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Thread: HA

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    persimmonism's Avatar
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    Default HA

    Last edited by persimmonism; 07-22-2021 at 08:23 PM.

  2. #2
    Rebelondeck's Avatar
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    It's simply so low of a priority that other higher-priority activities always seem to take precedence - like for example, washing the windows.
    I posted the following on agendas:

    a.k.a. I/O

  3. #3
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    This is also described as low energy function needing for external recharge.

    I have come across very lethargic LIE's for instance yet they might fancy pulling potatoes out of field while they speak. EIE's can be like that as well.
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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    If he isn't careful and directs it at an individual who does not value it, he will likely meet a harsh response, since they are almost sure to see it as a puerile gesture (more so than when he uses the suggestive function, usage of which comes off as more mature and well-considered, since he takes it more seriously in the first place). The subject's innate lack of balance in the mobilizing function can easily cause him to indulge in it recklessly or to sorely neglect it.

    Could someone please elaborate on this?
    1. Why don't we take our HA as seriously?
    2. Innate lack of balance..?

    Ok so I noticed that I'm really shameless in "asking" for Ti info. Flat out asking really broad (sometimes stupid) questions of the brand "what's a motherboard". I don't mind coming off as kind of clueless in an area if it means that someone will explain it (or at worst it will provide some laughs) but I realized that in these moments maybe people actually think I'm stupid, and it must be annoying to some too, especially if done excessively.
    oh lol you totally remind me of this friend of mine I had, she'd always have 10000 questions if we were going around anywhere

    And yes she had questions like that "what"s a motherboard".

    It never annoyed me tho', I just took it up as some task being patient with her lol, and yes some people thought at first that she was stupid but I never saw it that way lol

    Thinking about all this, I think in worse periods I do ask a lot about emotional stuff myself, and otherwise I ignore it alot. That's why I need to engage with it so much sometimes then to make up for it. The same is true of other emotional stuff like, doing emotional release, expression, socialising with emotional involvement ... Def really unbalanced af

    Frankly I was so unbalanced with it for a while that I didn't even want to consider Fe HA like, it seemed like really bad news for me to type as that, because it was like admitting to all my issues in that area.

    (Yeh and I should get more balanced in that area)

    Btw the IEI I was thinking of, she definitely was excessive with this compared to other IEIs but I really didn't mind, just other people did here and there

    But the point is, it doesn't seem like it's some law of nature to have to ask so much, just for some reason she was extra unbalanced there. Like I was with Fe too lol so we fit well together lol

    So is this an example of not taking the HA that seriously and having unbalanced usage?

    Also, how is this linked to the PoLR? For the PoLR we try to conceal our deficiency as much as possible and are very serious about it, but not so for the HA. even though the HA is used as an overcompensation for the PoLR?

    As for the suggestive, one doesn't really "ask" for suggestive info, right? They don't even realize their need for it and therefore don't know to do so, I think?
    About the suggestive I dunno exactly... I can tell you if I explicitly ask for "Ni info" I always get acutely aware of it. Because it's kinda unusual for me. It's the emotional stuff I can ask or read about (in psychology etc) endlessly about if I'm in a bad place and if I get uninhibited enough to ask/face the issues to read up on them. Bc otherwise I really just ignore all of it lol.

    You ask about the link to PoLR, I feel like I ask about or check out or analyse so much emotional info because I'm trying to cover for my inability to see the indirect feely stuff. It's like it makes me feel like I use my logic (Ti or whatever) to examine that stuff from every possible aspect like I try to orchestrate some attack on it but it's for the purpose of navigating it... But again I do this only if I'm in a bad enough place for it but then it gets obsessive.

  5. #5
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    I mean idk, your Ti is 2 dimensional not one dimensional like your Se and Te is supposed to be so you can still 'use Ti yourself' as much as you ask for it, you just use it in mediocre/grade C ways and enjoy it when people are more sophisticated and uppity refined/3 or 4 dimensional with it.

    Using Ti is how IEIs often navigate 'the real world' in physical, tangible ways (and also how we ironically can totally pwn somebody in a logical or political debate as well!) otherwise we really would just be emotional & useless romantic soup on the ground. =D I think of the 2D functions as you kinda progress through something rationally when you use them- and you can definitely use Ti and Si better than Te and Se.

    The 2D functions are all kinda underrated in my view. People don't talk about them or understand them as much or something because they aren't strong/overpowering like your 3D and 4D functions but also aren't laughably weak like your 1D PoLR/dual-seeking functions. They are often what gets you through the day, in an understated sense without you really thinking about it much. It's really nice actually IME.

    ((I think some people treat the 2D functions as if they were more closer to 1D and I think that's a huge mistake to do that.))

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    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ania View Post
    but anyways, I kind of see it as a mirror image of the way the ego block is set up - the the "creative" only serves as means to an end for the program. And it is a similar thing with the mobilizing and suggestive since latter corresponds to the leading function of our dual.
    Damn, did you get this idea from somewhere or did you come up with it yourself? I like it. I think I’ve only seen the opposite idea so far (that Suggestive serves HA).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ania View Post

    but anyways, I kind of see it as a mirror image of the way the ego block is set up - the the "creative" only serves as means to an end for the program. And it is a similar thing with the mobilizing and suggestive since latter corresponds to the leading function of our dual.
    Yup yup I agree with this,.

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