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Thread: Thread Split: Time for me to derail

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    sbbds - SEE Donald Trump Gulenko SnatchYourWeave subtype
    LOL your avatar pic cracks me up. You’re saying Sb is SEE? Nope. Not Se lead. SEE are Ti PoLR but they are careful and practical tacticians (more so compared to SLE) and pick and choose their battles with scrutiny. Disagreements over definitions, theories, etc. don’t bother them. SLE gets bothered by such things because of Ti. But but like SLE, they don’t express opinions or articulate by meandering. They’re very direct and although they might be slower to go for the throat, they’re still aggressive and stand firmly when they do fight. Sb starts arguments out of nowhere as a weak defense and then when confronted with will circle jerk which is telltale Ne ego.

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  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I didn’t ever say it was only a self-typing? Why do you think I acted like it was?

    Notice that some other people liked my posts in there where I was trying to ask you to explain yourself. I don’t think my inferences were unreasonable at all. I didn’t even disagree with you, I just said I had different experiences at the end.

    In fact I liked some of your posts in there, and was one of the first if not the first to like your photo post in there, while I noted that you didn’t even like mine. I’ve liked some of your posts elsewhere on the forum too. Even though you’ve exploded at me multiple times with textwalls like this and typed me EII (lol), I’ve been cordial to you. My comment about tattoos wasn’t personal, it was to highlight possible contradictoriness with regard to what you said about others’ values. I’m not sure where you’re imagining ill will from me, but if you’re going to continue being like this and replying to me to get my attention, I’m just going to block you.

    Also, I don’t think Jack Oliver Aaron is infallible either, though I do agree with most of his typings and like him as a person.
    There you go again and rely on Fi to make your points. Your emphasis on relations saying that people like your posts as if that’s validates anything coming from you. I don’t care if you or anyone like my posts. That don’t mean shit to me. You make defective and defeating points and circle back to trying to disarm me by saying you like my posts. Seriously. You meander too much with Ne.

    You say Jack isn’t infallible (true, because the premise is no one is infallible) but you card stack and say you agree with most of his typings. What does you agreeing with his typings have to do with him being a professional? You aren’t a professional. And neither am I, but I actually have objective proof to my typing whereas you don’t. I can tell you’re threatened because Vex and I independently called you out and now you’re scrambling to throw a red herring. You’re vaguely calling to question if Jack’s typing of me is correct by referencing that he’s “not infallible” bit and just to deflect even more you throw it out there that I’m LSE. You keep deviating from the direct points and demand that I defend my typing now because Jack isn’t infallible? That’s false analogy.

    You’ve claimed you’ve been on this forum for 10 years. You should at least by now have learned the definitions of socionics and be able to match up behavior traits with theory. You can’t even honestly do that. All you do is meander, circle jerk, displace the burden of proof on others just because you feel threatened about your self-typing. I have a professional opinion on my type, you don’t. Your self-typing doesn’t hold water since it doesn’t align with even basic SLE cognition.

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  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    You’ve claimed you’ve been on this forum for 10 years. You should at least by now have learned the definitions of socionics and be able to match up behavior traits with theory. You can’t even honestly do that. All you do is meander, circle jerk, displace the burden of proof on others just because you feel threatened about your self-typing. I have a professional opinion on my type, you don’t. Your self-typing doesn’t hold water since it doesn’t align with even basic SLE cognition.
    See, this is why I have sbbds on ignore. arguing seemed like a pointless waste of time after a while. Plus we didn't get along from the first post I made on this forum. :/..I even got accused of having 0 empathy once, good stuff. (I think I have empathy tbh)

    Last edited by SGF; 09-28-2020 at 08:58 AM.

  4. #44
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    Look, I'm not really involved in this typing drama, but since SadParty pinged me and I feel I'm obligated to say something instead of ignore this shitshow as I probably should, my only two cents are that many people's treatments of @Vex are uncalled for. She has been for the most part respectful and even apologetic at times. I'm not saying this because I'm friends with her or I have a "side" in this conflict; I've barely interacted with her.

