Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
I’m openly liberal and non-religious and Tommy has never been argumentative with me. Maybe if people could just not target others in such a disrespectful way?? I don’t think it’s her going out of her way to be inflammatory lol.
That was a response to her targeting me. Again, in my first post, I was just saying:
I'm a agnostic. What @Tommy describes sounds like a sx-last stacking relationship. Relating through social values and beliefs, worldviews and communities in common. I don't think it has anything to do with duality.
Where do you see disrespect here? To which she responded:

If you think ethics of relations is not important in a relationship and you look for someone to make you feel emotions (as you said before) then mb you are not even IEE.
Also there's no logical relation between ethics of relations (Fi) being important in a relationship and being sx last, lol.
I can clearly sense some snarky sarcasm, can't you?

Then she posted:
Your whole attitude is prosecuting religious ppl just like some of the ppl you mentioned. Don't be such an hypocrite. And where did I insulted you btw? Calling you narcissistic because you think I care about your type is not an insult, is self evident. Your whole attitude is so out of place and contradictory that you are not even worthy to be read, honestly (as I said, which is also not an insult, neither telling you to grow up, because you are acting like a teen).
You can stop addressing whenever you want if you think that I "disrespect" you. I remind you that is not me the one who come to mess around with you due your convictions, but you, and its not the first time you do it.
So I ask you again, who is disrespectful?

I never criticised her faith (I don't think @Duschia did either, she was pointing what Jung thought of the Bible), and was specifically answering to the fact that she was insinuating that I don't care about Fi when she's the one aggravating relationships in this thread by arguing and accusing others instead of trying to calm down and listen to other people. So let's not become hypocrits and blame the one defending himself. What you call "being disrespectful" I call being honest, and what you call "Tommy being argumentative" I call Tommy insulting other people.

I understand that Tommy feels threatened that other people don't believe in the Bible and promote a non-theistic worldview but that doesn't give her the right to lash out and be aggressive.