Quote Originally Posted by Cybel View Post

What kind of DCNH individuals do you think are attracted to Paganism/Occultism? The statistics show only 0.3% of the population identify themselves as such, so most of these people probably have to purposely seek it out by themselves for whatever reason. Being born into a Satanic cult doesn’t count. Disillusioned N looking for escape? Imaginative H? Bored C looking for fun?
I only know personally one person who is kind of into it. But not as much as this girl. He is a SEI harmonizing. He would probably never call himself a "pagan" though. He is also a good artist but he hasn't established himself in any professional field. Seems to live a semi-hippie / searching lifestyle. He is well over 30.

Probably introverts and probably H or C.

This person seems harmonizing. I don't know her type. She is some kind of local expert on Finnish paganism. She gives a strong introverted vibe I think, but she could also be an extrovert as a type.

But magic and occultism was quite common still in the 19:th century in rural areas. But they didn't call themselves pagans (I think they were often women). It was just a part of the age-old customs among peasants. All this has been extremely common. Casting spells on each other, communicating with invisible mythical creatures etc. But that was in the pre-modern world, so I am always a little skeptical when someone does these things today. It just seems a little too elaborated and identity-searching. But nothing wrong with exploring some occultism, but I don't think having a messy hairstyle and hippie clothes will really help.