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Thread: New Supreme Court Judge Amy Coney Barret (re: confirmation hearing)

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    What is your opinion on abortion rights?

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    Kill4Me's Avatar
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    its funny watching those three primary losers (kamala, klobuchar with her big pointy schnowzer, and that troll Cory Booker) waste everybody's time...kamala poop for brains didn't have an ounce of fight in her during the primaries....she was like the first one to drop out of the primaries and only got selected for VP because Biden wants to pander to both the Black and Women vote. All three of them are whining their little butts off about Healthcare but they all had a chance to get behind Bernie if they gave such a flying fuck about Healthcare. like they did four years ago they fucked bernie....history repeats and now they're up waxing platitudes about healthcare for all.

    klobuchar is a moron...she says trump called military losers and suckers as if its a well established fact. it was fckin hearsay which has been rebuked by numerous people who were present. it could have just as easily been a calculated framejob based on Trump's disparaging remarks of McCain. klobuchar and poop for brains run with it like its they were there, standing next to him when he said it. How the fuck do they know if he said it. total dummies and these are the brains of America that can determine whether or not to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court....geezus

    Barrett gave her opening statement, Amy Coney Barrett is picture perfect. None of this stuff about policy has anything the fuck to do with whether to confirm or not confirm. this is a just identify politic cesspool shit waste of time...nothing the fuck to do with whether to confirm or not confirm....can't wait for Amy Barrett to make a fool out of Kamala if Kamala tries to pull a dumb but nasty line of questioning like she did on Kavanagh (who with a chuckle showed Kamala to be the simple-minded dunce that she is)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    its funny watching those three primary losers (kamala, klobuchar with her big pointy schnowzer, and that troll Cory Booker) waste everybody's time...kamala poop for brains didn't have an ounce of fight in her during the primaries....she was like the first one to drop out of the primaries and only got selected for VP because Biden wants to pander to both the Black and Women vote. All three of them are whining their little butts off about Healthcare but they all had a chance to get behind Bernie if they gave such a flying fuck about Healthcare. like they did four years ago they fucked bernie....history repeats and now they're up waxing platitudes about healthcare for all.
    Universal health care is the most humane way for people to go about it...the one positive about pay-for-play health care, is it drives competition, which drives innovation. Money talks. Its sad, but the rest of the world net benefits from the american insurance based health care system. Americans do as well, they just end up paying for it, with shorter lifespans as well.

    she gave her opening statement, Amy Coney Barrett is picture perfect. None of this stuff about policy has anything the fuck to do with whether to confirm or not confirm. this is a just identify politic cesspool shit waste of time...nothing the fuck to do with whether to confirm or not confirm.
    Values matter, actions matter equally the same. What will this woman do by shaping the destiny of *the system*? This is the concern and its silly to say this is a non-starter issue.

    Identity politics is a spook though, I agree. A person can never be satisfied under this way of thinking.

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    Moderator xerx's Avatar
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    Republicans are going to miss all the gentlemen's agreements they're breaking once Democrats grant statehoods to Guam, Puerto Rico, and Washington D.C.

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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Republicans are going to miss all the gentlemen's agreements they're breaking once Democrats grant statehoods to Guam, Puerto Rico, and Washington D.C.
    Only two things wrong with that. Democrats will forgive and forget, and those places don't want statehood. They have a better deal as things are now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Only two things wrong with that. Democrats will forgive and forget, and those places don't want statehood. They have a better deal as things are now.
    Are you sure??

    * The House passed a bill in June (H.R.51) allowing D.C. to become a state. link

    * Chuck Schumer has promised to grant statehood to both D.C. and Puerto Rico. link

    * The last time there was a referendum in Puerto Rico, it passed, although the vote was heavily boycotted by anti-unionists.

    * D.C. voted to approve in a referendum link

    ^ How unreliable is any of that?

    Don't actually know anything about Guam. I just put that in there for rhetorical effect.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Only two things wrong with that. Democrats will forgive and forget, and those places don't want statehood. They have a better deal as things are now.
    I'll point out a vital fact encapsulated in a single quote: "Democrats hold power, Republicans hold office".

    Say what you will about my enemies, I must give the devil his due. They never failed to advance their own objectives. They knew as Machiavelli did (and I do). In the realm of politics Perception>Reality. They knew exactly how to bait and counter a foe who assumed the opposite. This, mind you, is because of most all of them are Protestants and thus they don't really get that God told us that Satan rules our current reality.

    Poor dumb fools. The foolishly assume "facts" trump "perception". Hope this bites my foes in the ass though. Only a real, full blown and total idiot would accept the "fact" that Trump lost after all the "mail-in" votes that just got tallied up 4-weeks after the election would be legit. Pro tip: you need a week or two to actually learn how many votes your candidate needs to win to win the election. It's like being able to see the dealer's final hand where he stands before you decide to "hit or not.

    Easy as fuck to fake 30k or more votes towards your preferred candidate on election night. Hell, nobody'll really notice truth be told. That, however, is but merely tipping the scales. If your opponent actually won fairly by a margin beyond that, well, he just plain and simply wins. That's why Trump got fairly elected in my eyes BTW. Plus it shows just how detached our rulers are from us. They think us but a few dozen inbred hicks. Pure projection according to my research, you're best bet to finding an inbred idiot as a dictionary example is best started from an identified child of our ruling class.

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