I don't need to take a test, I already know what I'm like.

I attach somewhat if I sense comfort around the person/that they won't try to be authoritative towards me and we have mutually shared interests (like to make friends with other gamers). I probably attach somewhat if they're good with Se. I attach if we both try to help each other but also at the same time understand we have to take care of ourselves most of all? I don't like 'I'm so independent I don't need you bnd you're a loser and I'm a celebrity!' but I don't like creepy people who talk about how they're going to cut themselves if I don't meet them IRL like this one poor gay guy I met online once.

I de-tatch if they are getting too arrogant, patronizing, asshole-ish, hostile - or cruel to me. I love weirdos and even somewhat creepy people but if they cross a line- I can chastise & rebuke them like a Heterosexual Angel. Or I simply won't get involved. You play with dirty you get dirty. Hypocritical of me to judge morality so much because in a way I'm just as uppity moral. Good luck trying to attach to a contradiction like me.

Sadism can be deceptive. Sadism can feel incredibly protective if it's not sadism directed at you ((str8 women/gay guys stereotypically like it when a douche is a douche to the rest of the world but treats us like royalty)) - but most sadistic people just end up turning on the person that loved them the most anyway. The Bride's lesson in Kill Bill!!

I think people should try their hardest to look at the facts of things at all times and not be so heartfelt - especially NF types because I mean emotions can be fickle and just because somebody is really kind to you one day doesn't mean the next they won't try to destroy you... so I mean, I need some assistance in Fi areas sometimes to know who really has my back in a more "Eternal God way". But at the end of the day, nobody really does except for yourself, I think.

Meh. ... Fuck attachment. lol We love/lust each other sometimes but maybe it's better that it comes and goes for me instead of thinking there is any 'attachment' going on.

I haven't met anybody that I wanted to date irl and become Heterosexual Normal-esque with and just grow old together as we stare at reality on the park bench together in a Fi serenity way. I haven't fallen in love yet and maybe I never will.