Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
Also it is not fair to judge Christianity by those who claim to be one but don't live by the tenants of Christianity, is it?
And thus you indirectly grasp the reason behind the meme of the "Witch Test" as I put it and why it is so effective @Eliza Thomason. The demons/heretics/heathens/etc. seek to make us live up to our own moral standards whilst refusing to acknowledge our faith and morality as legitimate in and of itself. Well, if said blasphemers and deniers of Christ are so intent on making us live by our supposed rules why don't they follow them themselves? It's a backhanded acknowledgement that we're in the right if ya really think about it.

This is a key reason why I know Christ is right. If he was not, than why is he so hated by almost everyone? He wasn't illogical, he wasn't irrationally hateful, hell, who'd he even kill? Yet the mere mention of his name and gospel generates hatred equivalent to the level you'd expect to be directed towards yourself if you'd literally killed a blood relative of someone right in front of them in cold blood! Why? Well, only one faith/church provides a satisfactory answer...