Quote Originally Posted by Tanzhe
Sergein Ganin:

All functions have their own sector within the brain. Use of any function
would require brain power. But I recon Ti and Te would normaly take more power. People with developed thinking tend to have weak eyesight. This is because when brain needs more energy, it takes it from the energy allocated for the body needs. Eyesight is easiest to suffer. You don't have to be Tj person or Tp to have developed Ti or Te.
Tiredness is a bit different thing yet related to the functions.


Thanks for the response so far, but I'll need a little time to look over the information in a completely systematic way.

In response to the above quote, could anybody clarify how tiredness is related to functions? And, when he refers to developed thinking, does he mean as a primary, auxiliary or both? I'm particularly interested in the latter question because I am myopic (short-sighted).
The discussion I quoted did not shed light on how tiredness is related to functions, often people just need more sleep... Perhaps though having to constantly work on your weaker functions is more stressful than being able to rely on your strongest functions at your work/studies etc.

I am also myopic. I have read that there are several theories on why short-sightedness has been getting so much more common. It most likely has to be primarily something enviromental: i.e. perhaps to do with the modern lifestyle requiring so much consentrated looking at close distance: E.g. more reading, computers, TVs, etc, or artificial lightning, especially at late hours, or maybe something to with the typical modern diet. Personally I do not find Sergei's theory persuasive:
This is because when brain needs more energy, it takes it from the energy allocated for the body needs. Eyesight is easiest to suffer.
There is, for one thing, not a shred of evidence to support it.

I wish there were more information available but currently if you are not wholly convinced by your test result you are pretty much on your own. I discussed the INTP/INTJ issue because it seems to arouse so much interest but of course it is very well possible that your type is something else entirely.
Yet another way of typing would be to look at the intertype relationship chart. Tell me who your dual is I shall tell to you who are you. Other intertype relations that might be fairly easy to recognize would probably be conflicting, benefactor-beneficiary and supervisor-supervisee. Read the descriptions of all the intertype relations, now also on this site, maybe something matches. And as I wrote earlier on another thread even the pictures of people with the 16 types might be worth looking at. If only typing was not so difficult. :|