know the instant we try to fight and die for our beliefs we're actually handing the "Karens" their own victory.

    Ask yourself, what would happen if someone tried to go full vigilante mode on some gangster rapist? Furthermore, let's assume said vigilante is of a pale extraction and the rapist is of a darker hue if you catch my drift. How do you think the MSM would portray him vs. the target of his righteous fury? Or, to make it even more simple and obvious, say I killed a filthy child/baby killer for, well, killing children/babies? If you're honest with yourself, you know the answer. And that's exactly why it won't ever happen until something major alters the current situation.

    You are right insofar that there are frighteningly few who would fight and die for the beliefs. The more frightening thing, I'd say, is that those who would are smart enough to perceive the dystopian situation they're in know that the "losing" move is to fight and die. To fight and die for your beliefs right now, if they do not align with the agenda of the PTB of course, is to further said enemy's ends. Trust me, they wish I'd kill some lefty/commie on basic principle. They want nothing more than for the likes of me to "don the devil horns" in their perverse and farcical "morality" play. I refuse to give them what they want. Thus, the current impasse and, to my unending joy, their eternal frustration.

    I know what they want from me, and I refuse to give it to them. This is a mentality I'd recommend to anyone who is suffering from the malaise of others. Why give them, vile evil and horrendous cretins they are, what they want? They want you sad, angry, feeling all manners of negative emotions with their probable hope that you kill yourself. What does a Christian care for the opinions and feelings of a hardcore Satanist? Why should an avowed Capitalist give the slightest of fucks about what a Commie has to say about their plans to help the poor? The former stand upon truth, and the latter upon lies. In regards to the latter examples, fuck em'!
    Last edited by End; 11-24-2020 at 05:41 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by returnofxenu View Post
    @End I was here 4 years ago and you were on here. You're still here, wasting your time with these people...
    I'm not really sure why I came back here, I'm sure I'll leave soon. But you need to get off this thing. Your life is going nowhere associating with these people, they're complete losers, they will be on here lying to and circle jerking one another for another decade, some of them will probably be here on their deathbeds. They don't listen to a word anyone says...
    And that's not an advocating of whatever you're saying now, I haven't even read it, nor am I inserting myself into the above conversation. Nor is it even really an advocation of your opinions in general... Really I am just asking myself why you bother with people that are fundamentally opposed to you and will not hear a word of what you say. I'd actually ask @Eliza Thomason the same question.
    You don't need to be trying to convince these people of anything. Tbh I'm not even sure they think at all, I'm starting to question whether some of them might be legitimately retarded. SubT for example.
    Just get off this thing, there's nothing for you here.
    There are people out there who are far more normal than these mental deranged fucktards, they might actually consider your opinion and give you some modicum of respect... you might actually have some chance of forming meaningful bonds with these people. Go look for them and you will find them.
    You are likely correct. Though I will speak of a probable reason. Mentally deranged they may be, they are still the few people who reside upon the far end of the bell curve. That is, they are almost all likely resting upon a 130+ IQ. That's a mere five percent of the global population. Deluded and likely huffing upon their own farts they likely also are, that's also a predictable result of what I've constantly pointed out.

    I know my God, and I accept him and all that entails. Most here have not and suffer for it. Indeed, most will not. Their own sense of identity being rooted in the active denial of any divinity. I must still try however. If I can but plant a seed that sprouts in even one of them than my time and efforts were worth it. Pathetic and sinful though I am, I at least helped to save one soul. That's enough.

    At least I'm not letting this get in the way of my other goals and activities. As you've probably seen, I post in a rather infrequent manner most of the time. It'll probably get more infrequent as time goes on. As has yours, given how you had to create a new account recently. Like speaking to a friend you lost touch with in middle school only to meet again after graduating college...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Maritsa, you are deceived by the lies of these times. We live in times where wrong is called right and right is called wrong. Believing in lies ENSLAVES you and brings you misery.

    These days we live in were foretold:

    2 Timothy 3:

    1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

    6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.

    This is the eternal truth. And we see it all around us now like never before. Verse 2! That is the time we live in! People are not lovers of good. They are lovers of selves, boastful, proud, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. Yes. This is our times, like never before. Depraved minds are all around us, and here in our country, we have a couple of the MOST depraved minds in the Democratic party running for president and vice-president. (Trump is no saint, he is not holy, but he is not depraved.)

    The first commandment of God: "Love God with all your heart, soul and mind". How many do you know living this today? It was not so hard to find in other times as today. Something is very wrong in our times, and in your lifetime especially there in California Hollywood-land, you have been drilled in every way to believe the lies of the baby killers. "Choice" - its a SLOGAN. Its made up! It has no truth! The right to have the limbs torn off your own child, his head crushed, while he tries to escape the instruments of death in your womb, a place that should be safe - that is not a right, it is an intrinsic evil in every case. What you have been told about the goodness of "choice" is a satanic LIE. A lie wrapped in pretty paper so you would accept it. Told it to you over and over like a mantra, in the Nazi fashion: "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

    And so you have come to believe and embrace a lie and the lie festers within you like an instrument of death to your soul.

    If you like countless others have been deceived into choosing to having an abortion(s), then repent, and ask God to forgive you because He will. He knows our foolishness and He knows our pain and weaknesses that cause us to sin and He forgives and forgets - - IF we repent. (If we do not repent, He MUST be just. Otherwise, an unjust God could not also be a good God, could He?)

    The blood of the innocent cries out to God for justice. God hears. God must act.

    Repent, and He forgives, and He will put your sin as from from you as the east is from the west.

    And He heals, because every abortion is deeply psychologically damaging to a mother. Even if she has been able, with the help of the many eager accomplices around her, to convince herself she has done the right thing, it does not change the fact that she has been an accomplice in an intrinsically evil act. Her soul knows it, and accuses her. She is lying to her own self and she will never feel peace asserting the lie that she did the right thing. She is wounded, and the wound will always fester and she will not have peace until she cleans it out.

    The fact verified by sound research says that a woman who has had an abortion is MANY TIMES more likely to be committed to a mental hospital at some time in her life than one who has not aborted a child. Did you know that? Women who have experienced the abortion of their own children need healing. Jesus will heal them, and make them whole. Try Rachels Vineyard. Get free!*

    You have believed a falsehood. And you are ENASLAVED by the lie. The truth sets you free. Get truly free. Choose Truth. Choose God. Choose Jesus. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Light." Eternal words! Go to The Light! Leave the darkness behind.

    *Retreat Location: Duarte, CA
    Local Host: Rachel's Vineyard Los Angeles
    Contact: Christine Lowe
    Hot damn. You are wasting your time. There is no point in arguing against death in one form over death in another. Argue against death in general to a person who may actually listen to you. He doesn't listen to me. I've tried.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

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