Quote Originally Posted by Surreal View Post
For the interview, I'm curious about that woman's (redhead) type. I've seen a bunch of ppl who looked like her, and I have no idea how to type them.
@Surreal, I typed her progressively.

First, she’s amazingly hot, so that narrows it down for me to duals, near-duals, and logical sensors. Hot, but too sharp-featured to be a Dual, and I got an Alpha or Beta (LSI?) or Delta Si impression.

Next, I watched her face throughout the interview until I could match her expressions with those of women whose types I believe I know, either in real life or on line.

Finally, I’m pretty confident that she is an SEI-Fe. Because she matches the unique expressions of a woman I work with. And SEI-Fe’s have EXACTLY the same function strengths as my Duals, the ESI-Fi’s.