    Saying she has a "shitty, toxic attitude" and she's "shitty, egotistical and defensive" (as @sbbds put it) is so needlessly venomous.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stance View Post
    Yeah, the schism started to really solidify in shot's gulenko type me thread.
    ppl still arguing there?

    EDIT: nawh, nothing there. At any rate can't see what some ppl are typing and they aren't getting off the ignore list!

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    Dude, you can’t fake cognition. I’ve seen plenty of your posts and you don’t make any attempts at theory analysis which is a big part of Ti but frame your arguments based your personal impressions and relationship to others which is Fi. SLE have PoLR Fi and don’t use Fi to frame nor justify their reasoning. You typed LMFAO based off of relating to her, which is an Fi thing. That’s called card stacking. You vaguely said you’ve been on this forum for 10 years and no one has typed you an NF, implying that the silence of laypersons not contesting your SLE typing is “proof” of your claim. That’s a logical fallacy, argumentum ex silentio. I know I cornered you when I brought up your weird over-investment in defending LMFAO’s Se typing as a telltale you’re defending your typing. I know you were trying to cover your tracks because you made strong claims you relate to her and she must be your type. Then you attempt to shift the burden of proof to anyone who challenges LMAFO as an Se type. You shifted the burden of proof to me that somehow it’s my job to disprove you’re SLE when there’s no evidence that you are SLE to begin with. That’s two more annoying logical fallacy you’ve made, including argument from ignorance.

    I know I’ve frustrated you when you started your appeal to hypocrisy by making the snide comment about my tattoos in relation to my typing. I know you were implying that I’m doing the same thing as you and that I’ve self-type myself as SLE and catered my image to fit the “badass” stereotype. That made me laugh at your desperate attempt at grasping straws by deflecting. Unlike most people on this forum, I’ve already been professionally typed. I was typed at the start of this year by WSS. Sol asked me to post a typing video and I posted the link to it. So no, SLE isn’t my self-typing, it’s really my type from an objective, reputable socionist. You can look for it and see if my upper body tattoos were there or not. Since you deal better with speculative info rather than direct, HINT: the last time I was tattooed was 4 years ago and it wasn’t on anywhere visible. I first got exposed to Socionics 10 months ago. Do the math.

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    Good on you for getting professionally typed. I've been typed as Se valuing on both typologycentral & personalitycafe, so obviously someone sees it in me (doesn't mean they're 100% right, but why should your opinion hold more weight than their's?). Your interest in us is just weird. Especially since I've never interacted with you on the forum, but you've took it upon yourself to look so heavily into me.
    Last edited by SlytherinPower; 09-28-2020 at 12:17 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    Look, I don’t care what type you are or what LMFAO is or what anyone’s type is. I didn’t want to say anything from the beginning because I could tell you both would deflect, obfuscate, and play victim if direct honesty and structure is demanded. And sure enough this is the mess. I get it, this forum consists almost wholly of hobbyists so there’s a lot of stereotypical info being passed around. Attacking Vex wasn’t cool either, especially since she sincerely took a lot of time to explain her reasoning based in cognitive theory which you both purposely buck and dismiss.

    Online typology forums is rifled with mistypes. My main source of frustration stems from the fact that most people don’t understand the purpose behind typology, let alone how to honestly self-type. The general reasoning for cognitive typology is actually simple- to explore your mind and understand yourself. This is merely a tool for self-improvement but the reality of typology is extremely brutal. It’s meant to strip away your defenses and expose your weaknesses, because problems arise for the individual due to their weaknesses, not from strengths. The layperson almost always uses typology (of any sort) to coddle and validate their fixations of delusions rather than work on throwing away their delusions. The utility of typology ends up being abused and mishandled as a security blanket. So then I ask, what’s the point? Why bother learning bits and pieces of theory just to morph it to bolster your ego if you want to be any type of your choosing? That’s dishonest and illogical. You can lie to yourself but don’t pass off your lies to others.

