Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post

Merged your two quotes into one answer by the way.

1. Books, anything on my desk etc. I also tend to organise those things in order of their usefulness if I need easy access to them. It’s situational for me. Depends on what I’m doing and where I am.
Interesting because next time I am at her house I am going to notice how she organizes things (she is not too organized at the moment, as her life is very busy, but she tries).

For a very short time of my life, probably not more than a year, I once paid a housecleaner, a friend, for 3 hours a week of cleaning. I worked a lot and commuted far, and could afford it at the time, and it was needful in that difficult marriage. What a great decision for self-care that was. On Thursdays evenings I would pick up the whole house so she would have clear surfaces, and on Fridays, I would come home to start my weekend home life in a shining, clean, tidy home. I loved it. One quirky thing she did was organize tabletop or shelf items very differently than I do. (she might have been SEI. Not sure. Some ISxx). I have particularly thought-through placement of such objects that I place for aesthetic just-rightness. But after dusting and polishing, she would put things back lined up like train cars, evenly spaced. It looked odd to me! Organized, but not how I would. I moved things back "right", and each week she did it her way. We never talked about it. : )

Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
2. I remember watching some of DJs videos a while back and I found myself agreeing with his ESTP videos a lot naturally. Yeah to be honest, I’m not bad at selling things either. I know in MBTI, they are known was the salesmen in some circles.
Well it is not surprising to find a lot in common with someone with just one letter different in the four letters, even if they are a different Quadra. I also saw you have a lot in common with ESTp, particularly commanding confidence. It would be my 2nd choice type for you. The SEE i know gets along great with my SLE son, too. We get along great, too, but have had one or two clashes of sudden major misunderstanding that puzzled me and motivated me to understand more about her type. One thing that threw me off was her bold entitle demands or instruction-giving (where SEE gets the name Caesar), until I realized that I while don't like saying no, bold as she is, she takes hearing no just fine. So she is not scary (even though she once made me timid in such times).

Also she is not bad at selling, too. She has some of that with her work, and does it very well I noticed. With a flair. (I will tell you more details in PM if you want because I want to respect her privacy so i don't give many details here publicly about the relation).

Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
3. I read those descriptions and others and I really think that descriptions are not as good compared to other methods.. I think that IMEs alone are a much better way to explain types because people who have differing personalities but who also match the IMEs of said type, but not the descriptions someone sends them makes things more confusing for them. Especially when people say that they can't be said type because they don't match the archetypes of said descriptions and I do tend to find them a bit vague at the best of times. And also, the translations seem to make things seem a bit off and confusing for people as well at times.
What are IME's? I am unfamiliar. Google mentions: "5 Ways You Can Beat a UNUM IME Report
1. Don't Exaggerate Your Symptoms. ...
2. Build Strong Relationships With Your Treating Doctors. ...
3. Assume You're Under Surveillance Before and After an IME. ...
4. Bring a Trustworthy Witness With You. ...
5. Consult an Experienced Disability Insurance Lawyer."

Yes, Socionics has real challenges, and the translations are a real hurdle at times. Reading a translated article that refers to both types of a relationship as "He" I find particularly difficult and have at times re-written teh article for "he" and "she" to make it easier to read. Yes, and when something seems way off about when they go in a tangent about an archetype that you don't relate to, that throws one off. But I LOVE Socionics for the deepest way of understanding self and others and relationships. To me it offers a continual treasure chest of understanding.

Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
4. I don’t understand that. That just sounds like she’s proud and ignorant and doesn’t to her research. Every decent person who wants to argue or state information will at least research the background enough to know what they’re talking about. I tend to question a lot of people and information that I say. And even the things that I say because if you don’t question anything, then you won’t learn anything and you won’t develop critical thinking skills.
She is not illogical constantly. Just occasionally she will bring up a topic she is quite sure on, and there is ONE piece of logic in her argument thank stumps me and feels illogical and if I focus on that (my first impulse is to seek out the inconsistencies and correct them so I can continue to follow the argument) it doesn't make for a good or productive conversation. (IEE thinks a negative conversation is not a worthwhile one).

One recent example is I decided to mention that I believe prophets who say Trump will be president, "now", in spite of it not appearing that way at this time (I knew this would not cause an argument). But she said this is impossible; she has read the Constitution [So right here I see a logic issue: How can you remember everything you read, and wouldn't that take a lawyer? Reading it once or twice or thrice, how could that be enough?] But I am not wanting to be negative and say so. She explained, I think, that even if it was fraud and it was outed and it was perfectly clear Trump won by a landslide, the Constitution says he can't win without a "civil war". After careful Q'ing I see she says the electoral voters have voted (or would revote?) Biden. See, I don't even follow her argument but feel if I press for clarification it will seem like I am disbelieving her, and that would make her press in harder. So I don't know what is logical and not with that, so I simply said, "maybe so, but there won't be a civil war becasue no prophets have said that, and I believe the prophets who said "2 president, 2 inaugurations" and I believe God will accomplish His purpose without civil war." (She does not have any intolerance for the expression of a different opinion).

Hope that even makes sense.

Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
5. Exactly. This is where the descriptions contradict things as well. If you know what I mean? Not everyone in every type is healthy, which is another cornerstone that is needed for descriptions. That also confuses people. Some people can come across superficially as other types because of that.
Yes, the health of a person can make it confusing. But then, I have had deep experience being previously married to a Narcissist ESE, and also have had ESE friends in the past including two close ones, and I can see they are the same type even though one was mentally ill. But it does make it harder to tell.

Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
6. You really think I have a personality like your SEE friend? Doesn’t mean I am one. Just like sitting in a garage doesn’t make me a car. Brrmmm!
LOL. Yes, because the insights I get from you when you express yourself make see the same type in you two. She is smart, likeable and pretty accomplished, too, especially considering major challenges she has had to overcome. She is doing great now, after some past issues.

Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
Haha. Of course. I’d rather be blunt than liked and a plastic person.
LOL, I like that. I admire the same directness I see in my SEE friend, especially after getting to know her more and see that this is where she is coming from.