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Thread: What the Democratic Party wants for the rest of the nation, too

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Default What the Democratic Party wants for the rest of the nation, too

    Here is what BLM can do to your city, too, with the funding of pervert Soros:

    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 10-12-2020 at 10:44 PM.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Aramas's Avatar
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    "Pervert Soros" xD

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    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    whats with all the tents and homeless looking ppl?
    Looks like LA.

    MFW the entire west coast is a third world shit-hole.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    whats with all the tents and homeless looking ppl?
    Looks like LA.

    MFW the entire west coast is a third world shit-hole.
    It's like China except non consensual. China took the garbage of the USA and the West coast took all the USA's discontents. The presence of homelessness and poverty on the west coast is not an indicator that the West coast is poorly run. It's more an indicator of the entire country's problem with taking care of its own. But it's easy to blame the West coast so the real problem gets ignored.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    whats with all the tents and homeless looking ppl?
    Looks like LA.

    MFW the entire west coast is a third world shit-hole.
    Don't listen to propaganda brother. The west coast is the most competently run place in America. Aramas explained it well

    There's a lot of homeless there too because they are very popular places to move. Almost everyone wants to move west in the states so people move without enough emergency funds etc. One road bump and they lose their home

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    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Love pro abortion
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    Love pro abortion

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    Love pro abortion
    Maritsa, you are deceived by the lies of these times. We live in times where wrong is called right and right is called wrong. Believing in lies ENSLAVES you and brings you misery.

    These days we live in were foretold:

    2 Timothy 3:

    1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

    6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.

    This is the eternal truth. And we see it all around us now like never before. Verse 2! That is the time we live in! People are not lovers of good. They are lovers of selves, boastful, proud, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. Yes. This is our times, like never before. Depraved minds are all around us, and here in our country, we have a couple of the MOST depraved minds in the Democratic party running for president and vice-president. (Trump is no saint, he is not holy, but he is not depraved.)

    The first commandment of God: "Love God with all your heart, soul and mind". How many do you know living this today? It was not so hard to find in other times as today. Something is very wrong in our times, and in your lifetime especially there in California Hollywood-land, you have been drilled in every way to believe the lies of the baby killers. "Choice" - its a SLOGAN. Its made up! It has no truth! The right to have the limbs torn off your own child, his head crushed, while he tries to escape the instruments of death in your womb, a place that should be safe - that is not a right, it is an intrinsic evil in every case. What you have been told about the goodness of "choice" is a satanic LIE. A lie wrapped in pretty paper so you would accept it. Told it to you over and over like a mantra, in the Nazi fashion: "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

    And so you have come to believe and embrace a lie and the lie festers within you like an instrument of death to your soul.

    If you like countless others have been deceived into choosing to having an abortion(s), then repent, and ask God to forgive you because He will. He knows our foolishness and He knows our pain and weaknesses that cause us to sin and He forgives and forgets - - IF we repent. (If we do not repent, He MUST be just. Otherwise, an unjust God could not also be a good God, could He?)

    The blood of the innocent cries out to God for justice. God hears. God must act.

    Repent, and He forgives, and He will put your sin as from from you as the east is from the west.

    And He heals, because every abortion is deeply psychologically damaging to a mother. Even if she has been able, with the help of the many eager accomplices around her, to convince herself she has done the right thing, it does not change the fact that she has been an accomplice in an intrinsically evil act. Her soul knows it, and accuses her. She is lying to her own self and she will never feel peace asserting the lie that she did the right thing. She is wounded, and the wound will always fester and she will not have peace until she cleans it out.

    The fact verified by sound research says that a woman who has had an abortion is MANY TIMES more likely to be committed to a mental hospital at some time in her life than one who has not aborted a child. Did you know that? Women who have experienced the abortion of their own children need healing. Jesus will heal them, and make them whole. Try Rachels Vineyard. Get free!*

    You have believed a falsehood. And you are ENASLAVED by the lie. The truth sets you free. Get truly free. Choose Truth. Choose God. Choose Jesus. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Light." Eternal words! Go to The Light! Leave the darkness behind.

    *Retreat Location: Duarte, CA
    Local Host: Rachel's Vineyard Los Angeles
    Contact: Christine Lowe
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Maritsa, you are deceived by the lies of these times. We live in times where wrong is called right and right is called wrong. Believing in lies ENSLAVES you and brings you misery.

    These days we live in were foretold:

    2 Timothy 3:

    1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

    6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.

    This is the eternal truth. And we see it all around us now like never before. Verse 2! That is the time we live in! People are not lovers of good. They are lovers of selves, boastful, proud, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. Yes. This is our times, like never before. Depraved minds are all around us, and here in our country, we have a couple of the MOST depraved minds in the Democratic party running for president and vice-president. (Trump is no saint, he is not holy, but he is not depraved.)

    The first commandment of God: "Love God with all your heart, soul and mind". How many do you know living this today? It was not so hard to find in other times as today. Something is very wrong in our times, and in your lifetime especially there in California Hollywood-land, you have been drilled in every way to believe the lies of the baby killers. "Choice" - its a SLOGAN. Its made up! It has no truth! The right to have the limbs torn off your own child, his head crushed, while he tries to escape the instruments of death in your womb, a place that should be safe - that is not a right, it is an intrinsic evil in every case. What you have been told about the goodness of "choice" is a satanic LIE. A lie wrapped in pretty paper so you would accept it. Told it to you over and over like a mantra, in the Nazi fashion: "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

    And so you have come to believe and embrace a lie and the lie festers within you like an instrument of death to your soul.

    If you like countless others have been deceived into choosing to having an abortion(s), then repent, and ask God to forgive you because He will. He knows our foolishness and He knows our pain and weaknesses that cause us to sin and He forgives and forgets - - IF we repent. (If we do not repent, He MUST be just. Otherwise, an unjust God could not also be a good God, could He?)

    The blood of the innocent cries out to God for justice. God hears. God must act.

    Repent, and He forgives, and He will put your sin as from from you as the east is from the west.

