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Thread: I HATE my duals!!!

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  1. #11
    Disbelief Jung
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    Feb 2017
    Heavenly & Spiritual
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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    That was a response to her targeting me. Again, in my first post, I was just saying:

    Where do you see disrespect here? To which she responded:

    I can clearly sense some snarky sarcasm, can't you?

    Then she posted:

    So I ask you again, who is disrespectful?

    I never criticised her faith (I don't think @Duschia did either, she was pointing what Jung thought of the Bible), and was specifically answering to the fact that she was insinuating that I don't care about Fi when she's the one aggravating relationships in this thread by arguing and accusing others instead of trying to calm down and listen to other people. So let's not become hypocrits and blame the one defending himself. What you call "being disrespectful" I call being honest, and what you call "Tommy being argumentative" I call Tommy insulting other people.

    I understand that Tommy feels threatened that other people don't believe in the Bible and promote a non-theistic worldview but that doesn't give her the right to lash out and be aggressive.
    You came to mock me it in chat first (and then you came to apologize), and after you did it in random thread too, where nanashi and duschia went rampant and then you went to mock about religious Delta ppl and then you came here AGAIN to say that the approach I was talking is not Fi but So first. Then its YOU the one who's retyping me due my religious convictions (and mocking me in two other occassions before) and then you came to say that I'm being sarcastic, and to say "oh, leave me alone" really?

    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    Haaa, SJs and "God", always the same story. Got told last time by an SLI friend and her LSE husband that "I'll end up in hell". They didn't make a distinction between the dream world, which feeds our imagination, and reality. Wanting to believe something doesn't make it true; stories don't tell us something about the world, but about ourselves. There is no more empiric evidence for any paradise or God than there is for Narnia in my wardrobe, so from my perspective it's completely irrational to start behaving like there was. Yet people choose to devoutly follow not what they can deduce from their perceptions but what appeals to their primitive intuitive cloud cuckoo land. I sometimes get a feeling of being in contact with a higher reality, a 'divine' dimension of human existence and of the world. I think this is part of being human, instead of projecting that feeling onto some higher entity.

    It's easy to fall prey to holy books, people or teachings when one is insecure about one's own judgement and afraid to be wrong; it feels sooo good when you can delude yourself into believing you have understood the order, the fate and rules of your own existence. And yet, in the face of the unknown, one cannot but feel that any knowledge is built on empty assumptions. To fight this 'fundamental doubt', people start participating in rituals like praying, diets, commemorations, festivities and so on. Gradually, people lives are so entagled in a religion that it's not about the truth or the faith anymore. It becomes about a way of life, about the antidote to the emptiness of existence. Ultimately, it becomes easier to reject any criticism than to have to question one's entire lifestyle and reassuring bedtime stories.

    I think one has a lot to learn from spiritual texts, as long as one retains a critical mind and stays in a relationship of equals with them. Real faith doesn't exist without doubt, strength without moments of weakness, courage without fear. I admire people that believe that "God has plans for them" despite all the hardships of life, I really do. That's the faith of the strong, the faith in hope. Personally, I prefer to believe that nothing is perfect, unchanging or absolute, not even a "God".

    Yet, I'm looking for higher love. I just don't think it's outside of me, some extraneous God. If I can feel it, what difference does it make anyway?
    theres someone being clearly sarcastic, easily triggered, feeling threatened and harassing ppl over and over and ITS NOT ME. If the above post is you "never criticising my faith" I wonder what it is. Mb its just you being "honest" and I really hope that you are not so hijacked in your own self righteousness that you forget that I also have the right to be "honest" and I don't have to stay quiet when ppl harass me in sneaky (like in this thread) or open ways over and over. If you feel triggered or threatened by what I think or believe, I'm sorry but is not my fault. I'm not going to stay quiet about my beliefs or convictions when you quote me just to make you feel good about your own.

    Have a good day and please leave me in peace (aka alone). I will do the same.
    I really hope you'll be able to do so!
    Last edited by Faith; 10-20-2020 at 05:50 PM.

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