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Thread: Do ESFps have ANY redeeming qualities?!

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Linux saves time and is free. Checkmate.

    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    I currently use Arch Linux and the experience is much better than Windows. The possibilities are endless. Though I agree that it is time consuming, specially that most of us were used to Windows. It will be a bit difficult to appreciate.

    You will spend time on it for sure. As of now I have to install Photoshop but then again you have to use Wine/others to run it there, it's much easier to use Windows in this case. It's been months since and I still haven't done it lol. It always seems like you have to jump through hoops for Linux because there are extra steps and I am lazy and busy as fuck. But learning is satisfying. Besides, this is just one of the few issues. I use Krita and Inkscape actually which are completely free and way better than Photoshop imo but well, I just have to use Photoshop because people are still stuck on it.

    Linux > Windows in my case but Windows is the norm and understandable to use if you like computer stuff to be easy for you.
    There, quoting the post above, since I agree with most of it. It seems logically thought out and a good counter argument for your reasoning. I don’t see the point in investing time into the program when I can just get up and go. Everything’s there for me.

    Linux seems like it needs a bit of a way to go yet. And I’m not into all this technical stuff “just for the sake of it” anyway (when it comes to programming and operating systems especially).

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Sadly Netflix only gives 4k in Windows or similarly locked-down platforms, but if I really wanted to watch something I'd just pirate it. I'm not sure how long ago it was you had trouble with video card drivers, but I'd be surprised if you had trouble now, at least if you use Intel or AMD (with NVIDIA you'll almost certainly want the closed-source drivers).
    Yeah, I heard AMD has gone open source? I have a bunch of Nvidia GPUs I used to use for mining when it was profitable; unfortunately they all seem to be a hassle to install proprietary drivers with the exception of Ubuntu. But even in Ubuntu it always seemed to break something when I'd install them. I think last time I tried it, it messed with the wireless/bluetooth functionality.

    Anyway, I only have a laptop, but yeah. Feel free to ask me anything. 009 uses Linux as well IIRC. Honestly I haven't had much trouble at all; I even installed Mint on my technically illiterate sister's laptop for college, and she finds it easier to use than Windows. I've done the same for a couple friends. Speaking of which, I would not recommend using Slackware in the current era; unless you're very dedicated, very interested in how operating systems work (in which case you'd probably prefer LFS or Gentoo), and/or in a mood to compose a lot of scripts, I'd recommend Linux Mint or Fedora (haven't used it, but it seems fine) or something along those lines.
    Heh, that's kind of what I liked about Slackware. It felt like I had a lot more control over the system. But it is kind of a drain to have to learn so much just to use a computer.

    Potential problems with Linux: 1) Software incompatibility: Some programs just won't work with Linux, notably Microsoft Office and Adobe products. There exist alternatives; whether these alternatives are sufficient depends on the user's needs. Personally, I don't do graphic design, so I don't need Photoshop; Libreoffice has been good for college, though there still exist incompatibilities especially with Microsoft's Powerpoint files. You can also use Office Online or whatever it's called through a web browser. 2) Missing Drivers: For most people (i.e. you're running a computer you bought somewhere or you built with standard consumer parts), if they have this issue nowadays, it'll be with wireless. Often you can find drivers online somewhere, though, or perhaps you can use USB wireless if you're willing to go that route. Graphics have seen huge improvements in recent years. Other drivers are generally easy to install, or, more likely, included with the kernel (i.e. "just works"). I don't think most users have this problem, though. 3) Subpar UX: May be a problem if you're coming from Apple? IDK, I don't use it or find its desktop particularly nice-looking, but I won't deny a lot of desktop environments look janky. That being said a Windows user doesn't have much to complain about. 4) Difficulty figuring out how to do things on a Unix-y system: Lots of things still don't have GUIs, or good GUIs, and if you look online for help or instructions on something, the instructions will be for a terminal emulator -- since, once you get used to it, it's far easier to use than any GUI. Some people are scared of text, though, so that can be a psychological deterrent. There's also occasionally difficulty adapting to different software -- if you want to look at a PDF, you won't be able to use Acrobat or whatever; you'll use Okular or Evince or something else. And of course there's the fact that if something goes wrong, not knowing how to fix it can be scary (though this can be mitigated through use of forums -- most issues are common; as well as by experience).
    Ah yes, wireless. I've always had problems with wireless. Either it's flaky and cuts in and out or it gets broken when I install other stuff. Slackware used to use some kind of wrapper that used the Windows driver and did some magic to it, but it wouldn't always work and when it did the wireless would cut in and out for no reason. I think installing the Nvidia proprietary drivers in Ubuntu broke the wireless drivers for me too. I don't really understand why. I know that Linux support isn't all the great for hardware diversity, but it's a big deterrent when I have to spend money on something I already have just to get it working.

    I'd recommend giving it a shot. Maybe install Mint or something to a USB and see how that goes, and if you can see yourself using it. Also keep in mind the possibility of dual-booting if you can't or don't want to ditch Windows entirely.
    I think I'd only try it again if I could make sure that everything is going to work. I'd probably go all AMD and make sure all the drivers are going to work for what I want. I think steam supports better windows/Linux portability with Proton. I remember reading awhile back about how the new OpenGL libraries are cross-platform with Windows or something like that making it easy to run native Windows games in Linux. I've also heard somebody got really nice bluetooth support to work in Linux where they could choose what codecs they wanted to use and such. One downside to windows is I'm limited to AptX for some reason...and I'd like to use LDAC or choose from low latency codecs.

    edit: But I also really like running Netflix on my computer and being limited to 720p or 1080p on linux kind of sucks. I guess it's not a huge deal, since I could just use the smart functions in my tv, but I like to change up the screen real-estate depending on what I'm doing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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