    And He heals, because every abortion is deeply psychologically damaging to a mother. Even if she has been able, with the help of the many eager accomplices around her, to convince herself she has done the right thing, it does not change the fact that she has been an accomplice in an intrinsically evil act. Her soul knows it, and accuses her. She is lying to her own self and she will never feel peace asserting the lie that she did the right thing. She is wounded, and the wound will always fester and she will not have peace until she cleans it out.

    The fact verified by sound research says that a woman who has had an abortion is MANY TIMES more likely to be committed to a mental hospital at some time in her life than one who has not aborted a child. Did you know that? Women who have experienced the abortion of their own children need healing. Jesus will heal them, and make them whole. Try Rachels Vineyard. Get free!*

    You have believed a falsehood. And you are ENASLAVED by the lie. The truth sets you free. Get truly free. Choose Truth. Choose God. Choose Jesus. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Light." Eternal words! Go to The Light! Leave the darkness behind.

    *Retreat Location: Duarte, CA
    Local Host: Rachel's Vineyard Los Angeles
    Contact: Christine Lowe
    I'm anti-abortion myself. I don't know why people would see abortions as desirable. However, I am pro-choice.

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    I'm anti-abortion myself. I don't know why people would see abortions as desirable. However, I am pro-choice.
    fence sitting. The choice simple means, it's okay to choose to kill a child in the womb. If you are Joe or Kamala, that is when it's 9mohnths old in the womb! When you are Kamala, that means even if the 9 month old is born alive!
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    fence sitting. The choice simple means, it's okay to choose to kill a child in the womb. If you are Joe or Kamala, that is when it's 9mohnths old in the womb! When you are Kamala, that means even if the 9 month old is born alive!
    I'm not fence-sitting. I'm in favour of abortion being legal. However, you should appreciate that I am unlikely to get pregnant so it does not feel correct for me to overrule a women's choice.

    Are you in favour of freedom of religion? Doesn't that make you a fence-sitter?

    In the Bible, living human individuals of less than 30 days of age had no value. Yet this is your holy book.

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    Another bulllshit thread by Eliza
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    Eliza, I think you and my mom would hit it off lol

    you remind me a lot of her, she sends me videos like that all the time
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    ♍︎ 𝓋𝒾𝓇𝑔𝑜 𝓇𝒾𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 ♍︎

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    Ahhh, the sweet, largely unfounded hate on Soros.
    People need a scapegoat.

    Who needs proof when there is enough bullshit to go around?
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    @Eliza Thomason

    The Black Lives Matter movement has been protesting against systematic racism by the Police. Systematic racism that has resulted in the Police killing unarmed civilians, including instances deemed to be murder, as in the case of George Floyd.

    Most of the protestors have been peaceful. However, at the same time, there have been white supremacists who have murdered protestors.

    Yet you choose to denounce Black Lives Matter over the white supremacists.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    fence sitting. The choice simple means, it's okay to choose to kill a child in the womb. If you are Joe or Kamala, that is when it's 9mohnths old in the womb! When you are Kamala, that means even if the 9 month old is born alive!
    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    You pontificate but you are no pontiff. You are a hypocrite. You defend the free choice of the violent, tortured deaths of pre-born babies, as they silently scream in the womb, and writhe to escape the whirling saws of the abortionists as their bodies are cut to bits. Perhaps, like Kamala, you also support the tortured death of post-born babies? You are speaking out of both sides of your mouth here becasue you clearly do not think that ALL torture is bad. The torture of innocent babies seems to hold some greater good in your mind!
    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    @Subteigh when my husband and saw me on 16T he asked if I was "throwing pearls to swine again". He meant you, because he sees my stress when you insult my deeply held beliefs; he knows the time I put into sincere replies to the questions you like to put out there for me to answer for you. After which, you have never offered any positive acknowledgement of any point I ever made. So it doesn't feel like a conversation. It is something else.

    I told him I wasn't writing you and if did it would be after quite some time. So he quoted St. Thomas Aquinas, which I will share now. I know you have spent a great deal of time studying and extolling the works of the most most depraved and existential philosophers you can find, but now hear words of a good man in a whole different class from your favored friends, renowned and unmatched in all of history not only for his extremely superior mind and logic but also his great virtue and faith.
    Thomas Aquinas permitted abortion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Thomas Aquinas permitted abortion.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    @Eliza Thomason

    The Black Lives Matter movement has been protesting against systematic racism by the Police. Systematic racism that has resulted in the Police killing unarmed civilians, including instances deemed to be murder, as in the case of George Floyd.

    Most of the protestors have been peaceful. However, at the same time, there have been white supremacists who have murdered protestors.

    Yet you choose to denounce Black Lives Matter over the white supremacists.
    Err, hate to brake it to ya, but the demand for "White Supremacy" far outstrips supply. I mean fuck, talk to blacks in the deep south. Ain't no real fear of lynchings anymore. Yeah, ya might get called the N-word here and again and that sucks and they don't like it, but they ain't exactly fearing for their life if some random clansman happens upon them on a particularly dark and dreary night. Possibility's still there, but it's remote. After all, all them crackers call em' N-word and "pound their chests" as it were yet not one has yet to assault them with fists, baseball bats, or firearms.

    Also, I laugh as you prove my assumption right as you affirm how most of the protests were "peaceful" in your words. I'd also point out that if you had video evidence of some skinhead brutally murdering a totally innocent POC that wasn't obviously a shoddy Hollywood Special Effects Job to anyone with an IQ north of 50 it'd be all over the MSN and the net. You don't have that. Wish you did to your lord below but the One Above All has denied you that because his servants actually give a fuck about those who aren't "one of us" as it were.

    Fun fact: There is a video of the opposite. A bunch of blacks assaulting an innocent mentally disabled white man. Dumb fuckers posted it on Facebook even. Open and shut case. Yet you never heard of that one on CNN. Just like you've failed to hear about how Hunter Biden is basically the CCP's bitch given all the dirt they got on him thanks to him... well, being a diddler.

    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Thomas Aquinas permitted abortion.
    No he did not. Though we must give him some credit from your end (and credit to most any historical figure over a hundred years behind our time). See, they didn't answer certain potential challenges or plan against certain contingencies in their arguments because, to them, those things were literally inconceivable. Thomas Aquinas literally never thought of the possibility that one could kill a baby within the womb of a woman without also killing the mother as well. Well, maybe he did in a fevered dream, but that dream would have so utterly horrified him that it would have... well, driven him even more to be as faithful as he was.

