Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
@Tommy, I was only interested in what you thought, not in interpreting the Bible for my own purposes. As you know, people read the Bible all the time yet come to some pretty different conclusions — same with Jung (I have to confess I’m no clearer on what you think given what you quoted). If you thought that Fe was defective or insufficient in the Christian context, or something like that, that would be a very interesting idea, and would merit discussion.
There were a school subject in my country called "logic" which was suddenly and without any explanation removed. I'm wondering if something similar is happening in another places in the world, and if there's no emphasis in reader's comprehension in american schools or in other countries educational systems due how many times I've had to explain ppl in here that A means A and not B and not C and similar things. Idk if its something educational or cultural or if ppl is simply getting more superficial and cheeky. Or mb its just a Ti way of clowning around. Idk.

In the tests I had to present when I was a kid there were always reader's comprehension parts where basic questions were made, such as who, why, where, what and more complex questions to make sure that we could grasp or get the ideas in the texts so there were no need of looking for the author and asking repeatedly about the same stuff.

For understanding the Bible or other texts there are hermeneutics.

Anyway, just to satiate your curiosity, the Bible is calling ppl to a balance between the objective and the subjective. For example, Jesus called ppl to have community (Fe) but a community that was not seen as positive or good in the eyes of society (not Fe). A community in prosecution which was not accomodated (in Jung terms) at all. As I already explained above, the love Jesus preached in the N.T. was not based in the reality of objects (Fe) but on more subjective and less reasonable one (objectively speaking in Jung terms), coming merely from something intangible and individual as faith. If you ask me I think you can see all the IEs during the whole Bible in different periods, manifestations and circumstances. There would be a difference if we try to look for IEs in Christianity by looking in the Bible or by looking for it in contemporary christianity or modern churches as Jung did. Gulenko spoke about the clock of socion which is basically the human history through the quadra values, and I think the same can be seen in the Bible in both, historical values and spiritual ways. To being able to fully understand it would be necessary for you to read the Bible, there's a lot that can't be discussed or written in this way and obviously you won't understand much if you just limit yourself to read texts from third parties.