Quote Originally Posted by Stance View Post
EXACTLY, my SLI friend shuts this down so quickly. He kept trying to convince me that he's ILI so I tried to engage Ni with him. His eyes glaze over like it's torture (actual ILIs usually light up when I get into the Ni heavy stuff) and he becomes outright dismissive of me (unintentionally of course so I brush it off). He seems to only really appreciate Ni type of thinking when he's under the influence...any time I tell him that's how my mind works all the time without any aids, he reacts with total skepticism. I find it fascinating to see it all play out.

The one thing I do really appreciate about hanging around with SLIs is that I am forced to turn that side off for awhile, turn down Fe, and engage reality. It's a nice little mental break.

If I need an Ni masturbation session, I seek out gamma NTs for the fix. But I don't need it as a primary function of a romantic relationship.
In my experience talking to EIE with heavy Ni usage.. at first I'm very interested in the ideas and engage with it.. but then it just keeps coming and after several days of this there is so much Ni information to process that my Ni-HA shuts down and I'd rather sleep or bust rocks than continue talking and thinking about it.

What Ni laden info does for me tho is plants seeds in my mind and those sprout later into thoughts and insight I can potentially make use of.