    If you showed a video of a sex change operation or an abortion to the average soldier in the trenches of WWI you'd have probably made them fail a SAN check so hard they'd have immediately killed themselves. Literally. Inconceivable. I can't fault em' for that. Sadly, most far leftists can. After all, one can never be "woke" enough in regards to the dogma of the Death Cult.

    In closing here, I'll explain how an "inconceivable" notion has occurred and I, myself, never thought it could come to pass. See, I am, among other things, an Austrian Economist. Mises is my dude, and "Human Action" is the tome you need to read if you wanna understand how Economics works. However, he (and pretty much every single economists from Marx to Salamanca) assumed one truth that doesn't hold.

    See, they thought the profit motive was sacrosanct in one form or another. Marx railed against it, seeing it as the reason why the Bourgeoisie fucked over the Proletariat. Mises and his ilk saw it more positively. The happy worker is the busy worker. Pay him/her more, and you rightfully expect/will undeniably receive better outputs. There is a balance to be had as no employer has infinite money but it is obvious that if you pay person more than they think they're worth they'll work harder and more eagerly for you.

    This takes the form of the quote "Get woke, go broke". Sadly, despite that statement making absolute sense to even Marxists, it hasn't really been the case. Why? Well, Economics Majors aren't all that well versed in matters of faith. A banker who hails the same god as you do is way more likely to ignore the profit motive in exchange for doing a fellow believer/cultist "a solid" as it were.
    Last edited by End; 11-04-2020 at 05:03 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    No he did not. Though we must give him some credit from your end (and credit to most any historical figure over a hundred years behind our time). See, they didn't answer certain potential challenges or plan against certain contingencies in their arguments because, to them, those things were literally inconceivable. Thomas Aquinas literally never thought of the possibility that one could kill a baby within the womb of a woman without also killing the mother as well. Well, maybe he did in a fevered dream, but that dream would have so utterly horrified him that it would have... well, driven him even more to be as faithful as he was.
    Aquinas did not consider a fetus as human before 40 days from conception for a boy or 80 days for a girl, as this was when he believed they gained a soul. As I understand, there was to be no punishment in his view if a fetus was terminated before this time.

    This does not mean that he thought that abortion was wrong in all circumstances, but you see @Eliza Thomason does not distinguish between the two. She called me a hypocrite for disliking abortion while being pro-choice.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Aquinas did not consider a fetus as human before 40 days from conception for a boy or 80 days for a girl, as this was when he believed they gained a soul. As I understand, there was to be no punishment in his view if a fetus was terminated before this time.

    This does not mean that he thought that abortion was wrong in all circumstances, but you see @Eliza Thomason does not distinguish between the two. She called me a hypocrite for disliking abortion while being pro-choice.
    Interesting view, but also runs up against my point. Again, there was no way to kill the unborn without murdering the mother back then so Abortion and Murder were distinctions without differences to him. The mother was undeniably Human by that point. Days until one or the other gained a soul in the womb were, well, semantics. Yeah, maybe you don't get nailed for double homicide in the divine court. Too bad for you that single homicide is a Mortal Sin and thus you will still burn in Hell for that. Fun fact: Eternal hellfire is remarkably equal. Makes sense IMO, as Hell is simply a place God is not present. By the very choice/will of those within it by the way. C.S. Lewis had a great take on the whole affair.

    The Abortion take is also confusing. If you dislike something like that why wouldn't you want to ban it? I get the practical side (e.g. they'll resort to wire hangers in unsanitary back alleys), but not the moral side. It's a moral matter for people like me and Eliza. You ought not kill babies just because it's inconvenient for you to have one. I'm also Catholic so I also don't support contraception but Jesus Christ girls, if you take the pill and make him wear a good quality rubber the odds of getting preggers gets ridiculously low. Hell, get your tubes tied if ya just gotta have that raw D without getting a bun popped in the oven as a result. Iterative odds are a bitch and a half but the odds of getting preggers with a girl on the pill while the guy's wearing a rubber? Yeah, I could roll on that table to see if I die daily and have comfortable odds to die a natural death before I "hit" with those odds.

    Plus adoption's a thing. If you can't be bothered to raise the child I can guarantee you someone else is. Not everyone can have kids of their own and those that can't yet want children will gladly take that kid off your hands and raise it as theirs. Why not just have the kid than immediately give it up for adoption with an agency you trust that deals in that area? It avoids all moral concerns all things being equal.
    Last edited by End; 11-05-2020 at 04:16 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Here is what BLM can do to your city, too, with the funding of pervert Soros:
    I couldn't resist but had to take a peak what silly statements came out of your mouth this time. Well, what can I say?

    A proposition must be plain to be adopted by the understanding of a people. A false notion which is clear and precise will always meet with a greater number of adherents in the world than a true principle which is obscure or involved.

    - Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, Vol. I. 1830
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Interesting view, but also runs up against my point. Again, there was no way to kill the unborn without murdering the mother back then so Abortion and Murder were distinctions without differences to him. The mother was undeniably Human by that point. Days until one or the other gained a soul in the womb were, well, semantics. Yeah, maybe you don't get nailed for double homicide in the divine court. Too bad for you that single homicide is a Mortal Sin and thus you will still burn in Hell for that. Fun fact: Eternal hellfire is remarkably equal. Makes sense IMO, as Hell is simply a place God is not present. By the very choice/will of those within it by the way. C.S. Lewis had a great take on the whole affair.

    The Abortion take is also confusing. If you dislike something like that why wouldn't you want to ban it? I get the practical side (e.g. they'll resort to wire hangers in unsanitary back alleys), but not the moral side. It's a moral matter for people like me and Eliza. You ought not kill babies just because it's inconvenient for you to have one. I'm also Catholic so I also don't support contraception but Jesus Christ girls, if you take the pill and make him wear a good quality rubber the odds of getting preggers gets ridiculously low. Hell, get your tubes tied if ya just gotta have that raw D without getting a bun popped in the oven as a result. Iterative odds are a bitch and a half but the odds of getting preggers with a girl on the pill while the guy's wearing a rubber? Yeah, I could roll on that table to see if I die daily and have comfortable odds to die a natural death before I "hit" with those odds.

