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Thread: Mike Pence Eviscerates The Intellectually Inferior Kamala Harris

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    Default Mike Pence Eviscerates The Intellectually Inferior Kamala Harris

    Kamala Poop for Brains Harris' low intelligence was on full display last night. hopefully as the affable dunce Kamala was getting schooled by the far more intelligent and articulate Pence the realization dawned on her that she only got that far because of liberal non-merit based policies.

    Let's face it, Kamala the Bag Lady had no business on that stage and looks like they grabbed soem bag lady off the street to come in and debate. (note the way she bobs her head up and down while she speaks, that's a good indicator of low intelligence, low self-esteem and an incapability to obtain self-confidence or command over factual information) Kamala's nature is to pander. That's all she's competent at.

    The democratic shit-show of a party went from a completely unlikable but genuinely intelligent Hillary Clinton to a blunt smoking, village idiot wannabe-african-american Kamala Harris

    Poop for brains grew up with more advantages than anybody and knew not thing about segregation but made a career out of pretending she was like some kind of rosa parks. some will recall how she had essentially called Biden a racist in the first primary debate...a primary election in which I was the only one here to predict Biden would win.

    Kamala queen of the bag ladies got pwned on the portion about packing the dementia joe she refused to answer a simple question. Kamala queen of the bag ladies had no answer to Pence's point about shutting down flights from China...there are responses to counter that point but Kamala is too stupid to come up with that on her feet, without a teleprompter or cue cards to read from.

    notice how that turkey neck of a moderator kept cutting off Pence's time

    Thankfully Pence interrupted Kamala a few times because who wants to listen to that affable dunce.

    Pence really pawned Kamala Poop for Brains AKA Queen of the Bag ladies about packing the Court.

    JOe this, joe that...she was the one attacking Biden as a racist in the original primary debate
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 10-08-2020 at 11:02 AM.

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Apparently the fly begs to differ. Your nickname for Harris would be more appropriate for Pence.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    You really backing a dude who calls his wife mother? Rofl

    Bruh who wouldn't cancel the flight. How about the fact that mango mussolini had intelligence reports about covid since November and ignored them because he's a moron but wants praise because he cut flights from China 6 months later ? Something any dumb ass would have thought to do by March.

    Threads like this and the shit gas lighting attempts by the far right media about trump winning just shows me that Trump and all his shit rat followers are nervous because they know what's coming.

    Kill4me will now be known as cuck4trump

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    Last edited by Great; 10-08-2020 at 04:54 PM.

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    I think Kamala is SLE. She displayed what I think are typical SLE traits. Not giving up, not losing her cool, not being talked over, sympathy for kids and zero tolerance for Pence's lies and his attempts at character assassination.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Apparently the fly begs to differ. Your nickname for Harris would be more appropriate for Pence.

    Lord of the Flies.

    Religious fundamentalists might take this as a sign that Beelzebub has chosen.

    On the other hand, it is possible that the fly simply made it's own choice, because, you know what flies like.

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    Pence didn't "eviscerate" anyone. They both dodged questions the entire time and no one's future votes or opinions of the candidates were changed. Just treat national politics like reality TV and your sanity will thank you.

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    I thought Pence had a better debate than Kamala, she was word soup, Pence had a few apropos comebacks. He was still as much of a full-of-shit politician as Kamala though (we have to let the people choose whether they live or die).

    I actually found it really disappointing to see her rhetoric of "oh,,, poor minority single mother get eaten by nasty republican" hasn't changed. There's a reason she lost the primary early..

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    I'm always surprised because of stereotypes I'm used to--about LSI incisive minds--when I find them still in cults after years and trying to Claude Frollo everybody
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    So out of curiosity, I listened to like 5 minutes of the debate on youtube and then looked at the comments and saw everyone thought Pence won the debate...then I realized this was a "FOX News" recording. I then found a CNN recording and proceeded to the read the comment; everyone there thought Kamala won the debate...this is why I wish I could live on the moon and watch the fireworks show when it happens.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    I thought Pence had a better debate than Kamala, she was word soup, Pence had a few apropos comebacks. He was still as much of a full-of-shit politician as Kamala though (we have to let the people choose whether they live or die).

    I actually found it really disappointing to see her rhetoric of "oh,,, poor minority single mother get eaten by nasty republican" hasn't changed. There's a reason she lost the primary early..
    To quote Tulsi: "She put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana, she blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so, she kept people beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California, and she fought to keep the cash bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way."

    I know I've expressed skepticism that these debates change anything, but I suspect Tulsi tanked Harris' campaign by going after her like that. But this is how democracy works. Nobody voted for her, but since she's the DNC-favored candidate because she checks all the identity politics boxes, she just becomes the VP of a guy too old and senile to run his own admin, and will almost certainly die in office.

    She is really just nakedly evil and power-seeking. Yeah, sure, they all are like that, but it's never so blatant. I feel relatively sure that Mike Pence is actually religious and has at least some convictions. But even if that's not true, he can at least pretend it, and you know, I'm more comfortable having a power-seeker who can at least control and moderate themselves and their demeanor than someone like Harris. Harris' relationship to power gives the impression of a chained dog snarling and pulling at its chain for a piece of meat just out of its reach -- nothing else is important to it, and it doesn't have a shred of concern for concealing its desire. That's the last person you want actually having any power.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    So out of curiosity, I listened to like 5 minutes of the debate on youtube and then looked at the comments and saw everyone thought Pence won the debate...then I realized this was a "FOX News" recording. I then found a CNN recording and proceeded to the read the comment; everyone there thought Kamala won the debate...this is why I wish I could live on the moon and watch the fireworks show when it happens.
    Very prescient, @Nobody.

