Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
Then good luck with some Te-EJ where it´ll end in shouting matches. You´re complaining about minor hiccups. Not saying "thanks" is not Fe polr, many Fe polr are quite kind and docile people in a relaxed environment.
Lol I don't get where you get all your assumptions from? I never said that Te-EJs are better for me or that all ILIs or SLIs are hopeless; I never even said I wouldn't date one. I wrote "I wonder sometimes how a dual relationship with SLIs is supposed to work if they can't make me feel anything". In general, SLIs are really cool, I never condemned the whole type, and there are definitely individual differences in how good they are with Fi/Fe. I caricatured a bit on purpose in my previous posts, so that people get the point. I don't really get why you're triggered when I say they should work on their Fi/Fe ? Fi/Fe is not really the biggest deal in IEE-SLI dual relationships anyway; it's Ne/Si. Might be different for LIE/ESI though

Not saying "thanks" is not Fe polr, but not expressing emotions is(in this case it would be gratitude); don't get fixated on the specific form it takes. Btw, I choose the standards I want for my relationships, what might be "minor hiccups" for you are red flags for me. It's as simple as that. If that doesn't conform to the schema you have, you can just go mind your own business