    Plus adoption's a thing. If you can't be bothered to raise the child I can guarantee you someone else is. Not everyone can have kids of their own and those that can't yet want children will gladly take that kid off your hands and raise it as theirs. Why not just have the kid than immediately give it up for adoption with an agency you trust that deals in that area? It avoids all moral concerns all things being equal.
    Throughout history, actually, way back into prehistory, there have been known abortifacients that women could take that would most likely not kill them.

    The abortion rate is high, and sadly similar to the rate that god kills fetuses via miscarriage.

    I did explain - I in favour of abortion being legal for various reasons, such as the fact that countries where abortion is legal have fewer abortions than countries where abortions are illegal; such countries also have fewer deaths and injuries amongst women who have abortions because there are fewer botched abortions; I suspect that countries where abortion is legal also have fewer suicides of pregnant women - suicide would of course kill the fetus too; I also believe that a woman should have the ultimate say over their own body and that it would be especially wrong for me as a male to decree what a woman can or cannot do. It is easy for me to say I dislike abortion when I am unable to have one.

    Morality is purely a matter of taste. You don't get to say something is worse because you consider it a matter of morality rather than aesthetics.

    Thomas Aquinas was supposedly against abortion in all instances, even before the age before which he believed the fetus gained a soul. Seemingly this was because he saw abortion as an act of cruelty, an act that inflicts pain. If you are like Thomas Aquinas, then really, you should be opposed to killing animals too. Jesus famously had no problems with killing pigs or fish. And torture in eternal hellfire is the ultimate act of pain.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Interesting view, but also runs up against my point. Again, there was no way to kill the unborn without murdering the mother back then so Abortion and Murder were distinctions without differences to him. The mother was undeniably Human by that point. Days until one or the other gained a soul in the womb were, well, semantics. Yeah, maybe you don't get nailed for double homicide in the divine court. Too bad for you that single homicide is a Mortal Sin and thus you will still burn in Hell for that. Fun fact: Eternal hellfire is remarkably equal. Makes sense IMO, as Hell is simply a place God is not present. By the very choice/will of those within it by the way. C.S. Lewis had a great take on the whole affair.

    The Abortion take is also confusing. If you dislike something like that why wouldn't you want to ban it? I get the practical side (e.g. they'll resort to wire hangers in unsanitary back alleys), but not the moral side. It's a moral matter for people like me and Eliza. You ought not kill babies just because it's inconvenient for you to have one. I'm also Catholic so I also don't support contraception but Jesus Christ girls, if you take the pill and make him wear a good quality rubber the odds of getting preggers gets ridiculously low. Hell, get your tubes tied if ya just gotta have that raw D without getting a bun popped in the oven as a result. Iterative odds are a bitch and a half but the odds of getting preggers with a girl on the pill while the guy's wearing a rubber? Yeah, I could roll on that table to see if I die daily and have comfortable odds to die a natural death before I "hit" with those odds.

    Plus adoption's a thing. If you can't be bothered to raise the child I can guarantee you someone else is. Not everyone can have kids of their own and those that can't yet want children will gladly take that kid off your hands and raise it as theirs. Why not just have the kid than immediately give it up for adoption with an agency you trust that deals in that area? It avoids all moral concerns all things being equal.
    Throughout history, actually, way back into prehistory, there have been known abortifacients that women could take that would most likely not kill them.

    The abortion rate is high, and sadly similar to the rate that god kills fetuses via miscarriage.

    I did explain - I in favour of abortion being legal for various reasons, such as the fact that countries where abortion is legal have fewer abortions than countries where abortions are illegal; such countries also have fewer deaths and injuries amongst women who have abortions because there are fewer botched abortions; I suspect that countries where abortion is legal also have fewer suicides of pregnant women - suicide would of course kill the fetus too; I also believe that a woman should have the ultimate say over their own body and that it would be especially wrong for me as a male to decree what a woman can or cannot do. It is easy for me to say I dislike abortion when I am unable to have one.

    Morality is purely a matter of taste. You don't get to say something is worse because you consider it a matter of morality rather than aesthetics.

    Thomas Aquinas was supposedly against abortion in all instances, even before the age before which he believed the fetus gained a soul. Seemingly this was because he saw abortion as an act of cruelty, an act that inflicts pain. If you are like Thomas Aquinas, then really, you should be opposed to killing animals too. Jesus famously had no problems with killing pigs or fish. Torture in eternal hellfire is the ultimate act of inflicting pain.

    Judaism and Christianity also teach that fornication is a sin, but had no problems with Adam, Eve, or Jesus being bastards.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Morality is purely a matter of taste. You don't get to say something is worse because you consider it a matter of morality rather than aesthetics.

    Thomas Aquinas was supposedly against abortion in all instances, even before the age before which he believed the fetus gained a soul. Seemingly this was because he saw abortion as an act of cruelty, an act that inflicts pain. If you are like Thomas Aquinas, then really, you should be opposed to killing animals too. Jesus famously had no problems with killing pigs or fish. Torture in eternal hellfire is the ultimate act of inflicting pain.

    Judaism and Christianity also teach that fornication is a sin, but had no problems with Adam, Eve, or Jesus being bastards.
    Ok, you know me, you've seen what I have posted again and again for years now. You've paid more close attention to me in more recent times so you know what's coming.

    You have just attempted to call me out on failing to uphold my Christian morals. Well, those morals you're holding me to only seriously matter if you, yes you, personally, can say one simple little thing even in jest.

    Confess that Jesus is the Christ and God has risen him from the dead.

    Say it, type out the words exactly as I have. Hell, I'll type them out myself. I believe/confess that Jesus is the Christ and God has risen him from the dead. If you can't do that within 24 hours of reading this than you're a witch and any BS that comes from a witch is shit I ain't got time to deal with seriously on a moral level. I ain't got time for the servants of the great tempter who have defiantly chosen evil. You're not as bad/fargone as most I've encountered, but I'm willing to bet money I don't got to bet that you can't manage to pass a Witch Test .