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    Where did I de bunk what she said? I wasn't even concerned with what she had to say anyway. I was filling out a job app on my phone yesterday while all these posts were happening. All I said is I fail to see how being typed as IEE is supposed to be an insult, if intended as one, because I'm not insulted.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Inb4 another explosion which I don’t care to respond to, but I think SnatchYourWeave may be LSE.
    I was thinking that, too. I see strong Te & no Ti type of explanation at all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Look, I'm not really involved in this typing drama, but since SadParty pinged me and I feel I'm obligated to say something instead of ignore this shitshow as I probably should, my only two cents are that many people's treatments of @Vex are uncalled for. She has been for the most part respectful and even apologetic at times. I'm not saying this because I'm friends with her or I have a "side" in this conflict; I've barely interacted with her.

    Saying she has a "shitty, toxic attitude" and she's "shitty, egotistical and defensive" (as @sbbds put it) is so needlessly venomous.
    I mean, Vex called me scum & said I "went mental" in a BLM discussion thread, so... but idk why this is dragging on so much.

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    @SnatchYourWeave I'm watching your interview with Jack. It's interesting to me that you start the video by saying how much you like external origination & talking about your roommates messiness bothering you. In college, I had an ENFP roommate that was completely messy. I mean, the entire floor & everything was just covered in her clothes & whatever else. It never bothered me in the slightest, even though I'm way neater than her. I didn't know mess ever bothered SLEs? My ESTJ roommate that I had before my ENFP one, however, was a total neat freak & used to move & reorganize my things around when I was in class. It made no sense, because no one else would have considered my things to be in her way at all. I would just move them back to where I had them when she left, anyway.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    I don't think anybody typed sb EII (and that was what she was talking about?), but multiple people battle-typed her on being beta NF (sol types her IEI?) and XEE (specifically SEE). I think silke thinks that she is somehow SEI, but that's lol.

    As for 'argument' style... I already had this discussion with you, @sbbds. I don't like it. You are just seeking for trouble or an enemy, no idea. I had this done to myself (when you asserted I must be your dual/IEI), so nope. The amount of faulty assumptions is staggering. You should just retreat, let go, I don't know. Chill. And your attempts at defending lmfao right now are laughable - it's obvious it's not... Based. Mess. Yeah, call me out on my ethics. Or what. I'm backstabbing you, totally.

    It's funny when you put in perspective on people challenging shotgun back then (me challenging he is not ILI, not a Fi valuer and most probably ILE) and you doing exactly the same against him, just on... Different grounds. This is exactly the case of lmfao, just here you seem to have some incentive to defend her as SLE while she obviously is not. But you do it for your own interest, maybe. Dunno.

    (Please, don't care about it, @Vex. I knew I cared (as I saw sb as a friend-ly and her 'attack' care out of nowhere) and it was a waste of time. I've thought about it for over a month and asked myself 'why, the fuck why?'. I hope you don't 'chew' things like these like I do.)
    I haven’t liked you for a while lol. You are living in a fantasy if you think I will read through this.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Look, I'm not really involved in this typing drama, but since SadParty pinged me and I feel I'm obligated to say something instead of ignore this shitshow as I probably should, my only two cents are that many people's treatments of @Vex are uncalled for. She has been for the most part respectful and even apologetic at times. I'm not saying this because I'm friends with her or I have a "side" in this conflict; I've barely interacted with her.

    Saying she has a "shitty, toxic attitude" and she's "shitty, egotistical and defensive" (as @sbbds put it) is so needlessly venomous.
    Well, to be fair I’ve seen you make rude comments to others in writing in a similar way without considering how negative, critical or rude you sound as well, so I can see how you’d take on a similar viewpoint. I highly doubt you’ve read through the entire thing. My impressions on Vex’s behavior were also based on other posts too. Idk what you mean by “treatment of Vex” either since it was basically just me arguing with her. I did think it was shitty and toxic though through the interactions between her and a couple others I’ve seen, and I said my true feelings to get my point across. Vex apologized though. We’ll see if it’s genuine or just to act apologetic just to keep the peace aka make herself look good but if it is then I don’t think that anymore.
    Last edited by sbbds; 09-28-2020 at 01:12 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    You have typed me ferociously as your dual for a while, you dumbass.
    That was over a year ago, you dumbass.

