Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
I saw it as unfair for him to be pinged, and then be insulted and dismissed, which is why I wanted to stick up for the dude. Otherwise, I'm not really going to mention him here since he largely seems to want to ignore this shitshow (and I don't blame him).

My beef in this thread was with Sb and her nonsense, not you. My typing of you was to attempt to bring structure to all the types that were out there and maybe dispel stereotypes, and at the core of it I would not even see it as a typing of you since the main goal was more far ended.
Um... he willingly entered the conversation himself. He first pinged me, not the other way around (seeing as he had nothing to do with the conversation). Wtf?

If you’re going to continue calling what I said “nonsense”, you should realize that basically counts as an un-apology for what you did.

Frankly it’s disappointing that you’ve shown your true colors like this so quickly in rebound. Thanks though. It’s useful to see to be able to stay away.