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Ok, you know me, you've seen what I have posted again and again for years now. You've paid more close attention to me in more recent times so you know what's coming.

    You have just attempted to call me out on failing to uphold my Christian morals. Well, those morals you're holding me to only seriously matter if you, yes you, personally, can say one simple little thing even in jest.

    Confess that Jesus is the Christ and God has risen him from the dead.

    Say it, type out the words exactly as I have. Hell, I'll type them out myself. I believe/confess that Jesus is the Christ and God has risen him from the dead. If you can't do that within 24 hours of reading this than you're a witch and any BS that comes from a witch is shit I ain't got time to deal with seriously on a moral level. I ain't got time for the servants of the great tempter who have defiantly chosen evil. You're not as bad/fargone as most I've encountered, but I'm willing to bet money I don't got to bet that you can't manage to pass a Witch Test .
    I didn't know that you failed to uphold to your Christian morals. And I don't really have a problem for people failing to meet their own standard, unless they're being blatantly hypocritical. I do however have a problem with an ideology that teaches that individuals are inherently flawed and in needing of being saved, and which holds them to an impossible standard and has an unbalanced sense of justice.

    What is considered morality should be utterly independent from belief or disbelief about properties of the universe, unless you think that belief or disbelief itself is a virtue.

    I doubt that "Jesus" even existed as a historical figure, nevermind the supernatural claims that can never be verified. If you produce Jesus' body, I might be able to believe that is Jesus if you make the argument for it, but I doubt I would believe any supernatural claims. I cannot say or type out that phrase you say and mean it because I simply honestly do not believe it is true. Are you going to damn me for my honest beliefs? Are you trying to force myself to believe it? If I was brainwashed, would I truly believe?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    I didn't know that you failed to uphold to your Christian morals. And I don't really have a problem for people failing to meet their own standard, unless they're being blatantly hypocritical. I do however have a problem with an ideology that teaches that individuals are inherently flawed and in needing of being saved, and which holds them to an impossible standard and has an unbalanced sense of justice.

    What is considered morality should be utterly independent from belief or disbelief about properties of the universe, unless you think that belief or disbelief itself is a virtue.

    I doubt that "Jesus" even existed as a historical figure, nevermind the supernatural claims that can never be verified. If you produce Jesus' body, I might be able to believe that is Jesus if you make the argument for it, but I doubt I would believe any supernatural claims. I cannot say or type out that phrase you say and mean it because I simply honestly do not believe it is true. Are you going to damn me for my honest beliefs? Are you trying to force myself to believe it? If I was brainwashed, would I truly believe?
    Your modern day, evolved, mind cannot make any argument to shift the thinking of someone stuck in a 16th century mindset but I enjoy watching you try.

    Edit: I also find his "witch test" juvenile since it is a mockery of his own belief system.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Aquinas did not consider a fetus as human before 40 days from conception for a boy or 80 days for a girl, as this was when he believed they gained a soul. As I understand, there was to be no punishment in his view if a fetus was terminated before this time.

    This does not mean that he thought that abortion was wrong in all circumstances, but you see @Eliza Thomason does not distinguish between the two. She called me a hypocrite for disliking abortion while being pro-choice.
    If this is true - and I will look into it (also as to whether he ever rethought that) - it is not anything to do what makes him great. And if he is "dogmatic", that most likely means he is nothing like the infamous Pontius Pilate and his "What is truth?". I don't want anything to do with that kind of philosophy.

    So many good true and wise things are said by Aq1uinas. But it seems like good true and wise are not the things that catch your interest. Right? You instead go looking for the one off-note?
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Maritsa, you are deceived by the lies of these times. We live in times where wrong is called right and right is called wrong. Believing in lies ENSLAVES you and brings you misery.

    These days we live in were foretold:

    2 Timothy 3:

    1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

    6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.

    This is the eternal truth. And we see it all around us now like never before. Verse 2! That is the time we live in! People are not lovers of good. They are lovers of selves, boastful, proud, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. Yes. This is our times, like never before. Depraved minds are all around us, and here in our country, we have a couple of the MOST depraved minds in the Democratic party running for president and vice-president. (Trump is no saint, he is not holy, but he is not depraved.)

    The first commandment of God: "Love God with all your heart, soul and mind". How many do you know living this today? It was not so hard to find in other times as today. Something is very wrong in our times, and in your lifetime especially there in California Hollywood-land, you have been drilled in every way to believe the lies of the baby killers. "Choice" - its a SLOGAN. Its made up! It has no truth! The right to have the limbs torn off your own child, his head crushed, while he tries to escape the instruments of death in your womb, a place that should be safe - that is not a right, it is an intrinsic evil in every case. What you have been told about the goodness of "choice" is a satanic LIE. A lie wrapped in pretty paper so you would accept it. Told it to you over and over like a mantra, in the Nazi fashion: "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

    And so you have come to believe and embrace a lie and the lie festers within you like an instrument of death to your soul.

    If you like countless others have been deceived into choosing to having an abortion(s), then repent, and ask God to forgive you because He will. He knows our foolishness and He knows our pain and weaknesses that cause us to sin and He forgives and forgets - - IF we repent. (If we do not repent, He MUST be just. Otherwise, an unjust God could not also be a good God, could He?)

    The blood of the innocent cries out to God for justice. God hears. God must act.

    Repent, and He forgives, and He will put your sin as from from you as the east is from the west.

    And He heals, because every abortion is deeply psychologically damaging to a mother. Even if she has been able, with the help of the many eager accomplices around her, to convince herself she has done the right thing, it does not change the fact that she has been an accomplice in an intrinsically evil act. Her soul knows it, and accuses her. She is lying to her own self and she will never feel peace asserting the lie that she did the right thing. She is wounded, and the wound will always fester and she will not have peace until she cleans it out.

    The fact verified by sound research says that a woman who has had an abortion is MANY TIMES more likely to be committed to a mental hospital at some time in her life than one who has not aborted a child. Did you know that? Women who have experienced the abortion of their own children need healing. Jesus will heal them, and make them whole. Try Rachels Vineyard. Get free!*

    You have believed a falsehood. And you are ENASLAVED by the lie. The truth sets you free. Get truly free. Choose Truth. Choose God. Choose Jesus. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Light." Eternal words! Go to The Light! Leave the darkness behind.

