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Thread: Wouldn't you place an absolute ceiling of 120 on Hillary Clinton's WAIS-IV score if she were to take it?

  1. #1

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    Default Don't you think 120 is the most Hillary Clinton's WAIS-IV FSIQ score could be if she were to take it?

    Hillary Clinton's FSIQ, if she were to take the WAIS-IV, would be no higher than 120. I know that because Timothy McVeigh scored 126 two WAIS editions ago, and he could observe his surroundings, improvise, think and move a lot more quickly than she could and he certainly had better visuo-spatial ability while not having much worse verbal aptitude. Neither had great imagination, but Timothy McVeigh was more imaginative, inventive than Hillary Clinton was.

    She couldn't figure out how to use a fax machine or a copier without directions (she had to call for help), she had to operate in large groups, she couldn't exist outside of the hierarchy (her lifelong goal was to be President and she failed at it at least partly because she didn't process much information, even her own husband had warned her campaign to campaign more in the mid west, so she was either so stupid and did not know that or she was so stupid she didn't realize she had everything to gain from telling her campaign staff to go there and nothing to lose from doing so.)

    She had low cognitive flexibility, she didn't have a part in her brain that allowed her to do things quickly and to have good motor control (or maybe a certain part was so big that prohibited her from having high cognitive flexibility) like dropping something that wasn't going to work (she couldn't detach from processes).

    Being good at deductive logic and ability to make conclusions from others' research isn't all that an IQ test measures. She simply couldn't do anything without constant directions from someone else, she never had any original thought and very little contrary thought, it was as if she was deathly afraid for there to be any division. She had no ability to do things based upon what she personally emotionally liked or disliked and she didn't fantasize; I do both of those things. She was what some would call a medium IQ order/directions to the T follower. She failed to win her first case as a lawyer.

    She was willing to strengthen the already ridiculous patent system (b/c she was going to support the TPP)

    Her ability to manipulate people was much worse than Richard Nixon's ability to manipulate so she didn't really have great people skills. She had the most elementary, undeveloped manipulation ability.

    Like me, she has a good long term memory (unless she was making things up) but then my IQ certainly isn't high.

    I'll systemize:

    vocabulary 19 maximum
    similarities 16 maximum
    information 11 maximum

    matrix reasoning 9 maximum
    visual puzzles 11 maximum
    block design 11 maximum

    digit span 19 maximum
    arithmetic 9 maximum

    coding 9 maximum
    symbol search 8 maximum

    That's actually a maximum full scale IQ of 115; a few of those may be higher or lower, but it would even out to about 122 scaled score points which is an FSIQ of 115. She's even dumber than I thought.

    How the fuck could that be wrong? The truth is my estimate for her FSIQ being 115-120 would turn out to be right if she took the WAIS-IV. Her IQ definitely isn't anywhere near 140 like many people have suggested, they have very limited knowledge of psychology if they really think that.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 09-23-2020 at 09:02 AM.

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    Why do you care?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Why do you care?
    Because there is a consensus that Democratic candidates are intellectually superior to Republican ones when it's not the case. There wasn't even a 10 point difference in IQ between Bush and Gore and Bush had better coordination and visual spatial ability anyway. Just like how Joe Biden was snug in the 2008 debates and went along with the consensus that Sarah Palin was dumb. Palin's IQ is probably higher; Biden has shown no skills with math that I know of while Sarah Palin has. And Sarah Palin has a better imagination and seems to have better visuo-spatial and fine motor skills.

    And Bush's aptitude test score for the military was higher than John Kerry's.

    It's just like how there was a consensus that men had better visuo-spatial ability when the reality is that women have better visuo-spatial ability.

    And the truth is, is that Hillary Clinton was just strong and dumb.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    Because there is a consensus that Democratic candidates are intellectually superior to Republican ones when it's not the case. There wasn't even a 10 point difference in IQ between Bush and Gore and Bush had better coordination and visual spatial ability anyway. Just like how Joe Biden was snug in the 2008 debates and went along with the consensus that Sarah Palin was dumb. Palin's IQ is probably higher; Biden has shown no skills with math that I know of while Sarah Palin has. And Sarah Palin has a better imagination and seems to have better visuo-spatial and fine motor skills.

    And Bush's aptitude test score for the military was higher than John Kerry's.

    It's just like how there was a consensus that men had better visuo-spatial ability when the reality is that women have better visuo-spatial ability.

    And the truth is, is that Hillary Clinton was just strong and dumb.
    Dude, IQ tests are beyond useless for almost anything besides statistical purposes. All that matters is what people actually do, not what they score on some test. Bush is a psychopath and mass murderer, so is Clinton, Palin's words are enough to demonstrate that she's clearly insane, John Kerry is a typical goon, Biden is a segregationist suffering from dementia, so on and on. They're public enough figures that you can form an opinion of them without resorting to speculating about what their IQ scores may or may not be.

    I say "beyond useless", by the way, because the only thing it leads to is trying to determine who's better or smarter than whom. And it's incredibly stupid to do this based on the result of a test designed to determine likely outcomes when we can actually examine the outcomes themselves.

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