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Thread: Do ESFps have ANY redeeming qualities?!

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  1. #9
    Join Date
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    @calm duality is not the garantee for perfect relationships. Why do you associate with wrecking balls in the first place? It sounds like you choose the most fucked up SEEs, the ones that make you suffer; and then you whine(from your post you sound like an inert "ultra victim" ILI-Ni to me). Why do you want to live at 100mph if you're afraid of speed?

    I also felt like SLIs were bottomless Fi pits until I started associating with the ones that have a compatible subtype(inert subtype instead of contact subtype)/instinct stacking and were just nice people in general.

    Edit: the story with your father sucks tho
    Edit 2: "I once told him I was in a bad situation, he showed no concern ("Gotta go, you're being too negative")" I also ghosted several SLIs that did that to me. You having problems should not be used as justification to force me to 'care' or 'show concern' in a way you decide. That's what Nietzsche would call slave morality :

    In master morality, individuals define what is good based on whether it benefits that person and their pursuit of self-defined personal excellence; the strong-willed man values such things as good because they aid him in a life-long process of self-actualization through the will to power.
    According to Nietzsche, masters are creators of morality; slaves respond to master morality with their slave morality. Unlike master morality, which is sentiment, slave morality is based on re-sentiment—devaluing that which the master values and the slave does not have. As master morality originates in the strong, slave morality originates in the weak. Because slave morality is a reaction to oppression, it vilifies its oppressors. Slave morality is the inverse of master morality. As such, it is characterized by pessimism and cynicism. Slave morality is created in opposition to what master morality values as "good".
    Slave morality does not aim at exerting one's will by strength, but by careful subversion. It does not seek to transcend the masters, but to make them slaves as well.
    If they are not nice with you, it means they don't want to be nice. Just get yourself what you want out of life. If you want someone who cares in the way you want, quit hanging out with people like that; quit bitchin' whithout changin'
    Last edited by lkdhf qkb; 09-16-2020 at 09:31 AM.

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