    *Retreat Location: Duarte, CA
    Local Host: Rachel's Vineyard Los Angeles
    Contact: Christine Lowe
    We actually live in one of the more ethical times. And your shared reasoning is not solid for your opinion on abortion. The way you're reasoning out what you are trying to share is not doing your points any favors.

    For example: "Claims that women who have elective abortions will experience psychological distress have fueled much of the recent debate on abortion. It has been argued that the emotional sequelae of abortion may not occur until months or years after the event. Despite unclear evidence on such a phenomenon, adverse mental health outcomes of abortion have been used as a rationale for policy-making. We systematically searched for articles focused on the potential association between abortion and long-term mental health outcomes published between January 1, 1989 and August 1, 2008 and reviewed 21 studies that met the inclusion criteria. We rated the study quality based on methodological factors necessary to appropriately explore the research question. Studies were rated as Excellent (no studies), Very Good (4 studies), Fair (8 studies), Poor (8 studies), or Very Poor (1 study). A clear trend emerges from this systematic review: the highest quality studies had findings that were mostly neutral, suggesting few, if any, differences between women who had abortions and their respective comparison groups in terms of mental health sequelae. Conversely, studies with the most flawed methodology found negative mental health sequelae of abortion." wfx9htxFOcQ8r-YkiIn

    I make a point, lately, to say that fundamentalists often believe church and rules mean "love and family." Our being controlled by church and rules seemed like a necessary trade off for love and family, and it's a compelling one. The thing is, it's an unnecessary trade.

    "In moderation, religious and spiritual practices can be great for a person’s life and mental well-being. But religious fundamentalism—which refers to the belief in the absolute authority of a religious text or leaders—is almost never good for an individual. This is primarily because fundamentalism discourages any logical reasoning or scientific evidence that challenges its scripture, making it inherently maladaptive.

    It is not accurate to call religious fundamentalism a disease, because that term refers to a pathology that physically attacks the biology of a system. But fundamentalist ideologies can be thought of as mental parasites. A parasite does not usually kill the host it inhabits, as it is critically dependent on it for survival. Instead, it feeds off it and changes its behavior in ways that benefit its own existence. By understanding how fundamentalist ideologies function and are represented in the brain using this analogy, we can begin to understand how to inoculate against them, and potentially, how to rehabilitate someone who has undergone ideological brainwashing—in other words, a reduction in one’s ability to think critically or independently.

    How Religious Ideologies Spread

    Similar to how organisms and their genes compete for survival in the environment and gene pool, ideas compete for survival inside brains, and in the pool of ideas that inhabit them. The famous evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins has used this insightful analogy to explain how ideas spread and evolve over time. In his influential 1976 book, The Selfish Gene, he refers to ideas as “memes” (the mental analog of a gene), which he has defined as self-replicating units that spread throughout culture. We are all familiar with many types of memes, including the various customs, myths, and trends that have become part of human society.

    As Dawkins explains, ideas spread through the behavior that they produce in their hosts, which is what enables them to be transmitted from one brain to another. For example, an ideology—such as a religion—that causes its inhabitants to practice its rituals and communicate its beliefs will be transmitted to others. Successful ideas are those that are best able to spread themselves, while those that fail to self-replicate go extinct. In this way, some religious ideologies persist while others fade into oblivion.

    It is easy to see why religion quickly spread through culture once it emerged. When humans gained the cognitive capacity to reason and plan for the future, they became aware of their own mortality. The realization that oneself and all one’s loved ones will someday die is naturally terrifying, and this existential fear perfectly set the stage for anxiety-reducing ideas, like ones that offer a never-ending afterlife. But religions are complex ideas, and the psychological effects they have on minds go beyond just relieving anxiety.

    Essentially, the brain is a biological computer, and an ideology is a set of coded instructions, or “cultural software,” that is running on the brain’s hardware. Esteemed philosopher and cognitive scientist Daniel Dennett insightfully described how ideas can control minds when he said, “The haven all memes depend on reaching is the human mind, but a human mind is itself an artifact created when memes restructure a human brain in order to make it a better habitat for memes.” In this regard, it is often not the brain that controls the mind, but the memes that compose the mind that control the brain. This is especially the case when the meme is a religion.

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    Religions Mutate

    Like genes and gene complexes, when an ideology is replicated—or passed from one person or group to another—it undergoes mutations. As a consequence, different versions of that belief system are produced, which generate different types of behavior. As such, there are often good and bad variants of any given religion. For instance, there are moderate versions of Christianity and Islam that promote qualities like a sense of community and a moral code that fosters ethical behavior. These ideas can be beneficial to the host organism, i.e., the religious-practicing individual. At the same time, there are harmful variants of Islam and Christianity—specifically the rigid fundamentalist versions—that cause the host mind to process information in a biased way, think irrationally, and become delusional.

    Ideological Viruses and Mental Parasites

    There are various types of viruses and parasites, and viruses are themselves parasites. While biological viruses are infectious agents that self-replicate inside living cells, computer viruses are destructive pieces of code that insert themselves into existing programs and change the actions of those programs. One particularly nasty type of computer virus that relies on humans for replication, known as a “Trojan horse,” disguises itself as something useful or interesting in order to persuade individuals to download and spread it. Similarly, a harmful ideology disguises itself as something beneficial in order to insert itself into the brain of an individual, so that it can instruct them to behave in ways that transmit the mental virus to others. The ability for parasites to modify the behavior of hosts in ways that increase their own “fitness” (i.e., their ability to survive and reproduce) while hurting the fitness of the host, is known as “parasitic manipulation.”

    One particularly intriguing example of parasitic manipulation occurs when a hairworm infects a grasshopper and seizes its brain in order to survive and self-replicate. This parasite influences its behavior by inserting specific proteins into its brain. Essentially, infected grasshoppers become slaves for parasitic, self-copying machinery.