    I straight up told you in shoutbox months ago that you are not my friend anymore, dumbass. You shouldn’t imagine I care about what you think or like or don’t like.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stance View Post
    Yeah, the schism started to really solidify in shot's gulenko type me thread.
    Shot also said hi to me in shoutbox the other day lmao

    It means at least some % is just for the lulz

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    You have typed me ferociously as your dual for a while, you dumbass.
    Oh yeah also, wtf. What does me typing you as a dual at some point have anything to do with me liking or disliking you, or being interested in your bullshit? It doesn’t. I actually disliked you and fought with you a lot too when I typed you IEI over a year ago.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    You are not a Se-ego. Period.

    The thing that you deleted so many post of yours only to appeal to different pose again is staggering. There are people you won't fool.
    Re read what I wrote, because I'm pretty sure I was talking about someone else's video that they brought up & not myself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    Well. But it seems you have a very shotgun-like approach to likes and dislikes: I'm pretty sure being not liked now is not implying then or after. And as I got quite used to it, I supposed we got along fine since then yet again, as I clearly stated I don't want to harm you and you should just stop being silly/craving reactions/attention/whatever. You never removed me from friends or brought it up till now, actually. It's the same scenario all over again.

    And no, I don't imagine. I always wanted to steer you to a more beneficial 'way', that's it. And I don't easily change my likes or dislikes for that matter. I care, and I liked you.

    (By the way, why I 'wasn't your friend anymore'? Oh yeah, it was because I've told you to stop provoking and lashing out at Reyne. Yep. Giving you legitimately good advice is then futile it seems - it ended up in Reyne exploding at you and you blaming him for that. I still hope you can change your ways, that's why I'm writing rather constructively and not silke-like, so please, don't behave like that spoiled child - and no, I don't even want to insult you)
    Reyne told me I deserved punching in the face out of nowhere. And then you tried to say something to nanashi like “ooh you wouldn’t believe what sb did to try to provoke him” or some bullcrap like that. Use your Fi HA lol, use your fucking head. You don’t treat people, especially friends like that lol. Delusional.

    I don’t mind silke even typically. That was the one time we had a fight. Silke is right, you’re just being a toxic douchebag when you’re like this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    You are not a Se-ego. Period.

    The thing that you deleted so many post of yours only to appeal to different pose again is staggering. There are people you won't fool.
    I'm not trying to pose. I'm simply not with the drama, & I don't wish to be typed by anyone here. I deleted my posts, pictures, & videos because of people doing the exact behavior that they're doing in this thread right now. I was trying to shake the attention off of myself, but it seems it's caused more. You can happily type me whatever type you'd like.
    Last edited by SlytherinPower; 09-29-2020 at 04:08 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    I was warning you against provoking Reyne since very first post of yours, as I saw it coming. You provoked him over forum posts (two threads) and then over shoutbox, and then when he finally lashed out with 'I would punch you in your face right now if I knew you IRL' you decided it was 'out of nowhere' and 'really nasty and so on'. Really. I'm not going to tell my friend it's okay to behave like a jerk. You started this, and you won't run away from this. We can be friends and so on, but to endorse such behavior is very far away from a friend: close to someone who is a yes-sayer trying to screw you over or draw some benefits from you.
    I was talking to him in a single thread, not two. “Provoking” is your opinion. Do you think there is any point in continuing to provoke *me* if I obviously disagree, retard?

    In fact I don’t care if Reyne were to talk to me again if he acted normal. Everybody has off days. Except for you. You are constantly on your turd game. And I don’t think you are in the right place to talk shit about silke or shotgunfingers, both of whom I don’t have a problem with personally even if we’ve had our moments (they may feel differently but those are my feelings).

    You had fought with silke multiple times, going on long tirades of insults. They typed you SEI, you typed them SLI, you went on long, pointless 'your vagina stinks' and 'no, but yours'. You going on 'I don't mind typically' just proves this point.

