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Thread: Thread Split: Time for me to derail

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    SlytherinPower's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    FreelancePoliceman got some fire thrown his way too which isn't cool

    I will just post this song, the message is nice.

    Who threw fire his way? I don't think any of us have a problem with him.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    From this post, which she dismisses him and calls him rude, negative, critical, when I haven't noticed that from him at all. I feel compelled to defend him regardless of whether people "have a problem" with him or not. And also since we've had friendly interactions and I've largely seen him being helpful towards people multiple times here regarding information.
    There are lots of things that both of y’all don’t notice apparently lol. BFF.

    I generally do like FP though btw. I was just pointing out he didn’t read all the thread and IMO there’s a reason he sees it that way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    There are lots of things that both of y’all don’t notice apparently lol. BFF.

    I generally do like FP though btw. I was just pointing out he didn’t read all the thread and IMO there’s a reason he sees it that way.
    Exactly. He saw one little bit. It's not like criticism in this thread (in any direction from anyone honestly) just popped up out of nowhere from this one specific convo.

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    Ok so I'm going to set up an interview with Jack to be typed guys, so if anyone has a problem with my type after that you can take it up with Jack & not me or people on this forum. Lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by SadParty View Post
    Ok so I'm going to set up an interview with Jack to be typed guys, so if anyone has a problem with my type after that you can take it up with Jack & not me or people on this forum. Lol
    Now just watch him type you as something that goes against your internal programming and makes you question everything you've said and done so far. That would be fun.
    Even I considered reaching out to him
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suspiria View Post
    Now just watch him type you as something that goes against your internal programming and makes you question everything you've said and done so far. That would be fun.
    Even I considered reaching out to him
    Would be fine by me.

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    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    Yes, how am I going to be aware of everything that goes on this site?

    How do you know this? I guess anyone who doesn't see things 100% your way just "doesn't have all the facts", is rude, critical, etc, which is ridiculous.
    I know because I’ve known FP on here for quite a while and what he’s like lol.

    Okay, I don’t think he’s *that* rude/critical actually. Just slightly obtuse and a little out of it at times. Typical LII stuff. It’s just my opinion though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I know because I’ve known FP on here for quite a while and what he’s like lol.

    Okay, I don’t think he’s *that* rude/critical actually. Just slightly obtuse and a little out of it at times. Typical LII stuff. It’s just my opinion though.
    Detached & sometimes unobservant, I'd say. Which comes with the territory of being Ti lead & Se polr. He seems just fine though imo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    From this post, which she dismisses him and calls him rude, negative, critical, when I haven't noticed that from him at all. I feel compelled to defend him regardless of whether people "have a problem" with him or not. And also since we've had friendly interactions and I've largely seen him being helpful towards people multiple times here regarding information.
    I've never had a negative interaction with him, & tbh I don't think he's interested in being in this convo. I also don't think he's taken the time & effort to read through all of our interactions with each other, so he doesn't have a holistic view here. He was just pointing out one specific thing in this whole long thread that has spun off of others.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    I saw it as unfair for him to be pinged, and then be insulted and dismissed, which is why I wanted to stick up for the dude. Otherwise, I'm not really going to mention him here since he largely seems to want to ignore this shitshow (and I don't blame him).

    My beef in this thread was with Sb and her nonsense, not you. My typing of you was to attempt to bring structure to all the types that were out there and maybe dispel stereotypes, and at the core of it I would not even see it as a typing of you since the main goal was more far ended.
    I don't blame him either.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    I saw it as unfair for him to be pinged, and then be insulted and dismissed, which is why I wanted to stick up for the dude. Otherwise, I'm not really going to mention him here since he largely seems to want to ignore this shitshow (and I don't blame him).

    My beef in this thread was with Sb and her nonsense, not you. My typing of you was to attempt to bring structure to all the types that were out there and maybe dispel stereotypes, and at the core of it I would not even see it as a typing of you since the main goal was more far ended.
    Um... he willingly entered the conversation himself. He first pinged me, not the other way around (seeing as he had nothing to do with the conversation). Wtf?

    If you’re going to continue calling what I said “nonsense”, you should realize that basically counts as an un-apology for what you did.

    Frankly it’s disappointing that you’ve shown your true colors like this so quickly in rebound. Thanks though. It’s useful to see to be able to stay away.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    You are getting quite defensive here over nothing. I was talking about SadParty pinging him. Not you (???).

    You called people rude, critical, obtuse, but get mad at being called nonsensical due to how you handled the "evidence" debate?

    If you want to stay away then why do you keep replying?
    Erm. Okay, I didn’t think that far back, because he did *directly* ping me in his entering the convo while evidently only having a superficial understanding of the conversation and dynamics.

    I only called him rude and sometimes inconsiderate which he is sometimes, and only because he called my comment to you something like unnecessarily venomous. Again with only a superficial glance at the situation. He even states that he’s barely interacted with you before.

    I’m not mad, but it shows that your apology from before was not a genuine apology and reveals your true character.

    You keep quoting me and replying, but yes, I will stay away.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    How do you know this? I can be upset about something and think a certain way about how something was handled, and still apologize. Because a big part of apologizing is about trying to let go of something and move on afaik. Which I did! I only got involved again because I saw people who I consider to be friends getting literally insulted, which rubbed me the wrong way.

    You're free to think however you want, as is everyone else, but I don't really like how this has been dragged out for so long.
    How do you think it looks when you’ve literally insulted SadParty before calling her “scum”, “mental”, and claiming to be “unable to watch her type videos” because you can’t stand watching people eat on camera (how up-the-ass pretentious and pathetic is that btw?), “apologized” and claimed to “try to make the peace”, and then made passive-aggressive typing comments in an unrelated (forum member pictures) thread towards her AGAIN after your “apology”?

    If you think your apologies are genuine, you evidently still don’t think them out very well or how to treat people anyway. Do me a favor and don’t reply to me if you think the bolded is true. I don’t want to talk to you anyway.

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