    In much the same way, Christian fundamentalism is a parasitic ideology that inserts itself into brains, commanding individuals to act and think in a certain way—a rigid way that is intolerant to competing ideas. We know that religious fundamentalism is strongly correlated with what psychologists and neuroscientists call “magical thinking,” which refers to making connections between actions and events when no such connections exist in reality. Without magical thinking, the religion can’t survive, nor can it replicate itself. Another cognitive impairment we see in those with extreme religious views is a greater reliance on intuitive rather than reflective or analytic thought, which frequently leads to incorrect assumptions since intuition is often deceiving or overly simplistic.

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    We also know that in the United States, Christian fundamentalism is linked to science denial. Since science is nothing more than a method of determining truth using empirical measurement and hypothesis testing, denial of science equates to the denial of objective truth and tangible evidence. In other words, the denial of reality. Not only does fundamentalism promote delusional thinking, it also discourages followers from exposing themselves to any different ideas, which acts to protect the delusions that are essential to the ideology.

    If we want to inoculate society against the harms of fundamentalist ideologies, we must start thinking differently about how they function in the brain. An ideology with a tendency to harm its host in an effort to self-replicate gives it all the properties of a parasitic virus, and defending against such a belief system requires understanding it as one. When a fundamentalist ideology inhabits a host brain, the organism’s mind is no longer fully in control. The ideology is controlling its behavior and reasoning processes to propagate itself and sustain its survival. This analogy should inform how we approach efforts that attempt to reverse brainwashing and restore cognitive function in areas like analytic reasoning and problem-solving." "Bobby Azarian, Ph.D., is a cognitive neuroscientist and science writer in the Washington, D.C. area."

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    After hundreds of years of racism and bullshit such as this, we should be grateful that Black Americans don't set fire to all cities. Most acts of vandalism are done by white people and not part of the BLM movement. But racists will be racists.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    I didn't know that you failed to uphold to your Christian morals. And I don't really have a problem for people failing to meet their own standard, unless they're being blatantly hypocritical. I do however have a problem with an ideology that teaches that individuals are inherently flawed and in needing of being saved, and which holds them to an impossible standard and has an unbalanced sense of justice.

    What is considered morality should be utterly independent from belief or disbelief about properties of the universe, unless you think that belief or disbelief itself is a virtue.

    I doubt that "Jesus" even existed as a historical figure, nevermind the supernatural claims that can never be verified. If you produce Jesus' body, I might be able to believe that is Jesus if you make the argument for it, but I doubt I would believe any supernatural claims. I cannot say or type out that phrase you say and mean it because I simply honestly do not believe it is true. Are you going to damn me for my honest beliefs? Are you trying to force myself to believe it? If I was brainwashed, would I truly believe?
    Fun Fact: As we are all sinners, we all fail to uphold the truth/morality at some point. As I've said before, many a saint was once an arch/consummate sinner. Indeed, Even Sartre, commie atheist that he was, agreed with church teachings about "original sin" because it was, in his own words, self-evident. We are inherently flawed and thus in need of salvation. Thankfully, that salvation has already occurred.

    I'm going to get a bit theological here. God allows evil so that greater goods may come about because of it. He does not, however, do evil so that good may come of it. The ultimate example of this is, and this might shock you, the crucifixion. God allowed us to kill him. The original "form" of all forms that are good in a platonic sense. Could have easily stopped us, but didn't. Why? Because from that most ultimate of evils, he brought about the ultimate good. The salvation of a fallen mankind.

    Plus, Jesus is risen. It is impossible to provide anyone the corpse of a man who yet still lives is it not?

    Also, you do realize that you can invalidate a great deal of my own worldview if you could but type the words out yes? I mean, it's a simple line of text and all. You do that and I'll type out my endorsement of a heresy of your choice. You go first and I'll follow suit .

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Your modern day, evolved, mind cannot make any argument to shift the thinking of someone stuck in a 16th century mindset but I enjoy watching you try.

    Edit: I also find his "witch test" juvenile since it is a mockery of his own belief system.
    If it's a mockery, than surely you can mock me by mockingly passing it. All ya gotta do is make it look/sound earnest and enthusiastic. C'mon, you can put on an act and shatter my entire worldview by doing so yes?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Here is what BLM can do to your city, too, with the funding of pervert Soros:

    Delta ST or ENFp dude.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    After hundreds of years of racism and bullshit such as this, we should be grateful that Black Americans don't set fire to all cities.
    That honor should be reserved for Native Americans.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    If this is true - and I will look into it (also as to whether he ever rethought that) - it is not anything to do what makes him great. And if he is "dogmatic", that most likely means he is nothing like the infamous Pontius Pilate and his "What is truth?". I don't want anything to do with that kind of philosophy.

    So many good true and wise things are said by Aq1uinas. But it seems like good true and wise are not the things that catch your interest. Right? You instead go looking for the one off-note?
    You actually insulted me for permitting abortion, and on another occasion accused me of "extolling the works of the most most depraved and existential philosophers you can find". And yet Aquinas permitted abortion too. Neither of us liked abortion.

    Why is it that you are unable to say something good, true, and wise about me?

    Pontius Pilate never said "What is truth?" - his characterisation in the bible is complete fiction. The real Pontius Pilate would not have dithered and wrung his hands about whether or not to execute some Jewish leader of some rabble.

    Pilate of history vs the one in the Gospels

    The secular records on Pilate portray a very different man from that shown in the Gospels. Pliny the Elder and Josephus portray a ruler who cared little for the wishes of his Jewish subjects and was not above using violence against peaceful demonstrations.[1] Josephus's account of how Pilate brutally dealt with the Samaritan prophet of 36 CE indicates the style of his unusually long prefecture (note that although Pilate was recalled to Rome, there is no evidence that he was convicted of any wrongdoing):[2]

    “”For a man who made light of mendacity and in all his designs catered to the mob, rallied them, bidding them go in a body with him to Mount Gerizim, which in their belief is the most sacred of mountains. He assured them that on their arrival he would show them the sacred vessels which were buried there, where Moses had deposited them. His hearers, viewing this tale as plausible, appeared in arms. They posted themselves in a certain village named Tirathana, and, as they planned to climb the mountain in a great multitude, they welcomed to their ranks the new arrivals who kept coming. But before they could ascend, Pilate blocked their projected route up the mountain with a detachment of cavalry and heavily armed infantry, who in an encounter with the first comers in the village slew some in a pitched battle and put the others to flight. Many prisoners were taken, of whom Pilate put to death the principal leaders and those who were most influential among the fugitives.

