Hurry up and get this fuckin thing over...

The identity politic cesspool (aka democratic party) is tryin' to turn this into a sleazy political messaging campaign.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a second rate fckin' supreme court judge

Amy Coney Barret is sittin' there like a fckin ninja.

She's ready to slice and dice up the retarded democrat 'prosecutors'...i can't wait to watch make an ass out of these bums.

Klobuchar made an ass out of herself. Real nasty. Her IQ must be below average.
(That useless piece of shit Keith Olbermann is back on the waves.)

These establishment demoturds are making a big deal about healthcare but they ruined Bernie's chances in two back to back primaries.

They put up that half-dead comatose paperweight Biden into the spot instead of Bernie.

Biden, Clinton and Obama are culpable for Benghazi...also in Afghanistan when they made US bomber planes stand down in daylight time costing the lives of American soldiers and resulting in late night friendly fires.

Senator Chris Coons this pencil-necked bum...him and the democratic party's COVID-19 narrative really shit the bed with Chris Christie coming out of COVID unscathed...the guy is an encyclopedia of pre-existing risk factors