Quote Originally Posted by Reyne View Post
"For instance, if you have to explain an introverted-intuitive husband to an extrovert wife, it is a most painstaking affair because, you see, an extrovert sensation type is furtherest away from the ‐ inner experience and the rational functions.
He adapts and behaves according to the facts as they are, and he is always caught by those facts.
He himself is those facts.
But if the introvert is intuitive, to him that is hell, because as soon as he is in a definite situation, he tries to find a hole where he can get out.
To him, every given situation is just the worst that can happen to him.

He is pinched and feels he is caught, suffocated, chained.
He must break those fetters, because he is the man who will discover a new field. He will plant that field, and as soon as the new plants are coming up, he’s done; he’s over and no more interested.
Others will reap what he has sown.
When those two marry, the extrovert-sensation and the introvert-intuitive, there is trouble, I can assure you."

Conversations with Carl Jung
I think I relate to this view. I'd also be interested to know where this comes from, because I'm curious whether he saw a problem existing between opposite functions in general, or only specifically between intuition and sensing.

If the latter, perhaps semiduality would be preferable for rational types, and maybe illusory or comparative relations for irrationals? Interesting to consider.