    FYI, I don't really change my likes/dislikes that easily and I still think silke is 'toxic' as hell (if you can talk like this about people, but well, silke can). And it's so obvious for me since seeing their behavior first time. But now I can sadly see - I hope I'm wrong, but I see this - that you are worth of one another. Have some dignity.
    I count this all as one event. I’ve known her for a while, you clueless noob.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    You vaguely said you’ve been on this forum for 10 years and no one has typed you an NF
    I just saw this. This is not what I said. Multiple parts of this are wrong.

    I said that I’ve been in the typology community for more than 10 years. That includes other forums. I haven’t been on this forum alone for that long.

    Second, I never said that nobody had ever typed me NF. I said that I’ve never been typed INF.

    I’ve stated many times before on this forum that I’ve been typed ENFx types before, including self-typing.

    The only person to type me INF (IEI) is Sol, but he types more than half the people on this forum beta NF anyway so he doesn’t really count.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    Duschia is one of the sweetest people here, who also posts some of the most constructive content on this site. I've never seen him shit talking anyone here? Unless calling people "toxic" is shit talking, in which case he's not the only one calling people toxic.

    There's no need to say he's "on his turd game" when the only one who's been vehemently slinging the shit here clearly isn't Duschia.
    Look, someone else is interested in being your friend @Duschia . I am really not, so please leave me alone.

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    Completely off topic but rilakuuma is the spitting image of SEI :0

    “Rilakkuma” means “Bear in relaxed mood”.
    At all time and everywhere Rilakkuma goes Rilakkuma is continuously lazy and relaxed.
    Rilakkuma is totally stress-free and also doing things at his own pace.
    Rilakkuma is someone impossible to be hated by others.
    You will be dragged into Rilakkuma’s world and become lazy and relaxed while watching everything Rilakkuma does.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    FreelancePoliceman got some fire thrown his way too which isn't cool

    I will just post this song, the message is nice.

    Who threw fire his way? I don't think any of us have a problem with him.

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    forum frenemies

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    Quote Originally Posted by fireee View Post
    forum frenemies
    You're just sitting back & enjoying the show. Lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by SadParty View Post
    @SnatchYourWeave I'm watching your interview with Jack. It's interesting to me that you start the video by saying how much you like external origination & talking about your roommates messiness bothering you. In college, I had an ENFP roommate that was completely messy. I mean, the entire floor & everything was just covered in her clothes & whatever else. It never bothered me in the slightest, even though I'm way neater than her. I didn't know mess ever bothered SLEs? My ESTJ roommate that I had before my ENFP one, however, was a total neat freak & used to move & reorganize my things around when I was in class. It made no sense, because no one else would have considered my things to be in her way at all. I would just move them back to where I had them when she left, anyway.
    Behavioral traits and conclusions are not very important for typing, we need to find out why these traits manifest, the persons thought process that brought them to the conclusion.

    One thing that I've generally thought in regards to typing as well, is that an ST type is going to at the very least seem to use Te, or simply looking for outside and concrete reasons for anything.

    I have no opinion of Weaves type, or of any person in this thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    From this post, which she dismisses him and calls him rude, negative, critical, when I haven't noticed that from him at all. I feel compelled to defend him regardless of whether people "have a problem" with him or not. And also since we've had friendly interactions and I've largely seen him being helpful towards people multiple times here regarding information.
    There are lots of things that both of y’all don’t notice apparently lol. BFF.

    I generally do like FP though btw. I was just pointing out he didn’t read all the thread and IMO there’s a reason he sees it that way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    From this post, which she dismisses him and calls him rude, negative, critical, when I haven't noticed that from him at all. I feel compelled to defend him regardless of whether people "have a problem" with him or not. And also since we've had friendly interactions and I've largely seen him being helpful towards people multiple times here regarding information.
    I've never had a negative interaction with him, & tbh I don't think he's interested in being in this convo. I also don't think he's taken the time & effort to read through all of our interactions with each other, so he doesn't have a holistic view here. He was just pointing out one specific thing in this whole long thread that has spun off of others.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    There are lots of things that both of y’all don’t notice apparently lol. BFF.