    When the uprising had been quelled, the council of the Samaritans went to Vitellius, a man of consular rank who was governor of Syria, and charged Pilate with the slaughter of the victims. For, they said, it was not as rebels against the Romans but as refugees from the persecution of Pilate that they had met in Tirathana. Vitellius thereupon dispatched Marcellus, one of his friends, to take charge of the administration of Judaea, and ordered Pilate to return to Rome to give the emperor his account of the matters with which he was charged by the Samaritans. And so Pilate, after having spent ten years in Judaea, hurried to Rome in obedience to the orders of Vitellius, since he could not refuse. But before he reached Rome Tiberius had already passed away.
    —Flavius Josephus, (c. 94) Jewish Antiquities 18.85-89
    The idea that such a man would brush off someone claiming to be "King of the Jews" (i.e., King of Judea) as a Jewish matter is insane. First, such a claim could be considered sedition, which would have resulted in Pilate executing him. Second, Pilate was quite willing to have his soldiers hide among the Jewish people so if they did something he didn't like (such as protest against using Temple money to build an aqueduct) he could use his soldiers to randomly attack, beat, and kill people.[3] Third, as the Samaritan prophet debacle shows, Pilate tended to react negatively to large groups of Jews so the large crowds Jesus supposedly attracted would have been enough to set Pilate off. Finally, the disturbance in the Temple area would have also resulted in immediate action by the 600-some Temple guards, or if they weren't enough to deal with the problem, the whole Roman legion (about 5,000 strong) from Fort Antonia to be called in[4] so Pilate most likely would only be deciding the fate of the survivors (if there were any) of such an act.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Fun Fact: As we are all sinners, we all fail to uphold the truth/morality at some point. As I've said before, many a saint was once an arch/consummate sinner. Indeed, Even Sartre, commie atheist that he was, agreed with church teachings about "original sin" because it was, in his own words, self-evident. We are inherently flawed and thus in need of salvation. Thankfully, that salvation has already occurred.

    I'm going to get a bit theological here. God allows evil so that greater goods may come about because of it. He does not, however, do evil so that good may come of it. The ultimate example of this is, and this might shock you, the crucifixion. God allowed us to kill him. The original "form" of all forms that are good in a platonic sense. Could have easily stopped us, but didn't. Why? Because from that most ultimate of evils, he brought about the ultimate good. The salvation of a fallen mankind.

    Plus, Jesus is risen. It is impossible to provide anyone the corpse of a man who yet still lives is it not?

    Also, you do realize that you can invalidate a great deal of my own worldview if you could but type the words out yes? I mean, it's a simple line of text and all. You do that and I'll type out my endorsement of a heresy of your choice. You go first and I'll follow suit .
    The bible says we are created in God's image. One of the Ten Commandments is "Thou shalt not kill", but the biggest killer in the bible is God. That not only makes it a hypocrite, but a great sinner.

    Jesus in the New Testament made it clear that "we" did not kill him - he committed suicide: "I lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again." - John 10:17-18

    "Sin" and "Evil" are purely in the eye of the beholder. I do not recognise such concepts in my worldview.

    Rather than teaching that we are inherently flawed, we should learn how to make ourselves better and not feel guilty about negative aspects of of ourselves we cannot change.

    The death of an innocent man is not good, and certainly not justice. If anything, it would be unjust. I also do not recognise the legality of punishing an innocent individual for the crimes of another. I consider such a practice immoral.

    I ask you to produce the body of Jesus, living or dead. Catholics believe that the wine and bread of the Eucharist is turned into the blood and flesh of Jesus, so if you tested that, it would be a step in the right direction. But how would you prove it was Jesus?

    Even if you could prove the existence of Jesus Christ, I still would not follow him. I consider myself better than he, based on Christian and Jewish dogma. I don't say that as a mark of vanity - it's very easy to be better than Christ. If he abides by the The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, I might consider what he has to say.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    That honor should be reserved for Native Americans.
    Fair. Point still stands.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    No one should fire or burn anything. Peace.
    Well, peaceful protest is not ok either according to the right, so what to do?
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ania View Post
    Eh, he seemed Fe just from those few seconds
    he looks ESI .
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ania View Post
    I find it a little ironic that he mentioned distrusting media and how they can paint something a certain way while from the very beginning his video gave me this vibe of...doing exactly that. I’m not saying the graffiti was okay but he is obviously painting it a certain way.

    generally with Fe types, because that feeling energy actually leaks out as opposed to Fi leads, I can see it right away. It appears as this sparkle, this charisma or colloquial “empathy” and often more expressive face than Fi types. Anyways, generally when I watch a video like that I feel like the Fe type is making a bigger deal out of something than it really is, trying to convince others.

    that being said I didn’t watch the video in entirety and it’s possible I misunderstood him, so I could be wrong.
    I didn't find him "emphatic" and most of you say he's actually not because he doesn't support BLM. So that wouldn't point at Fe empathy either.

    In fact I found him pretty uncharismatic and emotionally plain to be Fe.

    There are ppl from all quadras supporting or being against one thing or another depending on a lot of variants. And I think that for typing effectively we should get rid of social or political prejudices.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ania View Post
    I meant observable empathy; regardless of what someone specifically sees him as.

    I honestly didn't look into the thread topic, don't know much about BLM (I mean, except the basics), and don't know the guy's stance on any politics. I was providing impression based on vibe, regardless of anything else.
    Ok. I commented the above due this:

    I find it a little ironic that he mentioned distrusting media and how they can paint something a certain way while from the very beginning his video gave me this vibe of...doing exactly that. I’m not saying the graffiti was okay but he is obviously painting it a certain way.
    Also I don't have a particular opinion about blm either. I mean theres racism and discrimination in many levels ofc, but I don't tend to follow social movements or be persuaded by media.

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