Quote Originally Posted by Tommy View Post
Drop your caregiver attitude and adopt an aggressor one instead. Ie don't offer her a slice of cake, just let her get it for herself and while shes at it ask her for a slice for you, if she complains reply to her with a Ti argument and get ready to repeat this over and over. Never let her to win an argument or let her to see that she flapped you. Just keep immutable in your own will and thoughts. If she says something thats interesting keep asking specifics about it and get her dig in the topic.

Rely in her as a compass in social area, pay attention to her criticisms of other ppl and always hang around with her or with a bunch of friends (especially a group with gamma or beta dudes, and Fe girls). You need a group of friends or gang where your look cooler, also were to show your mischievous traits and a place to show your affection.
Don't ignore her emotional attitude, instead, get energized by it, laughing or making comments seconding her via Ti and Se. Accept almost always her suggestions of going to clubs, get drunk or whatever kind of activity she propose.
You also need to get a new expensive car and start to workout to get some muscles and get an income (in case you need it). Fe girls don't want to hang out with a loser. Also remember that aesthetics are just to show off or fit in a group and comfort is mostly a way to remember others and yourself that you reached certain social stage. Work on your facial gestures and movements, you need to look strong, beautiful and worthy of her attention after that you also need to show her that she also need to learn to earn your attention and Fe is the way to doing it. Always keep in mind that she doesn't need a Daddy to aid her.

Though, you probably are going to feel tired after performing this all.

The second option is easier and healthier. Just be yourself and get her disenchanted overtime when she discovers that there's nothing more than what she sees and that you don't like to go to clubs but to stay at home and that you are going to act more like a dad telling her whats good and making her get some rest from all that stress and that social activity. She also would need to change her tone and dont act like a person who needs to be institutionalized each time you didnt do something she expected to.

That said, If you know well this EIE and you keep interested in her (and she in you), I'd say go for it. If you don't know her (neither she really knows you) there's a chance that you or her are going to feel displeased sooner than later and lose interest (that happened to me with EIE). Whatever the case is, get your own experience and don't let astronics to rule over your life.
Jesus Christ lmao