    I generally do like FP though btw. I was just pointing out he didn’t read all the thread and IMO there’s a reason he sees it that way.
    Exactly. He saw one little bit. It's not like criticism in this thread (in any direction from anyone honestly) just popped up out of nowhere from this one specific convo.

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    How would I reach out to Jack to be professionally typed (if I ever decided to)?

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by SadParty View Post
    How would I reach out to Jack to be professionally typed (if I ever decided to)?
    Ok guys. I just sent Jack a message through the WSS website.

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    Ok so I'm going to set up an interview with Jack to be typed guys, so if anyone has a problem with my type after that you can take it up with Jack & not me or people on this forum. Lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    Yes, how am I going to be aware of everything that goes on this site?

    How do you know this? I guess anyone who doesn't see things 100% your way just "doesn't have all the facts", is rude, critical, etc, which is ridiculous.
    I know because I’ve known FP on here for quite a while and what he’s like lol.

    Okay, I don’t think he’s *that* rude/critical actually. Just slightly obtuse and a little out of it at times. Typical LII stuff. It’s just my opinion though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I know because I’ve known FP on here for quite a while and what he’s like lol.

    Okay, I don’t think he’s *that* rude/critical actually. Just slightly obtuse and a little out of it at times. Typical LII stuff. It’s just my opinion though.
    Detached & sometimes unobservant, I'd say. Which comes with the territory of being Ti lead & Se polr. He seems just fine though imo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SadParty View Post
    Ok so I'm going to set up an interview with Jack to be typed guys, so if anyone has a problem with my type after that you can take it up with Jack & not me or people on this forum. Lol
    Now just watch him type you as something that goes against your internal programming and makes you question everything you've said and done so far. That would be fun.
    Even I considered reaching out to him
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suspiria View Post
    Now just watch him type you as something that goes against your internal programming and makes you question everything you've said and done so far. That would be fun.
    Even I considered reaching out to him
    Would be fine by me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    I saw it as unfair for him to be pinged, and then be insulted and dismissed, which is why I wanted to stick up for the dude. Otherwise, I'm not really going to mention him here since he largely seems to want to ignore this shitshow (and I don't blame him).

    My beef in this thread was with Sb and her nonsense, not you. My typing of you was to attempt to bring structure to all the types that were out there and maybe dispel stereotypes, and at the core of it I would not even see it as a typing of you since the main goal was more far ended.
    I don't blame him either.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    I saw it as unfair for him to be pinged, and then be insulted and dismissed, which is why I wanted to stick up for the dude. Otherwise, I'm not really going to mention him here since he largely seems to want to ignore this shitshow (and I don't blame him).

    My beef in this thread was with Sb and her nonsense, not you. My typing of you was to attempt to bring structure to all the types that were out there and maybe dispel stereotypes, and at the core of it I would not even see it as a typing of you since the main goal was more far ended.
    Um... he willingly entered the conversation himself. He first pinged me, not the other way around (seeing as he had nothing to do with the conversation). Wtf?

    If you’re going to continue calling what I said “nonsense”, you should realize that basically counts as an un-apology for what you did.

    Frankly it’s disappointing that you’ve shown your true colors like this so quickly in rebound. Thanks though. It’s useful to see to be able to stay away.

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    emotions lead to emotions, not to truth
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    No. I’m showing you that you need to be able to back up arguments about people with evidence in general.
    Look, I'm not invested in who's "right" in this back and forth that's going here, but this here is grade A hypocrisy on your part.

    Each and every time that you've chased me around with your notion of "IEI" being my type, I've challenged you to make a proper argument. Yet, time and time again, you avoid it and you change the subject and act like a complete ass about it, trying to undermine whatever good is going in the topic at hand. You have zero desire for proper argument and instead resort to mudslinging. Effectively trolling. So here you are insisting that others "need to be able to back up arguments about people with evidence."


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