Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
Yeah, people idealise Se a lot and they look at people like Jocko Willnk and think that all Se bases are like that lunatic (okay, granted he's an SLE). Most of them don't wanna join the military. I mean, there are a bunch of other ways to push yourself and other people that are as meaningful. Not just physically, but mentally as well. Tony Robbins is an SEE (commonly agreed upon) and he seems like a relatively normal person who isn't yelling at people/bullying them (actually, he's kinda calming to listen to in a way).


People have these ridiculous ideas about Se and Se bases and they idealise it so much to the point where it is trollable, you know? Most of the SEE I know are pretty chill, but they're still grounded, in control. Influencing people, being suave, confident. All without being bullies. They have that Gamma-ness and business-like demenour without being Beta and OTT, if that makes sense? Like, I only really show-off and pull out the stops if I want to make a big impact and a last impression on people during networking or something.
I'm going to be clear about Jocko Willink,

I know he does a lot of Se. But, I think he is like a pathological version of a ESTj with the need to "be perfect" and "ultra responsible". Many other points. Basically he is more of a foreman, over a marshal. I know he IS a retired Marshal, or whatever, but I don't see that as his best attributes, which goes to show any type can do any career because socionic "roles" - better yet, niches, are not stereotypes.

Look at the people Jocko attracts in his circles as well. Not beta quadra.

I should finalize this point by saying much of what I say is a subjective interpretation of socionics, which I know is more a art, not a science.