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Thread: Amazing 1983 Prophecy: Donald Trump will lead America back to God

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  1. #1
    Tzuyu's Avatar
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    p-p-please spare me @End -kun, not everyone can take your massive K selected divine thundercock O//w//O im so sorry for bothering you with my genetic inferiority, probably wasn’t reading correctly with my chinky r selected eyes! you can indoctrinate me anytime daddy, in the meantime, gonna kill some leftoids and SJWs tehee

  2. #2
    End's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snek View Post
    p-p-please spare me @End -kun, not everyone can take your massive K selected divine thundercock O//w//O im so sorry for bothering you with my genetic inferiority, probably wasn’t reading correctly with my chinky r selected eyes! you can indoctrinate me anytime daddy, in the meantime, gonna kill some leftoids and SJWs tehee
    You're misunderstanding me, but you made me chuckle a bit so hey bonus.

    In and of themselves, r and K selection are just adaptations to the environment that make the most sense from a biological/genetic standpoint. They aren't "right" or "wrong", they are simply "the winning play" in a given environment. Of course, you win right up until you don't after all. Hence why it's a cycle. Each strategy invariably creates the conditions that allow the other to attain ascendancy right before it'd become a set path for the species if we assume we're dealing with sentience. Humans are, essentially, the only animal currently in existence on this planet for whom the path hasn't already been set and decided upon long ago.

    I mentioned Bonobos and Chimpanzees. Funny thing is, that's a perfect example of the "same" species having settled for different/opposite selection strategies. Both are "set" in their selection strategy, but a twist of fate allowed both to continue on and survive whereas for pretty much every other species the "loser" was completely culled and is now thus long forgotten. Though you may see a rare mutant appear to serve as an "If" scenario. Like, for example, what if squirrels went down the K-selected path? They'd be quite beefy, eat nuts by the ton, and kick the weak among them "THIS! IS! SPARTA!" style out of the tree for daring to try to raid their stash.

    I actually saw one like that. Killed some other squirrel by doing just that in squirrel terms. Actually managed to scare off the dogs and cats in the area into giving it a fair berth. Sadly, he never seemed to attain a mate. Guess he was just too "Chad" for those weaklings to handle.

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