    You might like John Valley’s short story, “Bagatelle.”

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    the moron left wing commie media focuses on the stuff IDIOT LIBERALS take away from the debate to detract from how badly kamala poop for brains got pawned...

    they focus on a bug on pence's head for two minutes, they focus on pence having "red eye," and they focus on his interruptions...

    that is how a low-intelligence moron deflects attention away from the fact Kamala Harris the affable dunce and queen of bag ladies got eviscerated...they redirect to stupid moronic things like a bug flying around in the room.

    Pence also pwned kooky kamala on the trillion dollar green deal...pence did a tremendous job of boxing kamala and joe into what they are...a pair of pandering phonies.

    how about what a pussy kamala's white husband is.

    thats funny in the debate she was talking about joe says this and joe says that...joe is a fckin' catatonic who can hardly string a sentence together without butchering the content

    kamala's low iq was on full display last night as she ran wild with unsubstantiated, uncorroborated, political motivated stories that Trump said x, y and z about the military. she runs wild with it like its a fact. funny watching pence squash in her pea-sized brain

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    the moron left wing commie media focuses on the stuff IDIOT LIBERALS take away from the debate to detract from how badly kamala poop for brains got pawned...

    they focus on a bug on pence's head for two minutes, they focus on pence having "red eye," and they focus on his interruptions...

    that is how a low-intelligence moron deflects attention away from the fact Kamala Harris the affable dunce and queen of bag ladies got eviscerated...they redirect to stupid moronic things like a bug flying around in the room.

    Pence also pwned kooky kamala on the trillion dollar green deal...pence did a tremendous job of boxing kamala and joe into what they are...a pair of pandering phonies.

    how about what a pussy kamala's white husband is.

    thats funny in the debate she was talking about joe says this and joe says that...joe is a fckin' catatonic who can hardly string a sentence together without butchering the content

    kamala's low iq was on full display last night as she ran wild with unsubstantiated, uncorroborated, political motivated stories that Trump said x, y and z about the military. she runs wild with it like its a fact. funny watching pence squash in her pea-sized brain
    there are so many ad hominems in here (those are failures to cogently make a good case....logical fallacies, specifically the kind where a person tries to convince people of their ideas not by a reasonable method but by calling the person they disagree with 'meanie head' or 'bad', etc) that it's hard to take this seriously. it just comes off as noise. I want to listen to what you think. Am hoping you'll express that in future posts. I couldn't get through the ad hominems here. just really hides your credibility

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    Default Mike Pence Eviscerates The Intellectually Inferior Kamala Harris

    Kamala is either ESE or LSE, leaning towards LSE because of Te steamroll. Very authoritarian, likes using power but isn’t good at it, has no charm to speak of, and lacks all sense of having competent social argument. Her hypocritical, draconic, inflexible ethics points to valued Fi. Te lead from especially from LSE’s standpoint is they don’t back up their arguments to give reason why they’re right, but comes off as pathetic plow-through-everything-with-no-explanation-whatsoever as if they’re above explaining themselves. Of course, ignoring Ti. Application of laws aren’t equal across the board but only serves to work in favor of what Te seems as working or not working for the situation. LSE are very authoritarian due to 4D demo Se but because Se is Id, it comes off mega aggressive in a subversive, underhanded manner. Her expressions are all over the place, whereas ESE is more intentional, controlled Fe, so that’s another point I think she’s more LSE and Delta.

    I used to think Mike Pence is LSI when I first got exposed to socionics but now I think he’s actually SLI. He tried to hold her accountable by telling the truth, but she kept evading the issue. SLI have 4D demo Ti. They’ll press for the truth and explanations from others. LSE shifts goalposts just so they could win. He and Kamala are mirrors.

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    Last edited by Lolita; 10-10-2020 at 01:48 AM.

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    Default Mike Pence Eviscerates The Intellectually Inferior Kamala Harris

    PoLR Ni.

    Kamala is the type to sell her body for political gain while throwing prostitutes in jail. The victim here is the man who was deceived as she was only interested in what power she would derive from the relationship. At least with consensual prostitution it’s an honest exchange but she doesn't even have the integrity of a prostitute. And worst off, she’s attempting to deceive the American people in the same way. She picked the most powerful black politician in California that she could control and fucked him. It's possible he really cared about her, but it is clear for her he was merely a tool. When Willie Brown recently wrote a memo warning her to turn this job down, I think we can say that he probably does gives a shit about her. She is going to be destroyed and he still cares about that. Good thing she’s got PoLR Ni that she still hasn’t learned her lesson (even after 30 years) that fucking your way up also has collateral damage. Oh, well. Consequences.

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    Last edited by Lolita; 10-10-2020 at 01:59 AM.

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    I think Donald Trump will win anyway. I'm an idiot, but one thing I correctly predicted last time was that Donald Trump was going to win (although out of pessimism, I thought Willard was going to win). I didn't trust Nate Silver's statistics, I knew that Donald Trump was going to have enough votes from blue-collar people who were alienated by the 2012 GOP ticket's elitism, I knew in 2012 that a populist candidate was needed, but the Republican establishment fought against the most populist candidate, Ron Paul, who could connect with middle class workers especially younger people, and was biased towards the most elitist one, Willard. Back then i couldn't stand Willard. I think things would've gone better had Michael Steel remained RNC chairman (he actually liked Ron Paul and believed in him and he held libertarian views himself), it's weird how they had a populist leader in 2009, but then the pro-establishment idiot Reince Preibus took over 2 years later... I hated his ass just like I hate Ronald Reagan, I could never understand why people loved him so much.

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